Best Beginner Champions In LoL

Best Beginner Champions In LoL

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  • League of Legends remains a top competitive game for new players, with accessible champions like Sona and Janna.
  • Beginner-friendly champions like Lux and Soraka offer simplicity and effectiveness in key roles for new players.
  • Champions like Vi and Garen provide viable options with easy mechanics for players learning the game.

Despite the age of League of Legends and its competitive scene, it remains one of the premier competitive games on the market right now. So, it should come as no surprise that many new players enter such a complex world and struggle to make a foothold in it due to its massive champion pool.


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Despite this, League of Legends can actually be an incredibly accessible and fun competitive game for those with the time and knowledge to make it far into the scene. This begs the question, then: who are the best and most accessible champions for new players in League of Legends?

Updated January 18, 2025 by George Voutiritsas: League of Legends has been around for more than a decade, and millions of people continue to play it every single day. Like any popular multiplayer game, League sees an influx of new players over the course of each year, and some of those players get overwhelmed because of all the different items. It does not help that there are now 170 Champions who all fit a designated role. Some Champions are very hard to use, and beginners should avoid them until they gain more confidence and experience.

Luckily, there are several Champions that beginners would love because of how simple they are. Veteran players know who the best beginner-friendly Champions are, but other Champions also fit that description, and a few more of them have been added to this list with its latest update.


Sona: Maven Of The Strings

A Healer Who Can Shield & Speed Boost By Simply Pressing Two Buttons

  • Release Date: September 21, 2010
  • Main Role: Support

Sona does not have a lot of health, and she can be taken out fairly quickly by assassins, but she is a very effective and easy Support. Her abilities consume a great deal of mana early on, but they are all simple to use. She can heal her allies and give them a shield when her passive is active, and she can give everyone a speed boost. The best thing about these spells is the fact that they are not skill shots.

The only spell that requires skill is her Ultimate, and even then it is hard to miss because it travels in a straight line. If landed, it will stun every enemy hit. As the game progresses, Sona will need to keep her allies alive during team fights, but that is not hard because her spells will have short cooldowns.


Seraphine: The Starry-Eyed Songstress

A Support Mage Who Can Heal, Shield, Slow With Minimal Difficulty

  • Release Date: October 29, 2020
  • Main Role: Support

A segment of the League of Legends community views Seraphine as a reworked Sona because her kit is basically an updated version of Sona’s. Seraphine can shield allies and increase their movement speed by simply clicking a button. Every third cast causes the spell to heal her allies as well. Seraphine cannot inflict point-and-click damage like Sona, but she can hurl a soundwave, which is easy to aim.

When it comes to crowd control, Seraphine can fire a heavy soundwave that travels in a straight line and slows and/or roots enemies. Her Ultimate travels in a straight line just like Sona’s, and it covers roughly the same area of effect. This ultimate slows enemy Champions and charms them into Seraphine’s team, where they can be attacked for almost two seconds.


Janna: The Storm’s Fury

A Versatile Support With A Single Skill Shot

  • Release Date: September 2, 2009
  • Main Role: Support

Janna is a useful Support who is typically used by players in higher ranks, but that does not mean she is difficult to play. Her abilities are very simple, and her Q is the only Spell that can be considered a skill shot. It produces a tornado, and when it finishes charging, it heads in a straight line to knock up anyone in its path.

Her W is a point-and-click ability that damages and slows a single enemy, and her E just shields a designated ally. Janna’s Ultimate is extremely easy to use because the Summoner just needs to press R. It will automatically push enemies away and it automatically heals Janna and her allies.


Blitzcrank: The Great Steam Golem

A Tank With A Simple Pull-Oriented Kit

  • Release Date: September 2, 2009
  • Main Role: Support

It is true that Blitzcrank’s lore has been retconned, but he is still an effective support who is simple to use. When someone plays Blitz, their primary goal is to pull an enemy Champion toward their team. Blitz then knocks the pulled player into the air to keep them stationary a bit longer.

