How To See Every Limited Time Event In Tales Of Graces F Remastered

How To See Every Limited Time Event In Tales Of Graces F Remastered

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A classic mechanic in every Tales game is the Hourglass Event, and Tales Of Graces F Remastered carries on that series’ tradition in general, just like its original iteration. These moments allow you insight into the characters, but unlike everything else in the game, these events are a limited-time affair.



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If you don’t find an Hourglass Event while you’re in its appearance chapter, you’ll miss out on it completely and, unless you’ve got a prior save point, you won’t see it until your next playthrough. For those wanting to get the most out of the story, make sure you find these events.

Information in the article below will be updated further as new information is discovered and as the need arises.

What Are Hourglass Events?

Malik standing outside Cheria's house which has a red Hourglass Event symbol on the doors in Tales Of Graces F Remastered.

Hourglass Events are special conversations separate from Skits, taking place at a much lower frequency and being time-sensitive, unlike most events in the game.

When using the Navigation command, you’ll be able to see any Hourglass Events at the location you’re currently in, like how it displays the current quest objective and map exits if you’re near them.

Having the Destination Icon setting on will make most Hourglass Events show up on the map normally, like regular objectives, or appear when looking at the Towns section of the World Map.

Most of the time, they’ll be a special conversation or event you can experience, but some can also lead to side quests, such as the Hourglass Event at Cheria’s house during The Sands of Strahta chapter leading to Frederic’s Lost Treasure.

They also share some similarities with Star Events and can show up in the same location, but these are also separate from Hourglass Events, and Star Events tend to relate to memories of characters and aren’t time-sensitive.

While most are just conversations, Hourglass Events are considered Side Quests and are recorded in the Side Quests section of the User’s Manual.

All Hourglass Events

Asbel and Cheria speaking with Frederic during a Hourglass Event in Tales Of Graces F Remastered.

Hourglass Event

Map Region

Chapter Available

How To Find it

Wishing The Pain Away


Childhood’s End

Go to the house at the northern end of Lhant.

The Expendable Son

Lhant Manor

The Sands of Strahta

Go to Kerri’s room on the left side of the top floor.

Mr. Oswell’s Secret 1

Yu Liberté

The Sands of Strahta

Go to Oswell Manor on the eastern side of the Residential District.

A Cold Night


The Infiltration of Fendel

Inside the Velanik Inn in the northwestern corner of town.

Have to sleep at the inn one night to trigger it.



The Infiltration of Fendel

Inside the Zahvert Inn on the northern side of the city.

Have to sleep at the inn one night to trigger it.

Frederic’s Lost Treasure


The Infiltration of Fendel

Go inside Cheria’s House and interact with the cabinet on the right side of the house.

Frederic’s Lost Treasure (2)


The Infiltration of Fendel

Speak with the woman who runs the Item Shop.

Only appears if you witnessed the Hourglass Event at Cheria’s House and started Frederic’s Lost Treasure.

Mr. Oswell’s Secret 2

Yu Liberté

The Infiltration of Fendel

Go to Oswell Manor on the eastern side of the Residential District.

Only appears if you witnessed Mr. Oswell’s Secret 1 during the chapter, The Sands of Strahta.


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