Iron Banner Weapon God Rolls

Iron Banner Weapon God Rolls

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Iron Banner is a limited-time PvP event that awards some of Destiny 2’s most unique weapons, featuring some strong options for PvE and PvP Guardians alike. As with most things in Destiny, Iron Banner’s loot pool is everchanging, constantly adding new weapons while refreshing perk pools on older offerings.


Destiny 2: A Complete Guide To Iron Banner

Iron Banner is back with an updated game mode, daily challenge system, and more.

Finding the best roll for each Iron Banner weapon can prove tiring if you’re a new or returning player, but we’re here to help. This guide covers every god roll for all Iron Banner weapons, showcasing the best perk combinations and synergies you can use for both PvE and PvP content.

Allied Demand

Destiny 2 Allied Demand

Legacy Gear

There’s nothing spectacular about Allied Demand. It’s a 300 RPM Kinetic Sidearm with a fairly mediocre perk pool, although it can be used as a close-quarters workhorse for New Lights. Subsistence with Frenzy is your best option for PvE content, giving this weapon a 15% damage boost and a massive reload speed boost in combat. Kills will also auto-reload a portion of your magazine, making this a decent choice for add clear.

Crucible players have better Sidearm options, but this is one of a select few Sidearms that can get Gutshot Straight in the second column, reducing your aim assist for a sizable damage bonus to bodyshots. This reduces all bodyshot TTK values to one second flat, making this a solid choice if you aren’t the best at landing consecutive headshots with a Sidearm. For more experienced Sidearm mains, pick something else.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Ricochet Rounds




PvP Roll


Ricochet Rounds

Rapid Hit

Gutshot Straight


Archon’s Thunder

Destiny 2 Archon's Thunder-1

Focused Decoding

Machine Guns are tailor-made for slaying adds and going on PvP killing sprees. In PvE, Archon’s Thunder fits the add-slaying role quite nicely with Rimestealer and Headstone. Precision kills will spawn a Stasis crystal that, when shattered, will grant Frost Armor. It offers a good mix of utility and add management that few LMGs can match.

For PvP, you’re looking for consistency perks here. Dynamic Sway Reduction with Tap the Trigger effectively removes all accuracy bloom from this weapon, making it a headshot magnet at all distances. If you feather the trigger and are confident in landing your hits, then you can drop DSR for Fourth Time’s the Charm, greatly improving this weapon’s ammo economy.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Accurized Rounds




PvP Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Accurized Rounds

Fourth Time’s the Charm

Tap the Trigger


Bite Of The Fox

Destiny 2 Bite of the Fox Sniper Rifle

Legacy Gear

Bite of the Fox is a PvP weapon, period. Your PvE options are limited to Envious Assassin and Vorpal Weapon, two mediocre perks for a Sniper Rifle like this. If you spend most of your time in the Crucible, then Bite of the Fox becomes more appealing. Snapshot Sights can be paired with Opening Shot or Moving Target for some S-tier consistency.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Do Not Use

PvP Roll

Fluted Barrel

Accurized Rounds

Snapshot Sights

Opening Shot


Claws Of The Wolf

Destiny 2 Claws of the Wolf

Focused Decoding

The only reason to use Claws of the Wolf in PvE is for Repulsor Brace and Destabilizing Rounds, a tried-and-true combo that gives you easy access to Void Overshields. As an actual Primary weapon, it falls behind the competition.

Crucible players can make this a solid dueling weapon with Headseeker and Zen Moment, effectively removing all reticle bounce and incoming flinch while also boosting the weapon’s aim assist. Rapid-Fire Pulse Rifles tend to perform best with a TTK perk, so you might want to drop Zen Moment for Kill Clip if you prefer 6v6 playlists or adopt a more aggressive playstyle.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Ricochet Rounds

Repulsor Brace

Destabilizing Rounds


PvP Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Ricochet Rounds


Zen Moment OR Kill Clip


Crimil’s Dagger

Destiny 2 Crimil's Dagger

Focused Decoding

Aggressive Hand Cannons are fantastic in both PvE and PvP content. Crimil’s Dagger is no exception, featuring a solid perk pool that makes it a fantastic choice for Crucible mains and a decent workhorse Primary for easier PvE activities. Outlaw and Kill Clip is a good combination, if a bit dated.

