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As the first mission of Sniper Elite: Resistance, Behind Enemy Lines is also one of its smallest. There’s only really two key areas in the map, and you’ll be using your time at the dam to get used to sniping and sneaking as Harry Hawker.
Despite that, there are more than a few alternate routes you can take, and you might miss the game’s earliest workbench. Here’s how you take down the dam in Resistance’s first chapter.
Pressurize The Dam
Although your first objective will be listed as Neutralize The Flak Batteries, your first goal is actually to pressurize the dam by heading down beneath it. You’ll be dealing with the flak cannons later in the level.
This level only has one starting point, the Observation Tower. From here, Harry has clear lines of sight to practically the entire level. Using your binoculars, sweep the area and tag as many enemies as possible, taking note of two key targets:
- On the far left, there is a wooden platform with a sniper on it. Take him out before you proceed to the dam, as he can pick you off from a distance. There are also snipers on the lower walkways on the dam, but they are less critical to kill.
- As soon as the level loads, look to the right of the dam to see a jeep with four enemies coming down the hill. They will park up in the small bundle of buildings to the bottom right, and from there are within range to hear you fire. Take them out first to give you the freedom to pick off the rest.

There are enemies not just on the dam, but also on the walkways at the bottom of the dam, and up on the Flak Batteries. There are also enemies to the far right.
Once you’ve safely taken out all the enemies you can scout out, climb down the tower via the pipes and wires, and Harry will slide down a hill onto a platform overlooking the dam. Staying crouched, sneak behind the enemy here and take him out with a melee kill. Search him for resources and then either boobytrap his body or throw him into the ravine.
Remaining on the platform, look to your right at the bottom of the dam to see two large pipes. To the right of each are control panels – shoot both of them with your rifle to pressurise the dam, completing your first objective.
Neutralize The Flak Batteries
Now you can get to work on the mission’s main objective. From the platform overlooking the dam, turn right and climb up the grates and pipes. You’ll now be in the buildings where the jeep was parking up earlier.
While Harry says you can go loud if you want, it’s better to head into the barn right in front of you first. Instead of rushing up the stairs, grab the crowbar on the box and use it to quietly prey the planks off the hole in the wall to your left. This opens up access to the first workbench in the game, giving you a few upgrades to your pistol.
If you didn’t take out all the enemies here earlier, some may hear you prying the planks or climbing up the stairs, so take it slowly and use melee kills to take out any enemies you see.
One will set up in the destroyed building opposite the barn, and can be difficult to see from a distance. He can see your approach from any angle, whether it’s through the barn or up the stairs to the right.
Head up the hill, and you’ll come to a fork in the road. You can either climb the vines, follow the road up the hill, or go through the bunker. Going up the vines and following the road take you to the same place, so head in to the bunker.
In the bunker, you can grab a pair of bolt cutters and lock pick a box to get ammunition and other resources. Carry on up the stairs, and you’ll come out at the top of the cliff where you picked off three enemies earlier.
On the roof of this building, you can find a silenced gwehr rifle that has a much smaller sound range than your current one. This lets you pick off any other enemies on the dam that you missed the first time. You’ll also see a zipline down to the walkway on the dam, but don’t use it yet.
On the far side of the dam, you’ll see two soldiers stood beneath a crane. Shoot the crane for an easy environmental double kill.
Instead, you’re going to sneak over to the first flak battery, making sure to pick up a satchel charge on the road along the way. Climb up the stairs, and Harry will point out you could make one flak cannon shoot the other.
Whether you do this is up to you, but it is much easier if you do. Instead of putting the satchel charge on this cannon, go to the other side of it and use the prompt to fire it. This will blow up the flak cannon on the other side of the dam, alerting any soldiers in the area to investigate.
Now you’ve destroyed one, attach your satchel charge to the flak cannon you’re at and set a long or short fuse. Get some distance from it before it blows, and you’ll successfully complete the main objective. Now it’s time to exfiltrate.
This is where your time spent picking off enemies at the start of the level pays off. You can safely progress along the dam in one of three ways:
- Go back to the roof you picked up the silenced rifle on, and take the zipline down to the walkway. There are very few enemies here, making it the safest way to get across and climb the ladders on the far side.
- Go over the main road of the dam, using cover as you go. You may encounter some soldiers left over, but you’ll also find lots of resources to fight them.
- The right path tucked behind the dam. It has lots of cover, but you’ll need to climb back up to the main road before the end.
On the other side of the dam, you’ll come across two guards patrolling the exfiltration area. Their patterns are easy to predict, so wait for ones back to be turned before melee killing the other, or just shoot them with your pistol.
You’re now safe to get to the van and exfiltrate, completing the mission. As long as you found the workbench in the barn, you’ll have every collectible in the mission.

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