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Mister Fantastic from the Fantastic Four universe was added to Marvel Rivals alongside the release of season 1. He is a Duelist but functions as a pseudo-Vanguard unit who can boost HP, stretch his body to attack enemies from a distance, and use his ultimate to pounce on enemies, creating chaos within the opponent’s ranks.

Marvel Rivals: Mister Fantastic Hero Guide
Mister Fantastic is a pretty fantastic Duelist in Marvel Rivals – here’s how to play him!
However, all of these abilities make Mister Fantastic a problematic hero to deal with as he becomes unkillable if left unchecked. If you are facing trouble dealing with Mister Fantastic, this guide will ensure you’re prepared the next time you face him.
How To Counter Mister Fantastic
Mister Fantastic is extremely difficult to fight against when you’re in a 1v1 scenario. His Elastic Strength and Reflexive Rubber abilities ensure that his HP is massively boosted, which means most heroes in the game will find it hard to take him down solo.
However, if you group up against him and put him in a 5v1 scenario, Mister Fantastic won’t be able to do much. Additionally, you can also deal with the enemy team first and leave Mister Fantastic alone. Once the enemy team is wiped out, you can target him and take him down.
You can also use stuns to stop Mister Fantastic from approaching your team. Once stunned, group up against him and burst him down as quickly as possible before he has a chance to even activate his abilities. However, in most cases, he will get to launch all his abilities into you, and in such instances, you’ll need to know how to deal with his attacks.
When it comes to his Stretch Punch ability, he can launch it from a distance. While there’s no way to stop him from using that attack, shields can be a good way to prevent it from reaching your team. If you’re a Vanguard, you can always switch to a shield hero, or if you are a Duelist or Strategist, it’s better to ask your Vanguard to get someone to place a shield. If your Vanguard refuses to switch, play from a long-range where he can’t reach you.
The Reflexive Rubber ability allows Mister Fantastic to absorb incoming damage. It’s important you stop attacking him once he activates it, and don’t waste your ultimate in that phase. Let the ability expire, and then you can start fighting again.
His Flexible Elongation allows him to dash onto enemies while gaining a shield for himself. Additionally, he can use his Distended Grip ability to grab hold of multiple targets and smash them together to deal damage.
Both of these abilities are deadly for Strategists as he can smash two of them together and then dash onto them for a final blow.
If you see Mister Fantastic using Flexible Elongation on a Strategist, irrespective of whether you’re a Vanguard or a Duelist, jump onto him to protect your Strategist. As for Distended Grip, the best way to deal with it is by spreading out, so that he can’t get access to multiple targets.
Mister Fantastic’s ultimate allows him to jump more as he hits enemies. When he activates his ultimate, try to spread apart so that he can’t get multiple bounces, thereby reducing its effectiveness significantly.
It’s also possible to interrupt his ultimate if you stun him in between the jumps. However, the timing is hard, and it’s easier to spread out so that he misses a hit and his ultimate stops after the initial two to three pounces.
How To Counter Mister Fantastic As A Strategist
There are quite a few Strategists who can easily deal with Mister Fantastic as they can open up opportunities for their team. The two best heroes for this task are Mantis and Luna Snow, as the former can stun Mister Fantastic while the latter can freeze him.
Cloak and Dagger is also pretty good against Mister Fantastic, especially in the Cloak form. This is because the Cloak form can leech out Mister Fantastic’s HP, which means the HP boosts aren’t as effective.
While Cloak and Dagger is good against Mister Fantastic, the former is quite squishy, so if you get overly aggressive, Mister Fantastic will take you down pretty easily.
Finally, Invisible Woman is also pretty good against Mister Fantastic, as she can push him away from her ally team or pull him close, thereby isolating him. Once isolated, Mister Fantastic is quite easy to take down.
How To Counter Mister Fantastic As A Vanguard
Mister Fantastic can go even against most Vanguard units, but there are a few heroes who can counter him. Magneto is one of the best choices for this on account of his Iron Bulwark and Metal Bulwark abilities. Once the aforementioned abilities are activated, Magneto can shield his allies to absorb damage from Mister Fantastic.
This charges up Magneto’s Mag Cannon, which can deal devastating damage in return to Mister Fantastic. Hulk is also a good counter to Mister Fantastic as the former can stun the latter with his Radioactive Lockdown ability.
Venom is a good choice against Mister Fantastic as the former can hold his ground for really long on account of Symbiotic Resilience ability and his ultimate. This creates space for Venom’s team to pounce on Mister Fantastic and take the latter down as quickly as possible. Venom can also run away if Mister Fantastic becomes a problem and thereby bait out the latter’s HP boost abilities.
Additionally, Hulk and his ultimate ability, Monster Hulk, can tank through Mister Fantastic’s and hold their ground, thereby creating space for the ally team to take the latter down.
How To Counter Mister Fantastic As A Duelist
When it comes to Duelists, you are at a disadvantage if you rely on melee abilities. However, there are a few options that can deal with Mister Fantastic’s HP boosts directly or indirectly. The first biggest counter to Mister Fantastic in this case is Scarlet Witch.
This is because Scarlet Witch can not only leech Mister Fantastic’s HP, she can also become untargetable which prevents the latter from stacking up on Elasticity buffs. Hela is also a good choice as she can out-range Mister Fantastic and can deal a lot of damage where the latter’s HP boosts aren’t enough.
Iron Man is decent against Mister Fantastic as the former can fly in the air and deal damage with the latter having no answers to that. Punisher is also a good choice here as he can deal sustained damage and can shred through Mister Fantastic’s HP despite all the boosts.
Spider-Man is also a good option as he can stun Mister Fantastic and deal massive damage in a short duration. If the latter uses his HP boosts, the former can simply run away and then return once the abilities have expired.
Wolverine is also excellent against Mister Fantastic, as he can use ferocious attacks that can shred through the latter’s shields.
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