Best Weapons For Childe In Genshin Impact

Best Weapons For Childe In Genshin Impact
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  • Childe is a complex character with damage across multiple attacks, making weapon selection crucial.
  • The best weapons for Childe depend on playstyle and team composition for optimal DPS.
  • The Polar Star and Aqua Simulacra stand out as some of Childe’s top weapons for maximizing damage output.

The Fatui served as Genshin Impact‘s big bads for a good portion of its early run. With a group as mysterious and powerful as them, the Harbingers were some of the scariest individuals in the world of Teyvat. Among the various powerhouses that make up the 11 Fatui Harbingers, Childe was our first taste of the potential possessed by these individuals.


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While Childe doesn’t have his Electro Delusion as a playable character, his being a melee character despite having a bow makes his kit extremely interesting to many. However, with his damage dispersed over his Normal Attacks, Charged Attacks, Riptides, and Elemental Burst, fixating on any one part may make others worse. With so much nuance to building him, here are the most effective best weapons for Childe.


Raven Bow

Viable Three-Star Option

Amber Raven Bow Genshin Impact.

If you’ve just gotten into Genshin Impact and haven’t gotten a lot of weapons yet, you’ll need a decent three-star option to put on your favorite characters. For Childe, this ends up being the Raven Bow
, granting the user some Elemental Mastery and a passive that increases damage dealt on enemies afflicted with either Hydro or Pyro.

Since Childe has extremely fast Hydro application and his best teams all include Xiangling
, the passive will always be activated. Even in other teams, Childe will often be Vaporizing some of his hits, making use of the EM as well.


Scion Of The Blazing Sun

Best Option For Single-Target Content

Scion of the Blazing Sun in Genshin Impact's Battle Pass.

Scion of the Blazing Sun
is one of Genshin Impact’s many Battle Pass weapons. Being a BP weapon, Scion has a huge CRIT Rate stat that benefits almost any character, and a passive that buffs Charged Attack damage.


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Childe needs a lot of CRIT, so the stat helps tons. However, Childe is primarily used in AOE content due to his Riptide dealing increased damage when the enemies are dense in number. This makes the single-target nature of the weapon non-synergistic with him in the best-case scenario. However, there will be times when you have to face boss content. At times like these, if you still want to make use of Tartaglia
, the Scion of the Blazing Sun is one of Childe’s best weapons.


Mouun’s Moon

Viable For Burst Support Childe And Speedruns

The Mouun's Moon bow in Genshin Impact.

Childe’s damage is distributed evenly among his skills, and not one part of him is much better than any other. To use your Tartaglia optimally, using his Normal and Charged Attacks as well as his Elemental Skill and Burst properly becomes necessary. However, if the combos are too inconvenient for you, there’s another playstyle you can try.

A Burst Support Childe or a Nuke Childe makes full use of his Elemental Burst’s high ATK scaling and gives up on everything else. Since his Burst is the only thing dealing damage here, a weapon like Mouun’s Moon that can buff it can do wonders, provided you can get enough CRIT from other means.



Comfortable To Play

Rust bow weapon details in Genshin Impact.

Childe deals a lot of damage with his Normal Attacks. However, for the best overall DPS, integrating Childe’s Charged Attacks into his combos becomes integral to mastering him. For the theoretical highest damage, provided you’re comfortable enough with all his combos, the Rust is one of his worst weapons.


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However, if your Childe’s dealing enough damage with just his Normals or if you just want a more comfortable way to play him that can still output high amounts of damage, a highly refined Rust
can make each of Childe’s Normal Attacks hurt.


The Stringless

The Stringless in Genshin Impact.

Since a lot of Childe’s damage is locked behind his Normal and Charged Attacks and his Elemental Skill’s damage is almost completely negligible, The Stringless
might seem like another Burst Support weapon that is used in speedruns or for a more supportive playstyle.

However, the weapon ends up being one of Childe’s strongest due to Childe’s Riptide being considered Elemental Skill damage and as such being buffed by The Stringless. Since Riptide and Childe’s Elemental Burst are both responsible for a large portion of his total DPS, this ends up being stronger than a weapon that buffs his NAs alone, like the Rust. The Elemental Mastery is just an added bonus that increases his Vaporize damage even more!


Blackcliff Warbow

Increased ATK On Every Kill

Childe Blackcliff Warbow Genshin Impact

Available in the Stardust Exchange, the Blackcliff series of weapons are some of Genshin Impact’s only truly F2P weapons. Each weapon in the series, including the Blackcliff Warbow
, has a good CRIT DMG secondary stat, as well as a passive that grants the user increased ATK percent each time an enemy is defeated.


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The main reason people switch out from Blackcliff weapons is that, in most scenarios, AOE content just isn’t that prevalent in a game full of bosses. However, with Childe’s Riptides making him best in multi-target content either way, making it so you use him in such cases, the Blackcliff Warbow becomes one of Childe’s best and most synergistic weapons.


