- Aggravate and Electro-Charged teams deal consistent damage with lower investment than Melt or Vaporize, great for crowd control.
- Fischl’s summon Oz hits enemies repeatedly; Beidou’s Burst and Poise effect,; Neuvillette applies large AOE Hydro attacks for team.
- Xingqiu is best for Hydro application, provides defensive utility; Ororon supports Electro-Charged teams, boosts damage and Energy.
Genshin Impact‘s Aggravate and Electro-Charged teams are amazing ways to deal consistent damage at lower investments than the likes of Melt or Vaporize. You won’t be one-shotting any enemies with them, but you will be dealing about the same amount of damage over the same amount of time, just with lots of tinier numbers.

Genshin Impact: 8 Best Character Duos
We have some tips on which characters go great in pairs when fighting battles in Genshin Impact. These are our favorite duos.
Electro-Charged works by applying both Hydro and Electro on an enemy. This afflicts the enemy with both elements at once, letting you do some interesting stuff with Genshin’s Elemental Gauge theory, including Double Swirls and staggering enemies.
Fischl is a bow user that provides both utility and damage. Her summon, Oz, repeatedly hits a single enemy with Electro by default and hits separate instances when certain conditions are met. One of these conditions is the active character triggering an Electro reaction, something that will happen very often in Electro-Charged teams.
While Fischl isn’t the best in AOE content, her frequency of attacks is high enough that she can hold her own against multiple enemies, especially if you have her passive and C6 unlocked and have a strong driver like Kokomi or Sucrose.
The main selling point of Taser teams is not that Electro-Charged deals a lot of damage. If we’re talking about additive reactions, Spread and Aggravate are objectively much better in terms of damage alone. However, Electro-Charged provides a form of crowd control by staggering enemies, stopping them from attacking you.
Making full use of this, Beidou becomes a perfect character for Taser teams due to how her Burst works. Instead of dealing normal damage, the Burst has the Poise effect and counts as a heavy attack. The stagger from Electro-Charged paired with Beidou’s Elemental Burst ensures no enemy can damage you and her damage is enough to eradicate AOE content, something you’d want to use Electro-Charged teams for anyway.
Furina’s the best Hydro unit in the game provided you don’t need too much Hydro application, which not every Electro-Charged team does. Furina can deal a significant portion of the team’s overall DPS with her Elemental Skill and grant every party huge bonuses, so long as you have a healer in the team.
With Hydro being the healing element, it’s not difficult to find a good healer. For drivers, both Kokomi and Barbara can function well. If you’re looking for an Electro healer, Kuki Shinobu provides barely enough healing to keep Furina’s stacks up. Even non-Hydro and non-Electro options work well here, with Jean and Xianyun providing both VV Shred and the healing required for Furina’s Fanfare stacks.
Xingqiu’s always been one of the best characters to pull for regardless of what team you’re trying to build. He provides decent damage, the best Hydro application in the game, and tons of defensive utility in the form of DMG Reduction and Interruption Resistance.
This makes Xingqiu one of the best Hydro units for any Electro-Charged or Taser team because of the sheer value he provides. Even with teams that already run a Hydro unit as the on-field Driver, Xingqiu provides a Hydro RES shred that buffs their damage and a bit of healing to keep them alive.
There’s not much doubt about Neuvillette being one of the best Hydro characters in Genshin Impact. His self-sustained kit makes him an amazing pick in any team, and Electro-Charged is one of the many that he’s best in. Neuvillette applies a lot of Hydro from his Charged Attack in a large AOE, making him an amazing driver.
While Neuvillette is good in Electro-Charged teams, many other good EC characters, such as Xingqiu, Yelan, and Beidou, don’t work with him because he doesn’t use Normal Attacks.
His personal damage is enough to clear any content even without any specific synergies, but the Electro-Charged reaction and Taser teams provide something Neuvillette desperately needs, enemy disruption. Since Electro-Charged staggers enemies, this makes them less likely to hit Neuvillette and knock him out of his Charged Attack animation, something that is an active danger in many Neuvillette teams.
Ororon is the dedicated support for the Electro-Charged archetype, increasing his own damage upon allies triggering the reaction while also buffing his team members for doing so. While Fischl served as the best Electro unit for the longest time, Ororon is one of the only units that can challenge her in both utility and damage.

Genshin Impact: Best Weapons For Chasca
From the Scion of the Blazing Sun to the Chain Breaker, we list the best weapons to use when gearing up Chasca in Genshin Impact.
If the buffing wasn’t enough, Ororon also gives an immense amount of Energy to his teammates with his various passives. He also has access to the Scroll of the Hero of Cinder City artifact set, the single best supportive artifact set in Genshin Impact, letting him buff allies further.
Sucrose is neither a Hydro nor an Electro unit, being an Anemo catalyst that works to proc the Viridescent Venerer set effect. The reason she’s used in the best Taser teams is because of the Electro-Charged aura having both Hydro and Electro elements. This makes Sucrose Swirl both of them at once, increasing the damage enemies take from both these elements.
Sucrose is also an amazing driver for many great Electro-Charged characters. This is largely because she is a catalyst since she can perform Normal Attacks that deal Elemental DMG. This lets her reliably proc Xingqiu’s Rain Swords, Beidou’s Elemental Burst, Fischl’s C6, and many others.
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