Exploring SNK’s History And Impact On Fighting Games

Exploring SNK’s History And Impact On Fighting Games

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Zenzuu4h ago

Sony has so many great dominant IP’s that they can bring back, such as Infamous, Socom, Ape Escape, Jak & Daxter, Siren, Sly Cooper, Killzone, Twisted Metal, Little Big Planet, Gravity Rushy, Motorstorm, Wild Arms, Resistance, Wipeout, Alundra, Colony Wars, Cool Boarders, Knack, Syphon Filter, Dark Cloud, Omega Boost, The Legend of Dragoon, G-Police, The Getaway and so on. Many of these games is what defines Playstation and sets them apart in previous generations.

They could also work with third parties developers to bring these franchises back like Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Ridge Racer, SSX, Tenchu, Jade Cocoon, Xenogears, Xenosaga, Nightmare Creatures, Vagrant Story, Shadow Hearts, Driver, Breath of Fire, Tomba, Legend of Legaia,..etc

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