How Baldur’s Gate 3 Proves It’s a Game For Everyone

How Baldur's Gate 3 Proves It's a Game For Everyone

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Baldur’s Gate 3 is one of the most successful RPGs in recent years. One of the reasons behind its success is because it accommodates a wide range of players, from complete newbies to veterans of the genre, without oversimplifying the world, lore, and ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. By keeping to the spirit of Dungeons and Dragons and giving the player freedom through a variety of mechanics, Baldur’s Gate 3 becomes a CRPG experience that has something to offer to everyone.

Baldur’s Gate 3 flourishes as an RPG and provides its players as much freedom as possible within the limits of the video game medium. Because of this freedom, it can accommodate players from across different playstyles, from players who enjoy exploring every nook and cranny to discover all the content, to those who would rather just focus on the story. Both playstyles are accommodated in-game, with neither inherently punished by the game, with both playstyles reaching the appropriate level for enemies if all story quests and some side quests are completed.


Baldur’s Gate 3: 10 Ways To Shake Up A New Playthrough

With several ways to play Baldur’s Gate 3, what’s the best way for players to keep each new playthrough fresh?

How Baldur’s Gate 3 Accommodates a Variety of Players

Baldur’s Gate 3 does this by ensuring that players and the party can level accordingly while only doing the main quest, but are rewarded by also doing side quests. The services that Withers offers, such as hirelings, reclassing, and bringing party members back from the dead, are also extremely helpful in making Baldur’s Gate 3 an experience that everyone can enjoy. These are all mechanics that should be implemented in other RPGs wherever possible, especially as they’re mechanics that shouldn’t require a massive commitment every time a player levels up.

As Baldur’s Gate 3 allows players to respec party members at any point, players are instead encouraged to experiment with different builds, which encourages them to interact with the world of Baldur’s Gate 3 in different ways within the same playthrough. As a single Baldur’s Gate 3 playthrough can be over a hundred hours long, some players may only experience it once, and so being able to experiment with multiple builds within a single playthrough without any drawbacks or punishing the player is a great mechanic that draws in all kinds of players, old and new.

Baldur’s Gate 3’s Mechanics Have Something For Everyone

With Baldur’s Gate 3‘s leveling system, players can either focus purely on the plot, or take a completionist strategy and complete every quest in the game. Baldur’s Gate 3‘s world is massive and one of its charms is how it presents many solutions to the problems it presents players, giving the illusion of a game where every playthrough is unique. While this is not strictly true, it does mean that many different types of people, including those who wouldn’t normally play RPGs, have found themselves playing Baldur’s Gate 3 and enjoying it because of how it offers something for everyone.

While the turn-based combat system is completely different from other video games, with even other hardcore CRPGs having turned away from it in recent years, Baldur’s Gate 3 found freedom in its combat restrictions. As such, builds from musical Bards to Barbarians who specialize in throwing their enemies are viable in combat. Some of these builds have unexpected results, which further encourage players to experiment. With a game like this, veteran players are able to find a new playstyle they may keep moving forward, while new players may realize they enjoy RPGs and begin exploring more games in the genre.

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