The First Great Magic

Genshin Impact's stat page featuring Lyney With The First Great Magic Bow.

The First Great Magic
is Lyney
‘s signature weapon. With a CRIT DMG substat and a passive that buffs the damage dealt by the user’s Charged Attacks, the bow feels tailor-made for our favorite Schneznayan scoundrel. However, for all its benefits, there are some drawbacks, especially when compared to weapons ranked higher.

If you want to use Childe in a Mono-Hydro team, or if you have a strong Furina
to pair with him, the value of The First Great Magic increases immensely.

First, the CRIT DMG stat isn’t the highest it could be, with weapons like the Aqua Simulacra simply being better in that regard. For the passive, while the Charged Attack damage is nice, the entire second half of the passive that grants bonus ATK is wasted in most teams.

This is because the ATK is given when you have multiple characters of the same element. Since Childe applies enough Hydro by himself, most of his teams include Pyro buffers and off-fielders like Bennett or Xinagling, or Anemo units for the Viridescent Venerer effect.


Skyward Harp

Good Statstick

Skyward Harp in Genshin Impact.

Apart from the weapons available in the limited banners, Genshin Impact also has plenty of standard weapons available at all times. While these are rarely ever what you’d intentionally want to get, you’ll eventually lose a 50/50 and end up with one of these. The Skyward Harp
is one such five-star bow, giving the user a decent CRIT Rate stat, as well as extra CRIT DMG.


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The CRIT Value provided by the Skyward Harp is astonishing, and the high base ATK is also welcomed by most characters. Even with a largely useless passive that deals a bit of extra damage, the stats it provides Childe make it a perfectly viable option for him.


Hunter’s Path

Increases Charged Attack Damage Based On Elemental Mastery

Tighnari holding Genshin Impact's Hunter's Path bow in his weapon equip screen.-1

The Hunter’s Path
is Tighnari
‘s signature bow, giving the user the highest CRIT Rate stat of any weapon in the game at 40+ percent CRIT, alongside a fairly decent Elemental DMG Bonus. Additionally, the weapon increases the user’s Charged Attack damage based on their Elemental Mastery.

We’ve already talked about how important Childe’s Charged Attacks are to his kit and, when paired with the huge buff to his CRIT that this weapon provides, running a Childe team where he’s Vaporizing most of his hits makes building Elemental Mastery more than worth it.


Thundering Pulse

The Thundering Pulse bow's description in Genshin Impact.

is a character quite similar to Childe, both of them using their Elemental Skills to go into an enhanced state that buffs their attacks. As such, Yoimiya’s signature, Thundering Pulse
, becomes a very strong weapon for Childe.

If you’re using the Thundering Pulse on Childe, using your Elemental Burst at the start of rotation instead of at the end lets you use all three stacks of the passive, leading to better DPS.

Thundering Pulse gives increased Normal Attack damage based on how many stacks they have. With the bow, you get a stack whenever the user deals Normal Attack Damage, uses their Elemental Skill, or has insufficient Energy for their Burst.

All of these conditions can be met fairly easily by Childe, letting him make full use of the increased Normal Attack damage. While the weapon doesn’t add anything to his Charged Attacks or Riptides, it’s competitive with Childe’s best weapons due to having higher numbers, as well as no downside, like with Rust’s lower Charged Attack damage.


Aqua Simulacra

Genshin Impact's stat page with Aqua Simulacra and its description.

Aqua Simulacra
is one of Genshin Impact’s best weapons regardless of who wields it. It has the highest CRIT DMG of any five-star weapon in the game at 88.2 percent, making it one of the best options for any bow-wielding characters regardless of whether they synergize with the weapon or not.


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Speaking of the synergy, the passive grants the user an HP Bonus, something that’s entirely wasted on Childe. What’s not wasted on him, though, is the 20 percent DMG Bonus whenever you’re near enemies. This passive applies to all his sources of damage and, when combined with the CRIT stat, makes it one of Childe’s best bows.


The Polar Star

The Polar Star bow's description in Genshin Impact.

Polar Star
is Childe’s signature bow, fitting into his playstyle (almost) completely and synergizing with each of his abilities. First, it grants a decent flat Elemental Skill DMG Bonus. While Childe’s Elemental Skill itself deals negligible amounts of damage, his Riptide procs are considered Skill DMG and do get buffed with this passive. Since a large portion of Childe’s DMG comes from these RIptides, this improves Tartaglia’s DPS a decent amount.

However, that’s not where the passives end. Childe further gains ATK percent bonuses whenever he uses any of his abilities, including his Normal Attacks, Charged Attacks, Elemental Skill, and also his Elemental Burst. Since you’d want to use all of these anyway, getting the full stacks and in turn the 48 percent ATK Bonus becomes a trivial task, making the Polar Star Childe’s best bow.

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