- Luffy, Chopper, Sanji, Brook, and Jinbe are the most moral of the Straw Hat Crew.
- Zoro may have a strict moral compass, but isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty.
- Nico Robin is the most morally dubious member of the crew but still a valuable ally.
While the Straw Hats are the main characters of One Piece, being pirates, the crew aren’t the most morally upright heroes in anime. While they do save the day on more than one occasion, liberating enough kingdoms where it feels like a hobby, the Straw Hat Crew does have a penchant for things like thievery and deceit. At the end of the day, no matter how good One Piece’s Straw Hats are, they are still pirates, and, to put it simply, pirates are criminals.
Since the Straw Hats are pirates through and through, it begs the question, which Straw Hat is the most morally dubious in One Piece? While characters like Luffy and Chopper tend to be more morally righteous, other characters tend to be a bit more morally gray than most anime protagonists are. While all the Straw Hat Crew does end up doing the right thing more often than not, there are definitely members of the crew who lack the same strong moral code as their captain.

One Piece: Will Zoro Surpass Luffy?
Although Luffy is generally the strongest character on the crew, will Zoro ever surpass him in One Piece?
Each Straw Hat Has Their Own Moral Code In One Piece
Some Are More Flexible Than Others
Throughout One Piece, more than any other member of the crew, Luffy has proven himself to be morally righteous. Believing in freedom for all and often coming to those who need it without a second thought, Luffy always does the right thing. Zoro and the former One Piece Warlord, Jinbe, although a bit harsher in their methods, function on a system based on loyalty, especially to their captain. Chopper, Sanji, and Brook, on the other hand, are more like regular people, often looking to help those who need it with their specific skill set.
It’s not about if I can. I’m doing it because I want to. – Luffy
As for the rest of the crew, although they had their reasons, both Franky and Robin have been on the opposing side of the Straw Hats on more than one occasion. As for Usopp and the Straw Hat navigator, Nami, though it’s often played for comedic value, the duo often lies, cheats, and steals their way out of any situation they can, prioritizing their own safety first over anything else. While this is often played for laughs, Nami especially has a penchant for both thievery and frequently tricks her friends into exorbitant amounts of debt.
Most Of The Straw Hats Have A Strong Sense Of Morality
Zoro Is A Little Dicey But Generally Does The Right Thing
- Most Straw Hats Are Very Moral People
- Franky, Usopp, and Nami Are A Little Less Moral
First and foremost, characters like Luffy, Chopper, Sanji, Brook, and Jinbe are definitely not the most morally dubious Straw Hats. These characters are arguably the kindest of the crew, and always willing to help those who are in trouble. Between the One Piece protagonist, Luffy, frequently saving anyone who asks for his help, Chopper and Sanji providing food and medical attention to anyone who needs it, Brook’s general kindness, and Jinbe’s self-sacrifice and loyalty, these Straw Hats are arguably the most moral of the crew.
As for Zoro, while the character does have a strict moral compass, the extremely powerful One Piece swordsman isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty when required. In fact, Zoro may be the only One Piece character who has been confirmed to kill another character, though another Straw Hat is implied to have killed more. However, at the end of the day, Zoro does these things out of sheer loyalty to both his captain and the art of swordsmanship.
The Rest Of The Straw Hats Are A Bit More Amoral
Robin Is Arguably The Most Morally Dubious Of The Bunch
Next, Franky, despite being a bit of a menacing and intimidating delinquent in the community of Water 7, the character is extremely soft under his hard exterior. Although he was a part of a gang, the gang itself was full of genuine people who cared greatly for each other. As for Nami and Usopp, while the duo does steal and lie respectively, this is a fairly standard activity for pirates. Although they do worse things than the rest of the crew, they are far from the worst.
What if they’ve been torn to pieces by a sea monster? – Robin
Arguably the most morally dubious member of the Straw Hat Pirates is the mysterious and dangerous archeologist, Robin. Throughout her entire life, Robin has had to fight to survive using any tactics at her disposal. This involved joining various pirate crews, including Baroque Works, a mercenary group that almost overthrew the kingdom of Alabasta. Although her reasoning is justified, no other character seems as morally gray as Nico Robin.
Despite being the most morally dubious out of all of One Piece’s Straw Hats, Nico Robin is still an incredible ally to the crew and a good person. In the grand scheme of things, there are far worse pirates out there than Robin. However, at least on the Straw Hat Crew, the kind, yet mysterious, One Piece archaeologist is the most immoral due to her shady, yet admittedly heart-wrenching, past and dark demeanor.

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