This pull is great for picking players off during team fights, and Blitz can speed himself up to get close before he pulls. He gets a passive shield that absorbs damage when his health gets low, and his Ultimate is simple because it releases an energy burst that briefly silences every enemy around him.


Caitlyn: The Sheriff Of Piltover

A Strong Marksman With Straightforward Attacks & A Lock-On Ultimate

  • Release Date: January 4, 2011
  • Main Role: ADC

ADCs are meant to carry games, and Caitlyn can definitely carry if she has the right items. As far as actual playstyle is concerned, she is very easy to use because the majority of her damage comes from her basic attacks.

She shoots a bullet in a long straight line that can clear minions and deal damage, and she can cast a net that always pushes her backward. She can lay traps down with a simple point-and-click motion, and her Ultimate is a lock-on, so she does not even need to aim to hit anything.


Master Yi: The Wuju Bladesman

His Entire Kit Revolves Around His Alpha Strike Spell

  • Release Date: February 21, 2009
  • Main Role: Jungle

Master Yi may not be the strongest Champion in LoL‘s lore, but he can decimate teams in low elo. Yi can heal in place, and when he does so, he takes half as much damage. The rest of his kit revolves around his primary spell.


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Alpha Strike allows him to mark a nearby target and he can then strike up to three visible targets in quick succession. He cannot be hit by enemies during this attack, and his Ultimate and E help to empower and reset Alpha Strike. All Yi needs is attack speed, and he is good to go.


Warwick: The Uncaged Wrath Of Zaun

A Jungler Who Is Designed To Charge Into The Enemy Team & Heal

  • Release Date: February 21, 2009
  • Main Role: Jungle

Warwick is one of the many League of Legends Champions that appear in Netflix’s Arcane, and he is one of the best junglers in the game. Warwick clears jungle camps very quickly because his Q is a claw attack that restores some of his missing health. He can fear any enemy by simply pressing his E twice. Warwick’s Ultimate is his only skill shot, but it latches onto the first enemy that crosses his path. It can also be used to leap away from danger.

Warwick works best as a tank, but he needs at least one healing item. Sundered Sky is the best item for this purpose, because it increases the healing effect of Warwick’s Q. Warwick is designed to charge into the enemy team, so his kit revolves around melee attacks. Fortunately, Warwick’s basic attacks speed up when targeting an enemy with low health. Warwick’s kit is easy to learn, and it allows new players to learn the basics of ganking and teamfight initiation.


Kayle: The Righteous

A Ranged Top Laner Who Relies Entirely On Basic Attacks & Point-And-Click Abilities

  • Release Date: February 21, 2009
  • Main Role: Top Lane

Top Lane is usually dominated by Tanks and Juggernauts, but Kayle can shred them all if the game goes on long enough. She can grant invulnerability with her Ultimate, and best of all, it is a simple point-and-click ability. Kayle’s other abilities empower her basic attacks and provide healing. She can also toss a projectile in a straight line

Thanks to her Passive, Kayle becomes more powerful as she levels, and she will have gained permanent attack speed and range by the time she reaches level 16. It may be hard for Kayle to survive in the early game, but when she reaches 16, she is a pure basic attack Champion who needs to Ult herself. This means that she needs items that grant life steal and attack speed.


Sivir: The Battle Mistress

An ADC Who Can Protect Herself With A Single Button, And Increase Her Attack & Movement Speed The Same Way

  • Release Date: February 21, 2009
  • Main Role: ADC

Sivir is one of League‘s original Champions, and she has not been changed all that much because her abilities are both simple and effective. She is one of the more versatile ADCs because she can protect herself with a shield that blocks an enemy spell.

Her Ultimate is straightforward, as it increases her movement speed and the movement speed of her allies, and the cooldown of her other spells gets reduced when she attacks. Her other spells include a boomerang throw, which travels in a straight line, and a special basic attack which ricochets onto multiple targets.


