What We Want To See In Okami 2

What We Want To See In Okami 2

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  • Keep the unique art style inspired by sumi-e ink wash paintings for the sequel.
  • Explore the Celestial Plain teased in the original game for new adventures.
  • Add new Divine Instrument weapon types and Brush Techniques for combat variety.

The announcement of an Okami sequel might be one of the biggest surprises in gaming history. This cult masterpiece of a game was, by all accounts, not a success for Capcom despite its many re-releases. So its likelihood for a proper sequel made Half-Life 3 seem downright guaranteed in comparison.



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But this gorgeous adventure through mythical Nippon couldn’t be confined to the incredible original game and solid Nintendo DS follow-up Okamiden. Now that it’s actually happening, what should be included for fans and newcomers alike?


A Similar Art Style

  • Inspired by traditional sumi-e ink wash paintings
  • Manages a 2D look in an entirely 3D game

The original Okami on the PlayStation 2 is one of the most compelling arguments in favor of more stylized art styles in games. It uses cel-shaded visuals heavily inspired by traditional sumi-e ink wash paintings, giving it a distinct look that remains its most striking feature.

Every environment and character in this 3D Zelda-like journey looks like a painting, even including a paper-like filter to further the look. The teaser for the Okami sequel seems to sport a slightly different art style, but hopefully, it retains what made the first game such a visual feast.


The Celestial Plain

  • Teased at the end of Okami
  • Still many questions unanswered

The very end of Okami heavily hinted that there were further adventures to be had on the Celestial Plain, home to the gods and angelic Celestials. The Nintendo DS game Okamiden, which followed the events of Okami, subverted this by taking place in most of the same locations from its predecessor, however.

This means the tease from the game’s end still has yet to be resolved, and there are many questions that need answering. What’s it like on the Celestial Plain? Is it overrun with demons? Is Waka really the last of the Celestials? Were there others as weird as him?


The Canine Warriors

  • A highlight of Okami among many highlights
  • Doggos

This probably wouldn’t make much sense if the next Okami really does take place on the Celestial Plain, but the Rule of Cool says that logic doesn’t matter if the thing that happens is sufficiently cool, and dogs are extremely cool, which is far beyond sufficient.


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The Canine Warriors, led by Princess Fuse, guard the Gale Shrine, which is an admittedly pretty specific purpose. But more than that, they’re just a fun bunch of dogs. Some are goofy, others are stoic, and still others have chosen new lives out in the world. They’re a highlight of Okami, and it would be wonderful to see them again.


Another Imp Mask To Paint

  • A perfect moment of goofiness
  • You definitely wrote “not a wolf” at least once

At one point in Okami, you have to disguise Amaterasu as an imp to infiltrate the demon Orochi’s lair. This segment offers a bit of levity during what should be a pretty tense part of the story while also giving the player the opportunity to draw whatever they like on the mask itself.

This disguise logically should not work, seeing as how it’s literally just a scrap of paper with a drawing on it. But that’s the fun of it. If the Okami sequel goes to the Celestial Plain, where there are sure to be more demons, then it would be great to have the opportunity to write “not a wolf” on your face again.



  • The only other spacefaring character
  • Based on actual Japanese folklore

Playing through Okami, you might have been a bit surprised when this elegant-looking game based on Japanese folklore featured a segment where a girl got on a rocket ship to return to her home on the moon. To be fair, the game also gives Waka a lightsaber, so let’s not throw stones just yet.


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For one thing, the story of this girl, Kaguya, is actually based on an actual Japanese folktale, The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. For another, this means that of all the characters in Okami, the one who would make the most sense to see again on the Celestial Plain is the one with interstellar capabilities. Bring her back.


New Divine Instrument Types

  • More variety in an already eclectic combat system
  • They look cool

More than just a pretty face, Okami’s brilliant visuals wouldn’t have kept the game quite so fondly in players’ hearts over the years if they weren’t also complemented by some slick gameplay. This includes the combat, which utilizes three different creative types of weapons known as Divine Instruments for a surprising amount of variety.


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Reflectors, rosaries, and glaives give Amaterasu access to regular, quick, and heavy attacks respectively, with more customization available depending on how you equip them. As fun as that is, a sequel could go a long way just by adding even a single new weapon type for some extra strategy.


Gross Attacks

  • Fan-favorite abilities
  • The most potent addition of insult to injury

Attacking enemies with weapons is one way to end a fight. But have you considered peeing on your enemies? It’s practical in this case, and surprisingly lucrative.

The buyable techniques Golden Fury and Brown Rage allow Amaterasu to humiliate her enemies in particularly wet and wild ways in order to gain Demon Fangs, a type of bonus currency. Frankly, even if Demon Fangs don’t come back, gamers might just riot if the Okami sequel doesn’t let them pee freely again.


Acknowledgment Of Okamiden

  • A Nintendo DS sort-of-hidden gem
  • Added some enjoyable new stories and characters

Okamiden was a perfect fit for the Nintendo DS. The original Okami featured a heavy focus on painting various shapes with the Celestial Brush, which worked well despite having to use an analog stick. But those mechanics translated flawlessly to the touchpad of the DS.


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Unfortunately, you may have not even known Okamiden existed until now, which is unsurprising given how little marketing it got. But this handheld sequel is a worthy successor on its own and adds some interesting new lore to the series. So hopefully developer Clovers doesn’t just end up retconning the whole thing.


New Brush Techniques

  • The perfect place to add some more variety
  • You can only draw so many suns before it feels stale

Aside from the art style, what truly sets Okami apart from its genre peers is its innovative and dynamic Celestial Brush mechanic, which allows you to freeze the game at any time to draw special designs over it. It turns the 3D landscape into your canvas, and it really makes you feel powerful.

Whether you’re bringing out the sun or slicing through rocks, the Celestial Brush is an integral part of the game. So a sequel would be all but required to add some more techniques to that repertoire. Maybe the ability to turn enemies into lasagna. The brush god for it would obviously be Garfield.


A Similar Soundtrack

  • Inspired by traditional Japanese music
  • Still hits just as hard emotionally all these years later

You can talk all day about Okami’s visuals and gameplay, but one aspect capable of uniting everyone in the conversation is the soundtrack. Inspired by classic and traditional Japanese music, it’s the kind of thing you can play at fancy parties, in zoos, or just wherever, and you’ll always see appreciative looks.

The Okami soundtrack runs the spectrum from soothing like “Hana Valley” to the emotional and driving “The Sun Rises” with even plenty of fun and goofy offerings like “Issun’s Theme” for the kids. A sequel would absolutely need to put in the effort on the soundtrack front with similar variety and passion.

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