Every Locked Chest Location And Password In Tales Of Graces F Remastered

Every Locked Chest Location And Password In Tales Of Graces F Remastered
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In Tales of Graces f Remastered, there are a total of 12 treasure chests that can only be opened once you have discovered their password. The rewards for opening these are customarily pretty sweet, so it’s well worth going through the trouble – though it will be no trouble at all with our guide.


Tales Of Graces F Remastered Review – Once More, Still Appealing

Tales of Graces f’s big remaster is light on new features, but it looks nice, runs smoothly, and brings a classic to modern audiences.

We’ve cracked the codes for each of these passwords, and we’re here to share the wealth. Here’s every password, every chest location, and everything you’ll obtain for sleuthing out the hidden numbers that have been left throughout the world by… someone with too much time on their hands, we suppose.

One of the more surprising tweaks in Tales of Graces f Remastered is that the passwords have all been altered from their PS3 and Wii versions. Whereas words were entered there, the solutions are numerical now. This means any guide from before Remastered is invalid!

Every Locked Chest Password In Tales Of Graces F Remastered

Approaching Yu Liberte in Tales of Graces f Remastered

Chest Location



Lhant, inside Aston’s room in the manor (not available until adult arc begins)



Barona, a room at the Knights’ Academy



Gralesyde, inside the main office


Book of Wealth

Oul Raye, out in the open


Book of Sustenance

Sable Izolle, along the edge of the cliff a bit southeast from the research tower


Book of Restraint

Yu Liberte, inside the president’s room


Book of Restriction

Warrior’s Roost, up on the right side of the registration area


Book of Metabolism

Velanik, inside the inn, behind the stage curtain


Book of Deduction

Zavhert, outside on the western side of the city


Book of Finesse

Amarcian Enclave, inside Fourier’s house


Book of Acquisition

Telos Astue, out along the shuttle bay


Book of Enthusiasm

Katz Corner, left side of the screen



And that’s all of them!


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