Crucible players should use Slideways with Precision Instrument. While Slideways doesn’t give range as Slideshot does, it allows you to reload the weapon by sliding. Precision Instrument then buffs your damage on precision hits, allowing you to achieve a blazing-fast 0.5s TTK at max stacks.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Accurized Rounds




PvP Roll


Accurized Rounds


Precision Instrument



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Dark Decider

Destiny 2 Dark Decider

Legacy Gear

Don’t use this weapon. It has poor base stats, a weak perk pool, and no notable synergies. Every other weapon in the modern sandbox will serve you better, even other 720 RPM Autos. The only notable perk here is Voltshot, yet there are no good reload options on this gun. Hard pass on this gun.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Do Not Use

PvP Roll

Forge’s Pledge

Destiny 2 Forge's Pledge

Legacy Gear

Jorum’s Claw is better in virtually every way, featuring a stronger perk pool for Solar-focused builds and access to Omolon Fluid Dynamics, an excellent origin trait. Skip this weapon; you have better options.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Do Not Use

PvP Roll

Frontier’s Cry

Destiny 2 Frontier's Cry

Legacy Gear

Unless you make use of Radiant or similar damage buffs, 180 RPM Hand Cannons are generally underpowered inside the Crucible. You can somewhat fix this with a damage perk like Adagio or Kill Clip, but you’ll need to get a kill with a fairly weak Primary first to make its TTK remotely competitive, and that only persists for a few seconds. Skip this archetype until 180 HCs get a rework or a notable change in their TTK profile.

As for PvE, 180s aren’t much better. They excel when used in Lucky Pants
DPS configurations, but you’ll generally do better with Malfeasance
, Warden’s Law, or any 180 with a passive damage perk like Vorpal Weapon. Better options exist in this niche, so you can safely skip farming for Frontier’s Cry.

Gunnora’s Axe

Destiny 2 Gunnora's Axe

Legacy Gear

While not the strongest slug Shotgun, Gunnora’s Axe is a great weapon for New Lights and returning players looking for a solid Special weapon. For PvE, you can’t go wrong with Auto-Loading Holster and Vorpal Weapon. Use this to quickly kill majors, Champions, or weaker bosses you find in Vanguard Ops.

Slug Shotguns can be surprisingly effective from the hip if you get Hip-Fire Grip in the first column. When paired with Opening Shot, this weapon can land headshots on enemy Guardians from virtually anywhere on your hipfire reticle—provided you aren’t airborne or wildly off target. If you don’t like hipfire, you can run Threat Detector instead for a general handling buff.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Appended Mag

Auto-Loading Holster

Vorpal Weapon


PvP Roll

Fluted Barrel

Ricochet Rounds

Hip-Fire Grip OR Threat Detector

Opening Shot


The Hero’s Burden

Destiny 2 Hero's Burden

Legacy Gear

Hero’s Burden no longer rolls Repulsor Brace as of its latest reissue, so you’ll want to lean into damage perks on this weapon. Kill Clip is ideal here, giving you a 25% damage buff that shifts the gun’s TTK to 0.6s in PvP. PvE players can pair it with Feeding Frenzy for fast reloads. As for the Crucible, run Zen Moment to mitigate reticle bounce and incoming flinch. It’s not an amazing SMG, but it gets the job done.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Accurized Rounds

Feeding Frenzy

Kill Clip


PvP Roll


Accurized Rounds

Zen Moment

Kill Clip


Jorum’s Claw

Destiny 2 Jorum's Claw

Legacy Gear

Jorum’s Claw is a solid Pulse Rifle in PvE and a shockingly powerful PvP weapon with the right build. For PvE, Outlaw paired with Incandescent is a great starting point for New Lights looking to farm seasonal content or easier activities. Kills will cause the target to explode, Scorching nearby foes. Inflict enough Scorch stacks, and all surviving enemies will violently explode for massive damage. Outlaw ensures you’ll be able to quickly reload between precision kills.

What makes this weapon shine isn’t a perk but rather a buff: Radiant. A build that gets easy access to Radiant, such as a Fr0st-EE5 Gunslinger, can achieve a fast 0.6s TTK at any Resilience level. Jorum’s Claw can leverage this with kill perks like Encore and Golden Tricorn to massively improve its consistency, melting players in 0.53s from 38+ meters away while everything’s up.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Ricochet Rounds




PvP Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Ricochet Rounds


Golden Tricorn


Lethal Abundance

Destiny 2 Lethal Abundance

Focused Decoding

Lethal Abundance is a hard-hitting, 360RPM Auto Rifle that can get Onslaught in the second column, an S-tier damage perk that ramps up your fire rate and reload speed with each kill. You can pair this with Slice to drastically reduce enemy damage output in PvP to win 1v1s or Keep Away for a boost to accuracy, reload speed, and range. So long as your roll has Onslaught, the first column is quite flexible; nearly every option is good here.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Accurized Rounds

Keep Away



PvP Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Accurized Rounds




Multimach CCX

Destiny 2 Multimach CCX

Focused Decoding

Multimach CCX is the first SMG to roll Kinetic Tremors in the second trait column, causing targets to emit large AoE explosions upon taking sustained damage. It’s a great pick for slaying adds in PvE and a surprisingly strong choice in the Crucible for countering DR buffs, overshields, healing, and other buildcraft elements.

