Final Fantasy 15 has a lot of large monsters to fight throughout the main game and the optional hunts. For those who are continuing to play the game after being the main story and exploring the open world again, you’ll find a few new secret bosses to take on, one of which being the Adamantoise.
While this may not be the most challenging fight in the game, it by far has the highest health bar and will take players many hours to beat. Here are some tips on how to prepare and fight this boss to hopefully speed up the process.

How to Get Gil Fast in Final Fantasy 15
Here are a few methods players can use to quickly acquire Gil in Final Fantasy 15 in order to complete the latest Xbox Game Pass quest.
Prepare Ahead of Time
This one should go without saying, but because it’s so important, we’re saying it anyway – make sure you’re stocked up on all of the hi-potions, elixirs, and mega phoenixes you can get your hands on. You’ll also want to make sure you’re at a very high level, ideally 99 to maximize our damage and defense and cut almost an hour off the fight.
Also, focus purely on Attack when choosing the clothes and accessories for your party. With enough potions, you won’t need an incredibly high HP bar since you’ll have more than enough time to heal after getting attacked. While your party members will be useful, focus your best gear on Noctis to maximize his damage.
Equip everyone with the Jacket-less options or the Kingsglaive gear from the final chapter of the game.
Invest AP in Warp Strike Powers
Warp striking is by far the most effective way of dealing with Adamantoise. While the boss does have a weakness to Ice magic, its HP pool is so gigantic that even using multicast Blizzaga spells will only make a small dent in its health, and it’s very cost-inefficient to do this for an entire battle given the cooldown on magic abilities. Instead, having the Warp Strike ability that guarantees a critical hit when Warp Striking from close range and reducing the MP cost of phasing is vitally important. Chaining Warp Strikes together in mid-air is the best way to chip away at Adamantoise’s health.
It’s In The Eyes
Whether you’re using Wait Mode or Active Mode, taking the time to aim at the right body parts of Adamantoise will both speed the fight along and deal maximum damage. In particular, aiming for the eyes of Adamantoise with Warp Strike will often hit for 9,999 damage and position Noctis directly beside the beast’s head, allowing him to chain together more Warp Strikes quickly. When combined with the close-range critical bonus ability, these Warp Strikes will deal a significant amount of damage and keep Noctis safe from Adamantoise’s ground attacks for a prolonged period of time.

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With a series as extensive as the Final Fantasy games, not every enemy design is going to be perfect. Here are a few that just aren’t practical.
Use Warp Points & Regroup
Warp Striking the eye of the monster will be your best attack, but due to its size, fall damage is a very real threat. After hitting a few warp strikes, be sure to angle the camera off to the right or left of the head as there are two warp points that can be jumped to to avoid any fall damage. Jumping here can also make sure your MP regenerates right away.
Ignis also has the Technique Regroup which is very helpful for this fight. Using Regroup when you’re falling will have you teleport to Ignis and avoid the fall damage. Regroup also heals your entire party and helps you save items for this long and drawn-out fight.
Use Your Summon When Available, But Don’t Count On It
Noctis will inevitably have one of his summons come available in the middle of the battle, and it would be foolish not to use free damage when available. We recommend sitting on the summon until you begin to feel tired or feel your focus in the fight beginning to slip – the Final Fantasy 15 summon cinematic that plays is a perfect excuse to take a couple of deep breaths and get ready for the fight once it begins again. It may seem silly, but Adamantoise isn’t necessarily a fight that measures player skill in combat, but rather patience, execution, and focus.

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Switch Party Members & Attack From The Side
Using AP, you can unlock the ability to play as your party members as long as you also have their DLC. Ignis for instance specializes in dealing a lot of damage when chaining attacks against an enemy. Along both sides of the Adamantoise, you can find fin-like appendages that are on the ground and can be attacked easily. While these attacks won’t deal as much damage, it’s easy to chain together long combos that can outscale your warp-strike damage.
Whenever the body of the Adamantoise flashes, those fins will move forward with the rest of the body and can easily hit your entire party, so just be sure to watch for those attacks and heal when needed.
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