- Nina’s abilities were overhyped, leading to disappointment for viewers.
- The public’s fear of Nina seemed out of place in a world with other powerful beings.
- Inconsistencies in Doctor Phosphorus’s powers and the unexplained plot points around Princess Illana are glaring.
Creature Commandos season finale, titled “A Very Funny Monster,” went all out to close the DCU’s first project on a memorable note. It gave fans arguably the most tragic backstory yet and an even more heartbreaking end to one of its most endearing characters. Still, for all the praise Creature Commandos has received, the R-rated animated series, like most—if not al—movies, is not immune to errors.
The season finale, in particular, left in its wake, painfully obvious plotholes, inconsistencies, and some pressing questions unanswered. While some of these mysteries may be addressed in the confirmed second season of the monster-filled “Task Force M,” their head-scratching gap still merits discussion.

Creature Commandos: Every Easter Egg and Cameo in Season 1 Finale Explained
The season finale of Creature Commandos has a ton of Easter eggs, cameos, and references.
Nina Mazursky’s Abilities Were Overstated
Was There a Research Error on Nina Mazurksy?
In Episode 1 of Creature Commandos, titled “The Collywobbles,” when Rick Flag Sr. asks about the usability of Nina Mazursky, Amanda Waller describes her as a powerhouse underwater. It’s not just her sub-surface prowess that Waller exalts but also her mental prowess, tagging Nina as “the smartest and most reasonable of the bunch.” These remarks were potent enough to sow interest in Nina among viewers and the character’s subsequent sidelining in later episodes only bolstered the belief that she might emerge as a silent savior. Alas, neither turned out to be true. As it turns out in Episode 7, she’s just a good swimmer, and lacks the mental and physical traits hyped by Waller earlier.
A likely explanation for this is a research error coming from Waller’s team. In James Gunn’s 2021 soft-reboot, The Suicide Squad, Weasel seemingly drowns because no one thought to find out if he could swim. But it’s also possible that this wasn’t the case, and it’s simply the fault of the writers.
Nina Mazursky Frightening the Star City Public
Aren’t Meta-Humans Commonplace In This Universe?
Nina Mazursky had her time to shine in Episode 7 of Creature Commandos, with arguably the most tragic backstory in the show. Born in the fictional DC City of Star City with a rare respiratory anomaly—lungs outside her body—she was doomed to wear a heavy metal device to breathe. An experiment by her father lessened her fate and confined her breathing to underwater. Up until her capture, she had been the subject of urban legends and fear in Star City. For a world that already has Superman, Hawk Girl, Guy Gardener, and other meta-humans, the apprehension is a bit surprising…and contradictory.
Adding to the inconsistency, back in Episode 1, Amanda Waller says that only those with the highest level of security clearance know about the existence of the Creature Commandos. However, as shown at different periods throughout the show, several members of the public encounter the Commandos long before their incarceration—for example, Doctor Phosphorus dancing in a club with scores of people. So, it’s apparent their existence is not nearly as oblivious to the public as Waller makes it seem.
The On-and-Off Physics of Doctor Phosphorus
Is He or Is He Not Radioactive?
Furious at the cuddling and stroking Weasel receives from the palace guards after preventing—albeit momentarily—the Princess’ assassination, Doctor Phosphorus laments that no one can show him similar levels of intimate affection because if any hand touches him, it will burn. This is correct and ordinarily wouldn’t be a problem if not for the goalpost-shifting physics of Phosphorus in the show.
Amanda Waller had earlier ammusingly described Phosphorus’ radiation as so potent that even being in the same room as him could be tantamount to a vasectomy. Yet, on several occasions, these rules are ignored. Phosphorus regularly touches his colleagues and other humans; he is even shown tossing a little girl in the penultimate episode. Perhaps quite funnily, he wears clothes, reads papers, and touches wood—three highly flammable materials that should ignite immediately upon contact with his skin.
The inconsistent physics becomes even more pronounced when applied to Rick Flag Sr. In Episode 1, Flag and Phosphorus engage in a brief battle when the latter attempts to steal the remote detonator. During the intense confrontation, Phosphorus grabs and punches Flag multiple times, causing, at best, second-degree burns; and at worst, no bruises at all. Compare this with a scene in Episode 5 where he instantly shatters the skull of Pokolistani security head, Alexi, with a single punch, then it becomes clear that the physics of Doctor Phosphorus is being dubiously manipulated to conveniently fit the story when the creators please.
The Puzzling Failure of the Palace Guards to Notice Princess Illana’s Assassination
How Did the Pokolistani Guards Not Hear the Gunshot That Killed Princess Ilana?
Of all the moments in Creature Commandos, nothing screams plot convenience more than the deafening silence surrounding Princess Illana’s assassination. Firstly, one would think that a guard or two would be stationed around or near the princess, seeing that she was the subject of an assassination plot just moments ago—regardless of Waller’s changed stance. But they aren’t.
Then, The Bride assassinates her, hastily—and suspiciously—exits the castle while assaulting a dignitary on the way and no one seems to check the direction from whence she came or at least the source of the loud bang. Sure, it’s a big castle, but if the sound of The Bride shooting Frankenstein on the castle walls (an open space) is enough to alert the guards, how does the echo of a similar shot within the enclosed castle go unnoticed?
Who exactly Is Princess Illana Rostovic?
The series Doesn’t Explain Her Motivations or Backstory
Right from Episode 1 where she tries, and temporarily fails, to seduce Frank Grillo’s Rick Flag Sr., it is obvious that there is more to Princess Illana Rostovic than meets the eye. Circe’s ominous vision confirms this suspicion and fans anticipated a grand revelation of Illana’s true intentions. But they would be wrong. By the end of Episode 7, there’s no denying that Illana is done the most injustice in Creature Commandos. All viewers know is that Circe says she is, or will be, a nightmare for humanity; her motivations are left to the wind. Worse, she meets a gruesome end for a crime not yet committed. Well, there’s the argument that she killed Nina, but technically, that was out of self-defense. It’s ironic and deeply unjust that the only major character whose hands are largely bloodless ends up with a bullet in her skull.
Speaking of unexplained plot points, the show reveals that Princess Illana teams up with Clayface, but it never clarifies how she becomes aware of his existence. If someone behind the scenes orchestrates their alliance, as some fans have theorized, who could it be? Vandal Savage? Gorilla Grodd? Creature Commandos doesn’t provide an answer. There’s more: her eyes glowing blue—a characteristic of meta-humans—after stabbing Nina; and the show hinting that she has a history with the Weasel.
The fact that Creature Commandos leaves questions like these unanswered lends weight to the criticism from some viewers that the series serves primarily as a filler project, designed to set the tone for the DCU rather than deliver a fully cohesive and satisfying narrative.

Creature Commandos Season 1 Ending Explained
Creature Commandos officially kicked off the DCU and with Episode 7, the animated series ended its first season with several bangs.
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