Best Gods In Smite 2, Ranked By Tier

Best Gods In Smite 2, Ranked By Tier

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There are an incredible amount of Gods to choose from in Smite 2, each bringing their own extremely unique plethora of powers and abilities. Each God fulfills one of the five roles, with most of them capable of filling a variety of roles, depending on how they’re played and built.


Smite 2: All Aspects And How To Use Them

The diversity of the gods

While just about every God is viable if you’re willing to put in the work to understand how they work, particularly as part of a team, some are going to be stronger straight out of the box than others. Those higher-strength Gods might not always be particularly easy to play, but when played right, they can be highly effective.

Smite 2 is currently in Early Access – the details below may change significantly over time!

How These Characters Are Ranked

Danzaburou and his clones attack an enemy in Smite 2.

As with any competitive game and any ranked list, there’s going to be an element of subjectivity. Some characters are going to shine more in certain players’ hands than in others.

But there’s also an objective element, too. Most of the characters ranked highly on this list are capable of either doing many different things effectively or one job so particularly well that they usually outpace other characters attempting to do the same thing.

None of this is to say the characters in the lower tiers are useless or will always lose in a situation against a character higher up on this list. But, with two players of equal skill and even circumstances, characters that are higher up on this list are usually going to be at an advantage.

S-Tier Gods

Characters in the S-Tier are the Gods that are going to improve any team that they’re a part of.

Sobek and Ra in particular are easy to fit into many different team compositions, because they’re capable of fitting into multiple roles without needing to massage them into place.

For Ra’s part, he’ll need his God Aspect, Aspect of Thermotherapy, to be able to properly play the Support role.

A-Tier Gods

Characters in the A-Tier are not far below the S-Tier characters. They’re still extremely effective Gods and can make up the bulk of a very difficult team to defeat.


General Role



Support | Jungle

Athena is that perfect combination of effective and easy-to-use, with uncomplicated abilities and mechanics that are useful without planning around them.



Geb cannot be taken down in one hit, no matter how much damage the opposing ability is meant to do; combined with his impeccable tanking abilities, he’s a force to be reckoned with.


Carry | Middle

Fighting against a good Zeus makes for a difficult match, with his constant barrages of lightning and extra damage dealt by his passive ability.



Thanatos is more effective the more aggressive he is, making him perfect for ambushing foes that are on their last legs.


Support | Middle

Aphrodite excels with a teammate near her, with a range of abilities that will make both of them more effective.


Carry | Middle

Cupid has an easy time powering up his abilities into essentially supercharged versions, ensuring he gets a lot out of every single use.


Middle | Support

Hecate is both a fantastic defensive God, and a fantastic offensive God, offering great zone control in both instances.


Jungle | Solo

Nemesis shines especially well with her God Aspect, which can bring her back from the brink of death and deal outrageous damage to her enemy.


Support | Jungle | Solo

Cabrakan is capable of a lot of things, but his greatest strength comes in his ability to simply stay alive in very difficult situations.


Carry | Jungle

Danzaburou can both deal a huge amount of damage, and sow a lot of chaos, with his ability to clone himself multiple times.



Loki is at his best when he can consistently ambush his enemies, dealing increased damage due to his passive ability.



Thor and Loki are both exceptional in the Jungle, but rather than ambushing, Thor is more powerful the more enemies surround him.



Yemoja is capable of some of the easiest and most consistent healing in the game, making her easy to use and extremely effective at Support.

A few characters in this tier very nearly made it into the S-Tier, and an argument could be made to put them there. Largely, this tier has a bulk of characters in it, while the S-Tier has fewer characters for each role.

You cannot go wrong choosing any of these Gods, and they’re going to be able to be effective in most people’s hands. Some of them, like Thanatos, can be a bit more difficult to use. But when wielded properly, Thanatos becomes a force and grows in strength throughout the match until he’s nearly unstoppable without help.

B-Tier Gods

The characters in this tier don’t have many marks against them. Many of them nearly made it into the A-Tier, with the differences mostly being in either versatility or peak value.


General Role


Baron Samedi

Middle | Solo | Support

Baron Samedi is dealt less damage to the enemies that he’s attacking, making him a solid choice for any of the three roles he generally fills.



Bellona has a wide variety of abilities, and her passive ability does a lot of heavy lifting, buffing her in various ways, depending on the weapon she’s currently using.


Support | Solo

Bacchus can be difficult to slow down once he gets on a roll, with abilities that get stronger the more he drinks.



Cernunnos can have a wide variety of effects, especially when he uses his God Aspect, Aspect of Strife, to make his Basic Attack much more powerful.



Anhur is especially effective when facing off against one God for an extended period of time, either slowly chipping away at their Protection or gaining faster attack speed.



Chaac can very easily heal himself and deal solid damage at the same time, making him difficult to deal with in any situation where he can dictate the terms.