Vex: The Gloomist

A Fear-Inducing Yordle With Straightforward Attacks

  • Release Date: September 21, 2021
  • Main Role: Mid Lane

Of all the Champions that have been released in the past two years, Vex is by far the easiest and most balanced. She can fear enemy minions and Champions with her spells because of her Passive – which periodically refreshes. Her Q is simple because it shoots a wave in a straight line, and it deals damage to everything it hits.

By simply pressing W, she can simultaneously shield herself and deal damage, and she can toss an explosive shadow with E by pointing at the ground. Her Ultimate can easily miss because it moves in a straight line, but if it hits someone, she can dash into the enemy and deal damage. This spell will refresh if the enemy is defeated.


Morgana: The Fallen

Most Of Her Kit Is Comprised Of Point-And-Click Abilities

  • Release Date: February 21, 2009
  • Main Role: Support

Morgana is the type of mage that can be played as both a Support and Mid Laner because of her binds and potential damage output. She can fire a magic blast in a straight line that binds whatever she hits, and her Ultimate can bind the entire enemy team if she walks into them and uses Zhonya’s Hourglass.

She can place a damaging pool on the ground by simply clicking, and she can place a magic shield on herself or others. The best thing about this shield is that it is a point-and-click ability.


Teemo: The Swift Scout

An Irritating Yet Effective Champion With A Simple Kit

  • Release Date: February 21, 2009
  • Main Role: Top Lane, Jungle, Support

Teemo is arguably the most hated Champion in League of Legends because he is incredibly annoying to deal with. On-hit Teemo can deal a lot of damage with his basic attacks, and his two offensive spells can overwhelm enemy champions with magic damage. His main damage spell is a point-and-click dart, which temporarily blinds and damages other Champions.

One of Teemo’s other spells grants him bonus movement speed, while another empowers his basic attacks and adds a poison effect to them. His Ultimate allows him to place poisonous mushrooms on the ground. They turn invisible on their own and automatically detonate when an enemy touches them. Teemo players do not have to worry about landing skill shots, but they do need to learn how to position themselves during hectic teamfights.


Miss Fortune: The Bounty Hunter

A Lane Bully With Simple ADC Mechanics

  • Release Date: September 8, 2010
  • Main Role: ADC

Many experienced players are surprised to find that Miss Fortune is relatively easy to play, despite the AD Carry role typically being considered difficult. She is a lane bully with a clear game plan and the means to execute it without much difficulty. Her Ultimate deals an insane amount of damage, and it fires in a straight line. Miss Fortune’s other spells revolve around her basic attacks and a point-and-click spell.

It usually only takes a few games before new players grasp her power spikes and abuse them to get easy wins. Even so, she is still an AD-Carry, so mechanics are required to properly utilize her kit. This is all the better for new players to get a head start on learning these essential skills.


Lux: The Lady Of Luminosity

A Mage Who Teaches New Players The Fundamentals Of Skill Shots

  • Release Date: October 19, 2010
  • Main Role: Mid Lane

Lux isn’t so much an easy character, as she is a character who is both simple and teaches new players a lot about the game. Lux’s kit is designed to be best used by someone who can properly lead and land skill shots on low-health targets.

Although this may seem daunting at first, new players will quickly learn the fundamentals behind landing slow skill shots and be better for it. All of Lux’s skill shots travel in a straight line, and if the player lands a successful root, they can unleash Lux’s full combo by simply pressing two buttons.


Soraka: The Starchild

A Simple Support With Great Healing And Crowd Control

  • Release Date: February 21, 2009
  • Main Role: Support

Since the beginning of the League of Legends meta, support has remained one of the most beginner-friendly roles due to the companionship of the AD carry and the simple game plan of its champions. Soraka is no exception to this rule, capturing the essence of support with easy crowd control, quality heals, and lane poke. Soraka’s Ult can heal the entire team and the player just needs to press R to use it.

