Where To Find Leather In Palworld

How To Beat Azel And Orserk In Palworld

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Palworld’s mechanics, like any other roaming survival RPG, rely heavily on your ability to collect and utilize special resources from around the map. While some of these resources, like wood, stone, and Paldium are easy to locate and collect, others, like Pal-specific drops, can be a little more confusing.


Palworld: How To Get Honey

Here is how to get Honey in Palworld.

Luckily, Leather
is one of the simplest Pal drops to obtain, and is readily available to you even in the game’s earliest stages. Leather drops from a wide array of Pals, can be found organically as random drops around the world and can be bought from merchants, making it one of the most abundant resources you can obtain.

Updated on January 17, 2025, by Eva Csaki: We have returned to this guide to update the list of Pals that drop Leather and the best Pals to take with you when you’re Leather hunting.

How To Get Leather

Palworld:  An image of the player character getting leather after a successful Rushboar hunt

Since you need Leather for many crafting recipes throughout the game’s stages, Leather is one of the more easily obtained resources you can acquire. If you’re struggling to get Leather, there are four main methods you can use to get more.

Buy Leather From Merchants

Palworld: An image of the Merchant shop menu with Leather highlighted in the shop screen

Merchants and Wandering Merchants both sell valuable crafting resources in their shops. Some merchants, like the one you will find in the Small Settlement, even sell Leather.

You can buy Leather for 150 Gold coins. While 150 Gold isn’t an exorbitant amount if you have a Gold Farm, the price can add up quickly if your main source of Leather comes from Merchants. You can’t assign any Pals to the Ranch to farm Leather as of yet.

However, if you have Pals that drop Gold (like Mau and Mau Cryst) you can use the Gold they drop to buy Leather from the Merchants. This is currently the only way the Ranch can help with Leather production.

Source Leather From Pals

Palworld: The player character fights a group of Rushboar to harvest their leather

Leather is one of the most common Pal drops in Palworld and you’ll get Leather organically as you catch and kill Pals on your journey.

The most reliable way to get Leather is to farm it by slaying Pals such as Fuack, Rushoar, Direhowl, and Foxparks, which drop Leather at a high drop rate.

Luckily, these Pals can be found pretty early on in your adventures, and spawn at lower levels, making them easy targets.

Direhowl travel in packs, so the best way to get Leather quickly is to hunt Direhowl packs and harvest the Leather from each slain pack member.

If you don’t have the heart to kill Pals in the wild, don’t worry, you’ll still get Pal drops when you catch Pals rather than kill them. Load up on Pal-spheres and capture as many Leather-dropping Pals as you can, so you get lots of Leather and bonus EXP.

While this list is subject to change, here are some of the Pals we know drop Leather:

If you’re going to hunt Pals for Leather, bring Katress along with you. Katress’s Partner Skill doubles the drops that you get from killing and catching Neutral Pals. Neutral Pals like Vixy are some of the most common Pals to drop Leather.

Where To Farm Leather

Because they tend to travel in large groups, Direhowl and Rushoar are the two best Pals to farm for Leather. It helps that they are both abundant on virtually all Pal islands, and they tend to spawn at lower levels.

Direhowl and Rushoar also spawn in the exact same locations at night as they do during the day.

Rushoar spawns on the spawn island in a straight line up the middle from the coordinates (894, -551) to (76, -309). If you draw and follow a line between these coordinates, you will easily be able to find where Rushoar spawns.

Direhowl are also abundant on the spawn island, and they spawn along the western shore of the island. If you draw a line from (4, -548) to (-18, -378), you can follow that line and find Direhowl in these spots.

You can always check your Paldeck for Pal locations for both the daytime and nighttime. The Paldeck map will update as you fill in your player map, and will reveal more locations where Pals can spawn as you explore. You can see the spawn map for any Pal that you have caught before.

Katress is the best Partner Pal to bring with you when you go farming for Leather-dropping Pals.

Loot Leather From The Environment

Palworld: An image of the player character looting leather that was found laying on the ground

Sometimes, you’ll find Leather lying in random areas on the ground as you explore the map. It will also occasionally spawn as random loot and shine in the light, like Paldium, Pal Spheres, and Arrows.

You can also run into the odd Leather drop after coming upon Direhowl hunting grounds, Pals killed by other Pals, or Pals slain by Faction members.

If you want to get Leather, but don’t want to fight for it, scope out a faction base and wait for them to take care of the Pals in the area, then swoop in and grab the loot.

What Is Leather Used For?

Palworld: An image of the player hunting Fuack for leather

Because it’s such an abundant and important resource, Leather is used in a high percentage of crafting recipes throughout Palworld’s crafting categories.

You’ll most need Leather when creating or repairing clothing and armor, but you’ll occasionally need it to craft other items, too.

Here’s a list of some things you’ll need Leather to craft.

Most craftable items can be crafted at a Primitive Workbench or any upgraded version of the workbench, but Pal Gear will always be crafted at the Pal Gear Workbench.

You will also need a steady supply of Leather to repair damaged equipment, weapons, and armor at the Repair Bench. You can’t repair any items without having the correct amount of resources to craft that item.


Palworld: How To Get Wool And Cloth

Here is how to get Wool and Cloth in Palworld.

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