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Freedom Wars Remastered is set in a dystopian world where the few people alive must battle one another in an attempt to harvest the planet’s scant resources. Firefights and bloodshed are a part of everyday life, so you’ll need to constantly build your arsenal if you hope to survive long.

While you’ll add many weapons to your collection naturally by completing objectives, they won’t always be perfect fits for your loadout. Some will be underleveled, while others may lack the elemental bonuses you require. Thankfully, you can tinker with these weapons to your heart’s content, provided you have the right facilities and resources.
How To Modify Weapons
In order to begin modifying weapons in any way, you’ll first need to gain access to the weapon development facility.
This will occur naturally during the beginning of the game, after you purchase the Grade 1 Weapon Development Facility Permit Entitlement. Claiming this will give you access to the Facility Management menu in the Personal Responsibility Portal, and you can begin weapon customization.
How To Upgrade Weapons
The easiest way to see an immediate performance boost in a weapon is to level it up. Enter the Upgrade Weapons menu, and you’ll be able to increase a weapon’s base stats. These increases can affect attributes like attack power, critical hit chance, range, and more.
After selecting the weapon you want to upgrade, the game will show you what resources you need to pay for it, as well as how many Entitlement Points. If you’re willing to make the trade, you will then be shown what exact stats the upgrade will enhance. After confirming you want to proceed, you’ll be given your improved weapon.
You can request citizen support before paying for an upgrade by pressing Triangle/X/Y. If you have rescued any citizens with good facility management skills, you can get Entitlement Point discounts on your weapon modifications.
Simply upgrading your weapons is the best way to make them stronger. However, leveling up weapons in the early game can be difficult due to your lack of resources. Thus, modules offer a good alternative while you stockpile the necessary resources to invest in more expensive options.
How To Craft Modules
Modules are tiny stat boosts you can add to your arsenal. You’ll earn many of them for free during the course of completing missions, equipping them to your weapons in the loadout menu, but after you progress deeper into the game, you’ll be able to craft the specific ones you want.
After buying the Grade 2 Weapon Development Facility Permit Entitlement, you can begin manufacturing modules. Much like raw upgrades, you’ll be asked to forfeit some resources and Entitlement Points to create your desired product.
You can only equip as many modules as your weapon has open slots, but you can add more by using Entitlement Points. The amount of Points you will have to pay is determined by the Facility Manager Aptitude of whichever rescued citizen you choose to help you.
If you have a module you’re particularly fond of, you can take a few and attempt to fuse them together to create an even more potent version with stronger effects. Unfortunately, this process can fail, but your chances of success are increased depending on how many modules you try to fuse together and which citizen is assisting you.
Modules are excellent when it comes to providing quick weapon buffs, and can help you shape your distinct playstyle, such as increasing damage to a certain enemy body part or adding range to a firearm. Normal upgrades will become more useful as you venture deeper into the game, however, as you’ll need fundamentally stronger weapons in order to compete with tougher enemies.
How To Add Elements To Weapons
When you get the Grade 3 Weapon Development Facility Permit Entitlement, you can imbue your weapons with elemental powers. The game has four elements, each of which counters another (fire beats ice beats electricity beats Will’O beats fire). You can use this knowledge to exploit enemy weaknesses and take them down easily.
To add elemental traits to a weapon, you’ll be given the option of taking the abilities of a donor weapon or using a resource. Taking the skills of a weapon will yield meagre status changes and cost fewer points, whereas resources generally offer bigger improvements at a steeper price.
Elements are the final ingredient to creating the perfect build. While they can certainly help optimize your loadout for taking on specific encounters, they should not be prioritized over upgrades and modules, which are more generally applicable to a variety of situations.
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