After a few days of fallout with World of Warcraft guild OnlyFangs, Pirate Software says that he’s done streaming Hardcore. OnlyFangs is a World of Warcraft guild full of streamers that regrouped for the Anniversary realms, but Pirate Software may not return to it.
With the success of World of Warcraft Classic, Blizzard has looked at innovative ways to retain players and bring back lapsed ones. Season of Discovery continues to get a lot of attention from the community, and the recent release of Anniversary servers has significantly lowered the population of the original Classic servers. The Anniversary realm list includes Normal, PvP, and Hardcore Normal servers, with the latter receiving a lot of views online. The streamer guild OnlyFangs resides on the Hardcore server, and it features a lengthy list of rules for its personalities to follow. After Pirate Software seemingly broke some rules, he may be done with streaming World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore altogether.

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During a recent expletive-laden Pirate Software Twitch stream, the former OnlyFangs member confirmed that he won’t be playing World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore on stream again. Though he won’t be playing Classic Hardcore on stream anymore, Pirate Software was playing Path of Exile 2 during this statement, a game that shares many similarities. According to Pirate Software, the fallout between him and OnlyFangs isn’t “part of a bit,” and he doesn’t care about it anymore. While his removal from OnlyFangs plays a role in this decision, the streamer also shared very disturbing screenshots that highlight his safety may be at risk following the drama. This may play the most crucial role in his decision not to play World of Warcraft Hardcore anymore, as influencers need to take their safety seriously given how much doxing and swatting occurs.
Pirate Software May Never Return to World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore
Pirate Software may be done streaming World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore, but he seemingly doesn’t intend to take time off from Twitch. Although there was speculation that Pirate Software would split from OnlyFangs to create his own guild, he laid those rumors to rest during this Twitch stream. This speculation arose from the questionable nature of his removal, and the increasing number of OnlyFangs guild members being kicked for various reasons. Pirate Software was kicked for his indifference to two OnlyFangs members dying in a World of Warcraft dungeon while he escaped, with guild master Sodapoppin pointing out various things he could’ve done to save them.
Although Pirate Software has suggested he won’t return to World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore, he may go back on this promise. Blizzard continues to update World of Warcraft Classic Anniversary realms with more content, some of which may entice him to return. There may also be a way that he and Sodapoppin can repair the damage that has been done, and the streamer could return to OnlyFangs one day.
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