As part of its highly anticipated (and heavily leaked) first look at Switch 2, Nintendo shared another date for the calendar; the company has confirmed it’ll be sharing more information on its new console on 2nd April this year.
Nintendo finally unveiled Switch 2 today, after weeks of leaks but its announcement, as expected, was light on detail. It offered a first look at the machine itself – a fairly subtle revision of the original Switch’s familiar form factor at first glance – as well as a tease of a new Mario Kart game.
It also reiterated Switch 2 will be backward compatible, and is capable of playing both digital and physical Switch games, but beyond that, Nintendo is saving the juicier details for a later date. Unfortunately, it’s going to be a bit of a wait, with the company confirming it’ll be airing a Switch 2 focused Nintendo Direct on 2nd April this year.
That’ll almost certainly be when the company does its proper deep dive into the console’s features (Miiverse 2 please Nintendo, and Street Pass 2 while you’re at it, thank you), alongside the full run-down of Switch 2’s launch games. A new Mario Kart seems certain at this point, and previous whispers have suggested a new 3D Mario is coming later this year. April’s Direct should also provide pricing details and a proper launch date beyond its current vague release window of 2025.
In addition to April’s Direct, Nintendo has also confirmed it’ll be holding a Switch 2 “world tour”, giving the public an opportunity to go hands-on with the console and, presumably, it’s launch line-up of games. That due to run from early April to June, suggesting the console won’t release until sometime after.
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