How To Get All The Special Bots In Astro’s Playroom

How To Get All The Special Bots In Astro's Playroom

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As the precursor to Astro Bot, Astro’s Playroom is a great platformer that all PS5 owners will have for free when they first get their console. It has four key sections, all referencing other PlayStation games and devices while remaining a challenging platformer that uses all the unique design choices the DualShock 5 controller offers.


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However, as you venture through PlayStation’s history, there are special bots for Astro to rescue. These were added just before the launch of Astro Bot, and each section of the game has its special bot to find and collect in preparation for the next game in the Astro Bot world.

To unlock the ability to find and collect all the Special Bots in Astro’s Playroom, you must have reached and completed the 1994 Throwback stage. This is the final stage and section of the game, so you must complete the game’s main objective so that these special bots will be available to collect.

GPU Jungle Special Bot – Renderforest Location

The flower petal area in Astro's Playroom.

For the GPU Jungle stage, enter the first section: Renderforest. Play the stage as usual until you hit the first new checkpoint of the level.

Here, you’ll have to pull some cables to reach a new area above and defeat some nearby enemies. However, before you get through the wall by pulling the cables in some rock ahead, look to the left and walk into the flower petals to reveal a Special Bot.

To free this bot, a riddle needs to be solved, hinted at by the clock image on his capsule. To solve this, head to the raised circular platform nearby with two caterpillar-like enemies on top. Defeat them to reveal another ally bot, one that needs to be spun to create a climbable surface to get to the next part.

The spot where the clock is in Astro's Playroom.

Follow the raised platforms until you reach the most outstretched platform, but not the highest one, and it will have a clock on its side. Pressing the Options button on your controller will open up a date selection screen instead of the traditional map menu, and the solution revolves around the bot you’re helping free: the hunter from Bloodborne.

So, enter the launch date for Bloodborne, November 24, 2015 (marked as 24-11-2015), which will free the Special Bot for GPU Jungle. There is no need to go back to where you found the bot, as it has been freed.

Memory Meadow Special Bot – Gusty Gateway Location

The Special Bot and Banana item in Astro's Playroom.

To start the path to collecting and saving the Special Bot in the Memory Meadow, start at the Gusty Gateway and progress until you reach a tightrope after walking past the island with the strong winds.

After activating that tightrope, head back to the starting area and look near the two obelisks to find some cables in the ground hidden amongst the grass. Pulling these will give you a small projectile you can throw, so take it and cross the tightrope you activated.

Then, just past another reenactment, there will be a patch of clouds glowing, and the game will show you that you can throw your projectile at them. It will reveal an Ape Escape Special Bot, with the clue to help free it simply being an image of bananas.

The Cloud area in Astro's Playroom.

Continue the level as normal, until you reach a checkpoint after riding a cloud. Instead of progressing the usual way, climb up the wall using the rocks to get to the tree at the top. Spin at the base of the tree with the bot sitting atop it, and it will drop some bananas. Pick them up and go back to the Special Bot.

To free them, you’ll have to copy what they do via dances you can do as the Astro Bot. Each press on the D-Pad is a different dance, and the one that the Special Bot will do is randomized. After matching the dance four times, the bot will be freed.

SSD Speedway Special Bot – Deep Dataspace Location

The jutting rockface in Astro's Playroom.

This Special Bot is on the third section of the stage, Deep Dataspace. When arriving at the location, play as normal until just before the fourth checkpoint where you can yank a gun out of the ground in a small elevated platform to the left.

On that platform, there will be a small jutting rockface on its left, which when walked on, will reveal the Special Bot. This one references the PS5 game Returnal, and gives you the hint using an image of an astronaut.

The white wall area in Astro's Playroom.

Next, get the Gatling Gun and progress to the next section. Make sure to leave one enemy alive, as dying with an item is key to freeing the Special Bot (referencing Returnal’s death mechanic).

The Astronaunt item location in Astro's Plaryoom.

When you move past the enemy you leave alive, climb on top of the area on the white walls. Move along it until you reach the tiny astronaut on it, then purposefully die while standing on it to respawn back by the checkpoint and free the Special Bot.

Cooling Springs Special Bot – Bot Beach Location

The first starfish for Astro's Playroom.

To reveal the Special Bot on Bot Beach, walk onto multiple starfish in a particular order on the beach.

The first starfish is under the pier immediately to the right of when the player first lands in the water from the slide. It will make a small noise through your controller when it is stepped on. The second one is near a much wider pier on the left side, just past it and to the left.

The second starfish in Astro's Playroom.

Return to the same pier that you found the first correct starfish under and look towards the sandstorm, and you’ll see one just to the right of a palm tree nearby, which is the third starfish. The final starfish is at the end of the beach on the left side, a little underwater. Stepping on it will reveal the Gran Turismo Special Bot.

Final Starfish Astro's Playroom

This bot is a driver, and his hint is a specific path. Before you can start this path, travel to the opposite end of the beach from where the final starfish was and knock over a blue item to reveal a racing wheel.

Then, open your map, and your controller should start making racing sounds. If you make a wrong move in your path, it will make a crash noise.

The Racing Menu Map in Astro's Playroom.

Since the path starts at Bot Beach, travel matching the path shown on the Special Bot’s capsule to free him and unlock the final Special Bot.


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