Best Characters For A Superconduct Team In Genshin Impact

Best Characters For A Superconduct Team In Genshin Impact

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Physical teams haven’t been very popular in Genshin Impact. From the lack of good supports to there only being a few good on-fielders, Superconduct as a reaction has suffered due to the Physical archetype itself suffering. However, if you really want to play Eula, Razor, or any other Physical character, it’s not that these teams are bad entirely, they’re just harder to build.


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Using Superconduct, Physical DMG is the only one to have a built-in RES shred without using any character for it. While you can’t make use of the Viridescent Venerer or any multiplicative reactions, Superconduct lets Physical carries get that extra damage in to become viable picks in the meta.



Genshin Impact’s favorite bird owner provides a lot of things. Fischl is a great off-field Electro DPS, dealing tons of damage tons of times, making her one of the best Electro applicators in the game. If that wasn’t enough, Oz also produces a lot of Energy Particles for her team, making her an amazing universal Battery.

Fischl can also make a decent Physical DPS by being equipped with either a highly refined Rust or the Mitternachts Waltz.

Her high uptime on Oz saves you the worry of not having Superconduct active all the time and her Batterying helps Energy Hungry characters like Razor, Freminet, Eula, and even Mika. Fischl is one of the best characters to build for most Electro-dependent teams, and Superconduct isn’t any different.



Razor may now be famous as the premier Dendro Burgeon DPS in his Thundering Furry teams, but this Electro wolf was made to be a Physical/Electro carry instead. He was just never too good at it. This was partially due to his own low motion values, but also because there weren’t any ways of buffing Physical DMG apart from Superconduct.


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With Mika, Rosaria, and more weapons available to him, Razor is a fully playable Physical DPS that can actually output competitive amounts of DPS with some of the best teams, provided you equip him correctly and have a high constellation Mika/Rosaria.



A close up of Freminet during a battle with a flash of light behind him.

Freminet is Genshin Impact’s third attempt at a proper Physical DPS, fourth if you want to count Xinyan. Fortunately for him, Freminet is indeed better than all his rivals, being a close second to Eula in terms of damage and synergy with the Physical archetype. Unfortunately for Freminet, being better than both Xinyan and Razor doesn’t exactly mean much.

Freminet functions differently than many other characters due to how his skills works. He gains stacks that, after using his Elemental Skill, he can use to perform either a Cryo attack or a Physical one. This attack is buffed whenever Freminet triggers either Shatter or Superconduct, and at C6, he becomes a completely viable Physical carry rivaling the likes of Eula.



Genshin Impact Mika extending his hand in Dragonspine.

Mika was supposed to be the dedicated Physical support made to bring Eula teams back to glory; unfortunately, he ran into some issues. He still does benefit the Physical or Superconduct archetype a lot, being a Cryo character who can provide an ATK Speed boost to charge up Eula’s Burst and a great buff to Physical DMG, and it does this by using his passives to grant Detector stats that buff Physical DMG by up to 40 percent, increasing to 50 if you have his C6.

Mika’s Physical DMG Bonus does not work properly when in single-target content, making him much better when against a horde.

This buff, while great, immediately leaves the active character when they escape the field, which stops Eula from switching out and triggering her Lightfall Sword earlier. Another problem is the massive Energy Recharge issues non-C4 Mika has, as well as his potential being locked being his C6. So long as you have a C6 Mika and can afford to stay longer on Eula, though, he’s one of the best Superconduct characters in Genshin Impact.



Rosaria is often overshadowed by fellow early releases like Xiangling and Bennett despite how strong she actually is. She deals about the same level of damage as Xiangling with her Elemental Burst, applies decent Cryo, and works as a strong battery for Cryo teams.


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While she may shine the best in Reverse Melt teams, Rosaria can be a splendid Superconduct support for Eula teams especially, providing some extra Cryo application and damage while also batterying Eula. If you have Rosaria’s C6, she even grants a decent Physical DMG Bonus to the active character, making her an even stronger character.



The Raiden Shogun does not benefit from Physical damage buffs. Yet, as a support, she still ends up being in all the best Superconduct teams purely because of how well she synergizes with Eula, a character made for such teams.

Beidou’s Burst doesn’t work with Raiden normally. However, if you’re using Raiden in a Superconduct team. you can pair her with Beidou to buff her Elemental Burst damage. The Burst will still work since Raiden won’t be the on-fielder during the time it’s active.

Raiden provides enough Energy Recharge to fill up Eula’s Burst while also dealing damage during the team’s downtime. Her Elemental Skill, being one of the longest-lasting skills in the game, also enables Eula to trigger Superconduct repeatedly, dealing extra damage and keeping the RES shred up. Lastly, Raiden’s ability to buff Elemental Burst damage synergizes extremely well with characters like Eula or Rosaria.



Being Genshin’s only five-star unit that focuses on Physical damage, it’s no wonder Eula takes the top spot for Physical and Superconduct teams. Her attacks hurt and, paired with the buff she gives herself from her Grimheart stacks, Superconduct elevates this damage significantly.


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Her beautifully animated Normal Attacks already make good use of it, dealing decent Physical DMG even without any further reactions, but Eula makes Superconduct shine due to how much it increases her Elemental Burst’s Lightfall Sword’s nuke damage. Additionally, Eula synergizes well with other good Superconduct units, such as Raiden and Rosaria, making her an even better character for Physical teams.

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