We discourage the use of Iron Reach on this weapon. While the range bonus is noticeable, the stability penalty makes this weapon incredibly hard to use in duels. Stick with Kinetic Tremors or another damage perk.

You can pair Kinetic Tremors with Attrition Orbs for easy Orb of Power generation, allowing you to easily leverage surge damage buffs, font stat buffs, and certain subclass Fragments. While it isn’t the dominant PvP SMG these days, Mulimach still packs a serious punch with the right roll.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Accurized Rounds

Attrition Orbs

Kinetic Tremors


PvP Roll


Accurized Rounds

Attrition Orbs

Kinetic Tremors



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Occluded Finality

Destiny 2 Occluded Finality

Legacy Gear

Occluded Finality is infamous for its absurd zoom value of 58, one of the highest for any Sniper Rifle. If you can handle the narrow FOV while scoped in, you’ll reap the benefits of substantially increased aim assist and overall accuracy. And as with all good snipers, this one can get Snapshot Sights and Opening Shot to greatly improve its usability in PvP. It’s not worth using in PvE due to a lack of ammo economy perks, but don’t sleep on Occluded Finality in the Crucible.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Do Not Use

PvP Roll

Fluted Barrel

Ricochet Rounds

Snapshot Sights

Opening Shot



Destiny 2 Peacebond

Legacy Gear

Peacebond is a fairly old Sidearm at this point, but it’s still a solid option as a backup PvP Primary or a PvE workhorse. You can’t go wrong with Subsistence and Surrounded in PvE, granting you a massive 40% damage bonus while fighting multiple enemies in close proximity, roughly the same distance as Peacebond’s effective range.

As for PvP, your ideal roll here is Perpetual Motion and Harmony. We don’t have many weapons that can get Harmony anymore, and for Sidearms specifically, it’s a strong choice. Landing a kill with any other weapon will give Peacebond a 20% damage buff, dropping its optimal TTK to 0.5s, faster than virtually all Primary weapons. Perpetual Motion will ensure that your stability and handling are capped, making this a potent backup Primary for shutting down targets up close.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll


Accurized Rounds




PvP Roll

Fluted Barrel

Accurized Rounds

Perpetual Motion



Point Of The Stag

Destiny 2 Point Of The Stag

Legacy Gear

Bow enthusiasts likely have a stronger Bow than Point of the Stag already, but if you’re a new or returning player who needs a decent Bow, this isn’t a bad option. Archer’s Tempo can be paired with either Dragonfly for strong PvE add clear or Eye of the Storm for a highly accurate PvE Primary. Swashbuckler doesn’t allow for one-tapping shenanigans in PvP like it used to, so focus solely on consistency perks for PvP here.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Elastic String

Fiberglass Arrow Shaft

Archer’s Tempo


Draw Time

PvP Roll

Elastic String

Fiberglass Arrow Shaft

Archer’s Tempo

Eye of the Storm

Draw Time

Pressurized Precision

Destiny 2 Pressurized Precision

Legacy Gear

Pressurized Precision is arguably the strongest Fusion Rifle in PvP if you’re a good player. That’s mostly due to the Discord perk. Landing a kill with another weapon will proc Discord, causing all kills with this weapon to refund ammo directly to the magazine. It’s the ultimate weapon for snowballing kills, provided you can get Discord to proc in the first place. Pair it with Eye of the Storm for some absurd accuracy buffs.

PvE players might want to go a similar route, replacing Eye of the Storm with Vorpal Weapon for more damage. It’s not a bad choice for melting majors or Champions after you land a Primary kill, although it’s nowhere near strong enough to stand alongside Scatter Signal or similar Fusion Rifles for single-target DPS.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Accelerated Coils


Vorpal Weapon

Charge Time

PvP Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Projection Fuse


Eye of the Storm


Razor’s Edge

Destiny 2 Razor's Edge

Legacy Gear

Razor’s Edge hasn’t seen a perk refresh since Witch Queen, and it really shows. The best perk combination on offer here is Relentless Strikes and Chain Reaction, fulfilling an add clear role that isn’t as highly regarded in today’s sandbox. Virtually all other Swords will serve you better; only grab this if you’re a new player.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Do Not Use

