- One Piece features unconventional weapons, including body parts and food, due to Devil Fruits.
- Users like Mr. 5 use their mucus as explosives, while Big Mom creates special homies from souls.
- Usopp uses Pop Greens for combat, while inanimate objects like swords can consume Zoan Devil Fruits.
The world of One Piece is undeniably weird. Its designs tend to be fairly unconventional compared to other anime, and to some extent, so too are its weapons. Due to the series revolving around conflicts between various pirates and the government, it is no secret that weapons are involved.

One Piece: 5 Pirates Who Hate Their Fathers
Commonly due to clashes of ideals, these pirates have negative relationships with their fathers.
There are the conventional types of weaponry one would expect, including swords, guns, and other types of arms. Yet, due to the inclusion of Devil Fruits, and other fantastical oddities, not every fighter has the most conventional equipment in store. This results in some absolutely odd methods of attack that may not be found in other series.
Users: Gem “Mr. 5” & Trebol
- Associated Devil Fruit(s): Bomu Bomu no Mi and Beta Beta no Mi
Gem, also known as Mr. 5, was an officer agent in Baroque Works, a criminal organization that sought to take over Alabasta. His Devil Fruit allowed him to make any part of his body explosive. Although he wasn’t noted to be a physically strong fighter, the power of his explosions tended to be a solid method of fulfilling his objectives. However, sometimes an enemy isn’t in punching range. This meant he had to get creative.
One fairly gross method of ranged attack was picking his nose. This strategic maneuver would then result in him flicking his boogers at any foe who was distant from him. Considering he could apparently use his breath and presumably other less disgusting aspects of himself to create explosives, it is unclear what exactly the benefit of his own snot was over other weapons. Zoro notably remarked his disgust upon slicing one such booger with a sword.
Mucus would later become a more direct method of attack thanks to the Devil Fruit of Trebol, a staff officer of the Donquixote Pirates. Trebol’s own mucus was significantly larger and had a disgustingly sticky consistency and flammability that made it a diverse and dangerous attack. He was also able to cleverly disguise his body with it, making attackers who hit it presume that he is a Logia user (which he gleefully remarks that he is not upon this method failing). One can commend the cleverness of making this disgusting substance a viable method of attack. One may also condemn these villains as diabolical for choosing such a weapon in the first place.
Users: The Three Sweet Commanders, Charlotte Perospero, And More
- Associated Devil Fruit(s): Mochi Mochi no Mi, Shibo Shibo no Mi, Bisu Bisu no Mi, Pero Pero no Mi, and many others
Food fights can get intense in the One Piece universe, both due to the ammo and the caliber of the people using it. A lot of Devil Fruits that revolve around food are commonly seen within the Big Mom Pirates. In this crew, certain masterful pirates managed to make lethal weapons out of mochi (Charlotte Katakuri), juice (Charlotte Smoothie), and biscuits (Charlotte Cracker), among other types of typically edible products.
Within the Big Mom Pirates, other examples of food-related Devil Fruit user’s powers include candy (Charlotte Perospero), butter (Charlotte Galette), cream (Charlotte Opera), and more broadly, a cooking-themed Devil Fruit that can turn seemingly any inanimate object into food upon its user making contact with it (Streusen). Another interesting fact is that most Devil Fruit users within the crew tend to double as “ministers” of the food they use as a power, possessing governance over an island also revolving around the product in Totto Land. It is unclear if they gained these powers upon being named minister, vice versa, or if it is sheer coincidence.

