How to Get Headhunter Heavy Belt in PoE 2

How to Get Headhunter Heavy Belt in PoE 2

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The Headhunter Heavy Belt is an uber-rare unique belt available in Path of Exile 2 with a staggeringly low drop chance. A carryover from the first Path of Exile game, its value is not as high as it was in the first game, but it’s still an S-tier item.

Finding a Headhunter can be a game-changer for certain builds, especially for clearing Breach content where hordes of monsters attack the player in wave after wave. Here’s how to find it.

How to Get Headhunter Heavy Belt

headhunter heavy belt unique on trade in path of exile 2

Heavy Belt is part of a small, exclusive group of unique items in Path of Exile 2 that can drop from anywhere in the game, in the campaign, during maps, or even as a result of a boss kill. Accordingly, the Headhunter Unique Belt’s drop rate is absurdly low, only dropping in very, very rare cases.

In total, there are three ways a player can get a Headhunter Belt in PoE 2:

There is no way to influence the drop rate of Headhunter directly; the only thing players can do to tilt the odds in their favor is increase the ‘%# increased rarity of items found’ stat on their gear.

How to Get Headhunter Using Orb of Chance

using a chance orb on a heavy belt in path of exile 2

Since Headhunter is not an exclusive drop from a specific boss, like Temporalis, Against the Darkness
, and Hand of Wisdom and Action
, you can use an Orb of Chance on a white base Heavy Belt to gamble for it. Alongside Astramentis
(Stellar Amulet) and Polcirkeln
(Sapphire Ring), it is the most valuable item players can get using an Orb of Chance and one of the best uses of the currency in any format.

In order to gamble with an Orb of Chance for a Headhunter, you’ll need the following two items:

  1. Normal Rarity Heavy Belt (Rare or Magic Rarity Heavy Belts cannot be used).

Right-click on the Orb of Chance and left-click on the Heavy Belt to take the gamble.

What Makes Headhunter Good in PoE 2

rare monster modifiers in path of exile 2

The main reason Headhunter is such a sought-after Belt is for one reason, and one reason only: the ability to steal special modifiers from rare monsters after they are defeated. Every rare (yellow) monster in the game has a special ability, sometimes even two or three, depending on the atlas skill point distribution, which makes them stronger and more powerful. These modifiers are typically represented by a visual indicator like a wall of lava around the monster, a blue circle surrounding them, and similar visual effects.

With Headhunter equipped, every time a player defeats a rare monster, they also steal their modifier on their own character for a duration of 20 seconds. The main purpose of this mechanic is to snowball the player character into a bigger and bigger threat as they rampage across the entire map in a matter of seconds.

The rare modifier stealing ability is not as overpowered or game-changing in PoE 2 as it was in PoE 1, which makes Headhunter an overall less desirable item for most builds, especially when compared with Ingenuity
Utility Belt, the vastly superior option in most cases. That said, builds with high mobility like the Blink Autobomber, Gemling Stacker, and Flicker Strike Monk can make great use of Headhunter to wreak havoc in Tier 16+ maps easily, especially inside Breaches.

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