She may be simple, but once learned, she can teach beginners a lot about how the support role works and its intricacies. Support is easy to learn but hard to master, and Soraka is perfect for both aspects.


Renekton: The Bitcher Of The Sands

A Top Laner Designed To Dive Enemy Champions

  • Release Date: January 18, 2011
  • Main Role: Top Lane

The top lane can seem intimidating because of its isolation from the rest of the map. However, if there is any top laner that can take the mantle of being beginner-friendly while also dominating this isolated lane, it is most certainly Renekton.


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He is an early-game bully and a satisfying champion, with a lot of presence throughout the game. Despite his late-game being not as great as other farm-based characters in League of Legends, he can still rise to the occasion and carry easily, making any win satisfying for a new player. His entire kit revolves around diving the enemy, and his dash is his only skill shot. His other spells trigger as soon as the player presses the associated button.


Nautilus: The Titan Of The Depths

A Simple Tank With Great Initiation And Crowd Control

  • Release Date: February 14, 2012
  • Main Role: Support

Nautilus can be played in nearly any lane but finds his home as a support. He isn’t a typical support for most players, as he has no heal, shield, or protection abilities. Instead, he is tanky, has a lot of crowd control, and can teach new players how to prioritize the enemy team in terms of focus. Two of his spells automatically activate when they are cast, and his Ult is a lock-on ability.

A new player will find it comforting to have this low-effort but high-impact champion under their belt, even if he is slow to start and get rolling in the current meta. His ability to start fights is unparalleled, and this makes him an effective pick for any team.


Malphite: Shard Of The Monolith

An Easy Tank With A High-Impact Playstyle

  • Release Date: September 2, 2009
  • Main Role: Top Lane

Malphite might be the easiest tank in League of Legends, especially when the enemy is composed of physical damage characters. Sometimes, he feels like an unstoppable brute no matter how much gold he has, and this sort of empowerment is perfect for a new player. His Ult is his only skill shot, and even then, he travels in a straight line.

Teachers can take away the passive supports and place the newcomer in control of this ulting monster, and they will enjoy every teamfight, even when they lose. His high-impact playstyle and simplicity make him a perfect pick for new players looking to make an impression.


Ekko: The Boy Who Shattered Time

A Safe And Effective Assassin Who Can Dive In And Out Of Fights

  • Release Date: May 29, 2015
  • Main Role: Middle/Jungle

For an assassin, Ekko is both fun and easy to learn. He can use his abilities to weave in and out of fights while keeping his ultimate ready for when he gets low on health. Although skilled players know how to play around Ekko’s strong kit, he also is perfect for learning when to engage in fights, split-push, or otherwise cause havoc quickly and easily.

His ultimate completes his already very strong kit, creating a strong, yet very safe and effective assassin with a lot of wiggle room for new players. In other words, it’s hard to make a game-ending mistake.


Sion: The Undead Juggernaught

A Tanky Behemoth Who Slams Enemies And Charges Into Them

  • Release Date: February 21, 2009
  • Main Role: Top Lane

Sion got a massive rework in 2014 and is a Champion who receives periodic nerfs because certain builds either make him unkillable or allow him to demolish enemy Champions and turrets. Sion’s best attack involves him charging up his massive axe. A fully charged slam will deal damage and knock enemies into the air, while lesser charged strikes deal damage. Sion stands still while the charge occurs, making it less about skill and more about timing.

Another ability creates a shield around Sion, while another sends a slowing shockwave in a straight line. Sion’s Ultimate is the hardest technique to land because he charges forward and can easily miss a moving target. That said, it is still relatively easy to land, especially over short distances. When Sion’s health reaches zero, he briefly returns in a zombified rage. This version of Sion is even easier to use because he simply runs up to an enemy and punches them.

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