WoW Has Good News for Players Who Missed WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

WoW Has Good News for Players Who Missed WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

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  • WoW Patch 11.1 adds new vendor Nostwin, selling Mists of Pandaria Remix items for Timewarped Badges.
  • Not all Remix-exclusive items are available in Nostwin’s inventory, some rare toys and mounts are missing.
  • The expensive prices of old WoW Remix rewards make budgeting Timewarped Badges challenging.

World of Warcraft Patch 11.1 is adding a new vendor to the game who sells some items that were available in WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria. Fans will be able to exchange Timewarped Badges at this World of Warcraft vendor to obtain Remix-exclusive items, like Chen Stormstout’s Bamboo Hat or the Sha Corruption weapon illusion, as well as a selection of cosmetic armor sets from Mists of Pandaria.

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria was a limited-time World of Warcraft event held in 2024 that let players power through the old expansion with modern class balance and overpowered abilities and gear. Fans could collect Bronze and exchange it for both old and new collectibles and transmogs, all while earning achievements in order to unlock exclusive items.


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Now, it seems like World of Warcraft is adding a new way to obtain some of these now-unavailable items. WoW content creator MrGM recently discovered Nostwin, an Infinite Dragon NPC from the Remix event, on the Timeless Isle in the Public Test Realm for Patch 11.1. This new vendor sells seven pages full of items originally obtained during the event, including exclusive WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria achievement rewards like the Muskpaw Calf and Astral Emperor’s Serpentling pets, the Cherry Blossom Trail toy, and the Halfhill Farmer’s Backpack, plus select parts of certain tier sets and other transmogs from Mists of Pandaria.

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria Vendor in Patch 11.1

Not everything from WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria appears in Nostwin’s inventory, however. Some achievement rewards, like the Astral Emperor’s Serpent or August Phoenix mounts, are nowhere to be found, nor are many rare toys and mounts from Pandaria obtainable during the event. While many of the missing ensembles and weapons can be found elsewhere in the game, other Remix-exclusive items, such as the variant colors of the World of Warcraft Trading Post’s class-specific armor and weapons, are also not currently in Nostwin’s inventory.

Unfortunately, many of these old WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria rewards are also quite expensive. While not everything has a listed price yet, ensembles go for 4000 Timewarped Badges, while individual transmog pieces cost between 700 and 800. Considering Timewarped Badge income has been reduced to account for their Warband transferability, and that Blizzard recently added many new items to all Timewalking vendors, budgeting currency for these items won’t be easy, even with World of Warcraft’s ongoing Turbulent Timeways event.

That said, WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria – and the original way to get these rewards – could potentially return someday, especially since evidence suggests World of Warcraft is already planning a Legion Remix. However, with 10 expansions and counting, players may be waiting a long time for Mists of Pandaria Remix to happen again, if it ever does.

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