PvP Roll


Destiny 2 Riiswalker

Focused Decoding

It’s difficult to recommend Riiswalker in the current sandbox. Better Lightweight Shotguns exist and are fully craftable, notably Wastelander from Dares of Eternity. Even still, Riiswalker isn’t a bad PvP Shotgun if you can deal with the diamond spread pattern. Slideshot and Iron Reach are ideal here, allowing you to hit 100 range on this weapon with the right barrel and masterwork. For PvE, don’t bother.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Do Not Use

PvP Roll

Corkscrew Rifling

Assault Mag


Iron Reach


Roar Of The Bear

Destiny 2 Roar of the Bear Icon

Legacy Gear

Roar of the Bear is a solid DPS Rocket Launcher for newer players looking to break into harder PvE content. Demolitionist paired with Lasting Impression or Vorpal Weapon works well in virtually all content. Fire a rocket, throw a grenade, fire another rocket, reload, and repeat. It’s a particularly strong roll on any build with high grenade uptime, notably Warlocks using Song of Flame.

If you dislike spamming grenades, Field Prep works just as well in the first trait column.

As for PvP, there’s not much here. Tracking Module and Chain Reaction is a solid pairing for getting an easy kill, but Rocket Launchers generally fall behind GLs and Machine Guns for total kills.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Quick Launch

Alloy Casing

Field Prep OR Demolitionist

Lasting Impression OR Vorpal Weapon

Blast Radius

PvP Roll

Quick Launch

High-Velocity Rounds

Tracking Module

Chain Reaction

Blast Radius


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Swarm Of The Raven

Destiny 2 Swarm of the Raven

Legacy Gear

Rapid-Fire GLs are currently meta in PvE, although Swarm of the Raven has somewhat fallen behind due to its mediocre perk pool. Auto-Loading Holster with Full Court is as good as it gets for single-target DPS, giving you a solid Heavy weapon for hotswap DPS. It’s nowhere near as strong as Chill Inhibitor, but it’s not a bad weapon for newer players. Crucible players can ignore this weapon since Rapid-Fire GLs are fairly weak against other players.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Quick Launch

Spike Grenades

Auto-Loading Holster OR Field Prep

Full Court

Blast Radius

PvP Roll

Do Not Use

Tinasha’s Mastery

Destiny 2 Tinasha's Mastery-1

Focused Decoding

Tinasha’s Mastery is the first Rocket Sidearm that is accessible to New Lights, making this a must-grab for anyone coming back to Destiny 2 or just starting. This weapon uses Special ammo to fire missiles that deal immense damage over a small radius, melting majors and red bars alike. They’re not great in PvP, but they’re nothing short of S-tier in PvE, and that’s not even accounting for perks.

Fortunately, Tinasha’s Mastery has an incredible perk pool. The standout combination here is Air Trigger with Chill Clip. Air Trigger greatly buffs your reload speed while airborne and gives this weapon deeper ammo reserves, perfect for a double Special build. Chill Clip then inflicts x40 Slow with each shot on the top half of the magazine, allowing this weapon to counter every Champion type in the game. No other Rocket Sidearm can say the same.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Volatile Launch

High-Explosive Ordnance

Air Trigger

Chill Clip

Blast Radius

PvP Roll

Do Not Use

Tusk Of The Boar

Destiny 2 Tusk Of The Boar

Focused Decoding

Wave-Frame GLs have taken a backseat ever since Bungie added Rocket Sidearms to the sandbox, but they’re still a fantastic option in PvE content. Chain Reaction is a staple for this archetype and works incredibly well here. You can pair this with Slice for some added utility, reducing enemy damage output. Give it a try if you’re fortunate enough to get this roll.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Volatile Launch

High-Velocity Rounds


Chain Reaction

Blast Radius

PvP Roll

Do Not Use

The Wizened Rebuke

Destiny 2 The Wizened Rebuke

Legacy Gear

If you love hipfiring Guardians from 20+ meters away, then you’ll want to consider getting your hands on a Wizened Rebuke roll. Offhand Strike is a rare perk on Fusion Rifles and absurdly powerful on this weapon type, giving you roughly 45% more hipfire range and significantly more accuracy. You can pair this with Successful Warm-Up to fix the weapon’s charge time, although you’ll need a stockpile of ammo to make the most of this.

For PvE, Wizened Rebuke falls behind for single-target DPS and general add clear. Volthsot is an interesting pick in the second column, but it simply falls flat if you’re looking for a backup DPS weapon. We generally discourage PvE players from farming this weapon unless you desperately need an Arc Fusion Rifle.



Trait 1

Trait 2


PvE Roll

Do Not Use

PvP Roll

Arrowhead Brake

Projection Fuse

Offhand Strike

Successful Warm-Up

Charge Time


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