In a game that puts teams and characters in constant battles, Wuthering Waves players will always want a healer by their side. Unlike Genshin Impact where some characters are dedicated healers, Wuthering Waves’ characters have utilities other than healing. Some are shielders, while others can deal a decent amount of DMG. This is likely because the game forces you to use support characters on-field every once in a while, so they must be worth the time spent.
Technically, players can skip bringing healers if they’re adept at dodging and counter-attacking, but for casual players, having a healer is the safest and easiest option. So, here are the best healers in Wuthering Waves.

Wuthering Waves: Jinzhou and Gorges of Spirits Sonance Casket Locations
Jinzhou has nine Sonance Caskets within the city in Wuthering Waves; here are their exact locations.
Updated on January 19, 2025, by Nahda Nabiilah: There haven’t been many additions of healers in Wuthering Waves ever since its release, but one addition truly solves the “there’s only one Verina” issue. This character, the Shorekeeper, shares the same attributes and even uses the same weapon as Verina. Although both of their roles are healer/buffer, there are some key differences between the two. Thanks to her debut, this article can now be updated to reflect all the available healers in WuWa up until version 2.0.
Spectro Rover
Heal After Getting Fourth Waveband
Spectro Rover heavily relies on their Resonance Liberation and Skill for their rotations. When unlocking their S4, which is for free, they’ll gain a new ability to heal their team with 100% of their ATK every time they Ult. This small healing can be very useful and may prevent players from including a healer in Spectro Rover teams.
Spectro Rover may not be the best healer, but their healing definitely works nicely with characters who are willing to help the MC being able to unleash their Ultimate in each rotation.
Heal And Shield At The Same Time
While Jianxin is not the best healer in Wuthering Waves, she is one of the best shielders in the game. Jianxin is a happy mixture of DMG, utility, and control in one character. When casting her Heavy ATK on full Forte Gauge, Jianxin will start consuming the Gauge in order to shield herself and her team. After that, her shield will start triggering healing every few seconds, which can be useful to slowly heal.

Wuthering Waves: Central Plains Sonance Casket Locations
Central Plains in Wuthering Waves is home to over 20 Sonance Caskets, so players can explore the area to collect these Relics.
Jianxin’s type of healing is more of an extra effect next to her shield while Baizhi and Verina’s healing works more as an emergency button in Wuthering Waves. Still, having a minor healing while doing everything she does makes Jianxin a valuable Support in Wuthering Waves.
Healer With A Niche Buff
Youhu is a 4-star healer who restores HP via her Resonance Skill and Forte Circuit. Players simply have to press her Skill to heal all party members. Meanwhile, via her Forte, healing can be done by holding Normal Attack while Youhu has four Auspices.
When Youhu uses her Skill, she gains a random Antique. Use Basic Attack to activate Antique Appraisal, which will trigger one of the four available damage effects. If her Inherent Skill: Treasured Piece is unlocked, she additionally heals all party members based on 30% of the Resonance Skill healing. Using Antique Appraisal will grant Youhu one Auspice.
Apart from restoring HP, Youhu’s Outro Skill grants Coordinated Attack DMG Amplification, perfect for characters like Mortefi, Zhezhi, and Yinlin. However, since it’s niche and not universal like Baizhi, Youhu is ranked below her.
Basic Healer With Mini Buff
As a 4-star healer, Baizhi’s kit is very similar but less effective than Verina’s, which earns her the title of mini Verina in Wuthering Waves. The only difference is that Baizhi’s healing scales with her HP instead of ATK. These types of healers are good because they can join any team and still perform well because of how simple their healing mechanics are.
On top of Baizhi’s healing, she also possesses a small portion of universal buffs. Her Inherent Skill, Harmonic Range, grants an ally a 15% ATK buff. As for her Outro Skill, just like Verina, Baizhi increases her team’s DMG with a 15% buff for around the same duration. The Glacio researcher can also revive fallen allies with her S5. For players that haven’t gotten Verina yet, Baizhi is a strong healer with a similar playstyle and can help any team with her utility in Wuthering Waves.
Best Healer With Prominent Buff
Verina is undoubtedly an excellent healer in Wuthering Waves. She can heal from her Outro Skill, Forte Circuit, and Resonance Liberation and her healing abilities are strong enough to always fill out an ally’s HP. Moreover, performing a task as simple as healing isn’t enough for Verina as she also wants to help her team with multiple universal buffs.

Wuthering Waves: Belle Poppy Locations
Here’s a farming route players can follow to find all Belle Poppy locations in Wuthering Waves.
Starting with her Outro Skill, Verina grants the next character a decent amount of ATK% while buffing the team by 15% DMG bonus for 30 seconds. Her first passive, Gift of Nature, triggers a 20% extra ATK buff for the entire team after she heals. She can also buff the team through her Rejuvenating Glow Echo set, which adds even more to how good she is as a 5-star character in Wuthering Waves. Finally, Verina also prevents her allies from falling with her second passive, Grace of Life, and grants them a shield after. All this and so much more makes Verina one of the most valuable healers in Wuthering Waves.
The Shorekeeper
A Limited Verina
Like typical healers, Shorekeeper restores HP for all party members when she uses her Resonance Skill. Meanwhile, with her Ultimate, she generates a domain that continuously heals characters inside the range. She also has healing mechanics through her Intro Skill, which heals all party members when triggered.
Other than healing, Shorekeeper also provides significant buffs, such as 12.5% Crit Rate, 25% Crit DMG, 15% DMG buff, faster recovery from interruption, and even recovery from a fatal blow (once every 10 minutes).
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