- Hateable characters in One Piece lack any redeeming qualities, making them truly despised.
- Characters like Foxy and Big Mom, though annoying and cruel, have a large fanbase.
- Scratchman Apoo may be disliked, but his unique traits have earned him a niche group of fans.
While One Piece is full of extremely loveable and charismatic characters, the series also features a slew of hateable characters that the community universally despises. These characters, like Spandam, Orochi, and most of the Celestial Dragons all feature annoying and self-entitled personalities that make their eventual downfalls all the more satisfying. These characters have grating personalities, awful motivations, and horrible intentions, and are perfect overall for the story of One Piece, providing a common enemy for characters to fight against.
However, what happens when a character that is supposed to be hateable actually has the opposite effect on fans? Sometimes, a character with all the makings of being one of the most despised characters in One Piece actually has a fairly large niche of supporters who actually enjoy them. These characters, whether through some small personality quirk that makes them more endearing or a small gag that changed viewers’ opinions, that could have been some of One Piece’s most hateable characters, are loved by at least a portion of the fanbase.

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Hateble Characters In One Piece Are More Than Just Evil
These Characters Are Cruel And Grating
When it comes to having a hateable character in One Piece, this goes well beyond whether a character is evil or not. While villains in One Piece are often incredibly cruel, their charisma or pleasant personality makes them more beloved than hated. While characters like the former Warlord, Doflamingo, Crocodile, and Buggy have personality traits that could make them hateable, in the end, these villains are incredibly well-liked by the community overall.
Oh, having such a marvelous personality and beautiful looks is a sin. – Foxy
However, to truly be a hateable character, these characters need to lack every redeeming quality a person may have. Characters like this have to be cruel, yet lack the power to back themselves up, and frequently put down those around them. Additionally, they can’t have many sympathetic qualities, including a tear-jerking One Piece backstory. Plus, if a character like this tends to speak in an annoying manner and features a bizarre character design. While these are a few examples of traits these characters have, being a hateable character is more of a feeling thing from the One Piece community than something that’s actually quantifiable.
Foxy And Big Mom Have Their Places In One Piece
Their Strength And Humor Make Them Endearing
- Foxy Is Annoying But Goofy And Fun
- Big Mom Is Cruel But Powerful And Motivated
Firstly, coming from what many consider to be the worst canon arc in One Piece, Foxy, on paper, should be something that everyone hates. Firstly, he lacks charisma and honorable qualities, often cheating to get ahead. Next, his power, the Slow-Slow Fruit, despite being incredibly strong, is underutilized by him. Lastly, the character’s design and overall demeanor are incredibly annoying. However, for some reason, whether due to the funny gags he’s a part of, or the fact he isn’t nearly as bad as later characters later in the series, Foxy has quite a large fanbase.

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Next, Big Mom, although she is arguably the most hated Emperor in the series, actually has a large fanbase as well who respect her as a character. Once again, Big Mom is a character that exudes malice and pure evil, featuring one of the most terrifying backstories in One Piece. The character isn’t very smart and is willing to murder her own family over food. However, at the very least, she has the level of strength to back up her cruelty and an interesting goal that prevents her from being completely loved by numerous fans.
Scratchman Apoo Has No Loyalty And Is Loud
People Still Find The Character Appealing
Finally, although he’s a strong member of the Worst Generation, Scratchman Apoo’s arc through the story of One Piece has made him a less-than beloved character. Constantly switching sides and with no morals, yet still surviving the war on Wano, which is odd since he seems to be one of the weaker members of the Worst Generation. However, his strange body and over-the-top personality, while grating to some, has earned him a niche group of fans.
When your enemy invites you into his house, you better be ready for an ambush. – Scratchman Apoo
In the end, no one character is completely hated by fans. Somewhere out there, there are One Piece fans in the community who pick someone like Spandam or Orochi as their favorite characters, despite the horrible and cruel things they’ve done. However, for the rest of the community, although characters like Foxy, Big Mom, and Apoo are hateable, the fanbase seems to love them in One Piece anyway.

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