South of Midnight – the upcoming title from We Happy Few developer Compulsion Games – has landed itself a release date.
As shared during this evening’s Xbox Developer Direct, the game will launch across PC and Xbox Series X/S (including Game Pass) on 8th April.
Along with this date, the studio also gave a good look at a new story trailer for South of Midnight, which you can see below.
The developer has gone into more detail about what to expect on South of Midnight’s release in a new blog post.
In the above trailer, we got a little peep at Haints, an enemy class Hazel will come up against during the game which comes “in many forms”. Hazel will need to use her weaving powers along with various other magical tools to “unravel the corruption afflicting these creatures and the environment around them, and return the area to reality”.
We also got a look at Huggin’ Molly – that spider lady – who looks as monstrous as she does quite captivating thanks to the game’s artstyle.
Huggin’ Molly’s “dress is a quilt patchwork made from children’s clothes and her trademark red yarn that she spins like a web,” the developer elaborates on this new mythical character. “Folks say Huggin’ Molly still ventures out of her mountain lair to snatch random children that wander off from town. But everyone seems to tell a different version of Molly’s story.”
Another creature shown was the shapeshifting were-owl, The Rougarou.

South of Midnight was first revealed in June 2023, with an eye-catching and atmospheric stop motion trailer set in an alternate version of the American Deep South.
Last November, the studio released a half hour documentary all about its upcoming game, looking further into South of Midnight’s world, creatures and representation.
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