Bioshock Lead Developer Talks Going Indie With Wartorn

Bioshock Lead Developer Talks Going Indie With Wartorn
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BlackCountryBob1d 1h ago

Glad they’ll be fine, but maybe this is a chance of instead of resetting them on a 7 year development cycle from the very start, maybe taking some lessons from the success of AstroBot, give them an engine like Decima, a smaller AA level budget (£50m rather than £200m) and let them make a game with a 2.5 year dev cycle to be of an equivalent scale of something like Miles Morales, Returnal or even something of a level like A Plague Tale.

Last of Us, Uncharted, God of War, Spider-Man etc are hug big hitters because they are rare so take a lot of time and money, but that doesn’t need to be every game. A 10 hour focused story driven 1st or 3rd person action adventure game to release 2027 / 28 perhaps reusing some existing assets from what’s been cancelled, would be welcome (to me at least).

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