Solo | Middle

Hades can spread a Blight effect with his passive ability, and that Blight makes all of his abilities, but especially his Devour Souls ability, much more effective.


Solo | Jungle

Hercules can damage and heal in equal measure, undoing damage enemies deal him with his Mitigate Wounds healing a percentage of his damage taken.



Agni’s Basic Attacks make certain abilities more powerful, making it easy for him to light enemies on fire, creating a damage-over-time (DoT) effect.


Middle | Solo

Anubis can deal consistent ticks of ability damage, all while gaining a noticeable Lifesteal percentage as his health starts to decline.

Hua Mulan


A skilled Hua Mulan is going to become significantly stronger than her enemies by the latter half of the match by enhancing her weapons throughout the match.


Middle | Carry

Medusa is one of the most maneuverable Gods there is, and her Petrify ability can turn enemies into stone; destroying a stone enemy gains her a permanent buff of Strength and Intelligence.


Jungle | Solo

Mordred is one of the more difficult characters to use to his fullest, but a good Mordred will be buffing himself incessantly while debuffing his enemies.


Middle | Carry

Neith’s abilities revolve around her Weaves; detonating these Weaves impedes enemies and gives Neith a noticeable buff.


Solo | Jungle

When it might seem like you’ve got Pele on the ropes, she gets stronger, with considerable buffs when below 50 percent health.



Poseidon builds up Tide through attacking, and a Poseidon with considerable Tide built up can be difficult to deal with.



Vulcan’s turrets can take some of the heat off him when supported right, and will be consistently chunking away not-insubstantial damage to enemies.

Nu Wa


Nu Wa is capable of quite a bit of zone control, and in that area, she excels; she can also root enemies with consistency, making it difficult for enemies to maneuver.

There’s nothing wrong with characters in this tier, they just don’t necessarily have a giant strength that pushes them to the next level. Characters like Medusa, Mordred, and Hua Mulan can become forces of nature when played well, but it takes a bit to get there, and during a rough match, they are not going to dig your team out of a hole.

C-Tier Gods

Characters in this tier are far from useless, but they can be narrowly focused or else insubstantially powered when compared to other Gods with similar strengths.


General Role



Solo | Support

When an ally is playing on Ares’ hip, great things can happen with Ares’ aura buffs; but without this benefit, his other abilities don’t add great value.



Amaterasu can deal good damage, especially when making use of her passive ability, but she doesn’t have incredible potential, compared to many alternatives.


Jungle | Support

Fenrir can be a fun choice, and a smart rotation of his abilities can yield good results, but up against some of the stronger opponents, his Lifesteal might not be able to keep up.


Carry | Middle

Izanami can deal great damage, and she can empower her Basic Attacks to cause a bleeding effect; but she isn’t well-rounded or strong enough to break out of this tier.



Khepri is not a bad Support God; it’s just that most other Support Gods have a higher ceiling than he has. That said, his ability to revive allies can save your team from significant losses.



Kukulkan can deal some good damage, but is largely one-dimensional, and that strength is often not enough to forego the possibilities other Gods bring along with them.


Middle | Carry

Sol is the rare multi-faceted God in this tier; when managed well, she can hold her own, but she is going to suffer when enemies knock her out of her rhythm.



Susano is very mobile and can debuff enemies with ease, but he can lack power and versatility compared to other Gods in the same role.

The Morrigan


The Morrigan has a great passive ability that makes her Basic Attack one of the best around, but her lackluster abilities around this let her down a bit.

Characters in this tier can still be used to great effect, in the right hands. A player who understands exactly how to get the most out of characters like Izanami, Sol, or Fenrir can elevate a team.

But in most hands, and against players of similar skill levels using a different character, these Gods can occasionally let you down.

D-Tier Gods

For the most part, Smite 2 seems to be particularly well-balanced, and just about every character can find a time to shine, in the right situation, or with the right teammates.

That’s still true for these characters. But, this tier brings with it the characters that have the narrowest use cases and are going to be outshined in virtually every scenario you’re going to run into with regularity.


General Role


Jing Wei


Jing Wei has some of the best mobility of any God in the game, but she has limited damage potential, which is especially detrimental to a Carry.


Jungle | Solo

Odin is not useless, but he simply does not have enough going on to push him further; his passive ability does not come into effect often enough, and his active abilities don’t quite have enough synergy.



Ymir’s passive ability is similar to Cabrakan’s, though Ymir’s does not extend to allies; Ymir also lacks any meaningful form of self-sustainability beyond this.

Picking these characters does not mean you’re throwing the match, and they can certainly be contributing members of a winning lineup. But, in almost every scenario, that win would have come easier with an alternative pick.

Ymir in particular has difficulty being justified as a pick. His ultimate does increase his value slightly, with it being capable of great damage, but the fact that he needs to channel for three seconds to achieve that damage means he’s going to have to create a situation where an enemy can’t simply move away from him.


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