One Piece: Every Food-Themed Devil Fruit
These Devil Fruits imbue their creators with a variety of food-based powers.
These abilities are typically accomplished by how exactly they make use of the powers they are afforded. Qualities such as the malleability of the mochi and the hardness of the crackers are expanded upon and exaggerated to the point where they become viable weapons themselves. Sometimes, food-based Devil Fruits tend to taste terrible, which is in line with the fact that Devil Fruits themselves have an infamously awful taste.
Special Homies
Users: Big Mom & Nami
- Associated Devil Fruit(s): Soru Soru no Mi
Homies are a byproduct of Big Mom’s Devil Fruit, which allows her to manipulate the souls of other beings, provided they are sufficiently afraid of her. Due to her imposing appearance and fearsome reputation, this tends to largely work. Yet what does one do with the excess of souls without a body? Give them a new one, of course! Big Mom’s repurposed souls inhabit sentient, yet normally inanimate objects, most of which tend to have fairly endearing smiley faces attached.
When it comes to what beings these objects are put into, the sky tends to be the limit. However, “special homies” have the ingredient of the user’s own soul, which in the case of Big Mom, gives them a lot of extra power. Her main homies included Zeus; a living cloud, Prometheus; a living sun, and Napoleon; a living sword, which is also a meito of unclear quality. She can inflict a variety of attacks using her various homies. Unfortunately, Nami pinched Zeus from Big Mom by feeding him with her clima-tact, which generated balls of lighting he wanted to eat. Since then, he has largely been aligned with Nami and has continued to serve her to the present day.
Although Big Mom made Zeus reconsider his actions, she also replaced him with a female cloud homie named Hera, who attempted to eat Zeus alive to gain his power. Hera could combine with Prometheus and Napoleon, seemingly combining the strength and abilities of all three to produce a gigantic homie named Misery. Zeus now largely lives in Nami’s clima-tact and is able to merge his consciousness with the weather it produces.
Pop Greens
Users: Usopp & Heracles
- Associated Devil Fruit(s): None
These plants were discovered by Usopp during his training in the Boin Archipelago. Found in the forest of Greenstone, pop greens received their name due to the ability they possess to rapidly grow from seeds into fully sized plants. Prior to Usopp’s discovery, these plants were mastered by Heracles, a warrior from the South Blue who served as Usopp’s mentor during the timeskip.

One Piece: Worst Generation, Ranked By Morality
This list looks at the morals of the collection of pirates known as One Piece’s Worst Generation.
In addition to training Usopp, Heracles taught him how to master a variety of pop greens which have since been in regular rotation within Usopp’s arsenal. While Usopp makes use of One Piece takes on traditionally combative plants such as the venus flytrap and mandrake (renamed humandrake), other plants are shown to be even odder in their usage. He has plants that can become the shape of shurikens, a banana boat, and a gigantic wolf that sends a shockwave anywhere it treads across. Usopp’s new slingshot, Kuro Kabuto, can also become a dangerous plant when it makes contact with water, due to a special kind of grass called Bakun So, living within it.
Zoan Weapons
Users: Babe “Mr. 4”, Spandam, And More
- Associated Devil Fruit(s): Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Dachshund, Zou Zou no Mi, and Sara Sara no Mi, Model Axolotl
Zoan Devil Fruits allow their users to assume the properties of the animal associated with the consumed fruit. They are said to have minds of their own, which can seemingly overpower the user upon awakening (such as the jailer beasts). This aspect of them has been shown long before it was remarked upon directly, and one such example is the inanimate objects that “ate” Zoan Devil Fruits.
This ability allows the objects to become fully sentient beings that tend to serve their masters, and has often been, used for weapons. Two examples in this vein include Lassoo, a bazooka who ate a dachshund Devil Fruit, and Funkfreed, a gigantic sword who ate an elephant Devil Fruit. This allows the weapons to become more like pets to their owners. However, it does not necessarily increase their combat ability. Like his owner, Spandam, Funkfreed is weak and also a massive coward, meaning he might be more capable of damage as a sword, provided he had a competent user.
A third example is Smiley, who is less of a direct weapon, and more of a toxic compound that is potentially fatal upon impact. Given an axolotl Devil Fruit, it crawled gleefully across Punk Hazard, causing destruction until Caesar Clown transformed it into more of a petrifying gas, by giving it a candy-shaped ingredient it gleefully chewed down, before dying painfully. This odd ability tends to humanize otherwise lifeless weapons.

- Release Date
October 20, 1999
- Studio
Toei Animation
- Creator
Eiichiro Oda
- Number of Episodes
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