Jungle Hijinxs Puzzle Pieces and Letters

Jungle Hijinxs Puzzle Pieces and Letters
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In Donkey Kong Country Returns HD (what a mouthful), DK and Diddy can find puzzle pieces and four KONG letters in each stage. This guide will help players find all the collectibles in the Jungle Hijinxs level (1-1).


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DK Country Returns: 1-1 Jungle Hijinxs Collectibles

Puzzle Piece 1

jungle hijinxs puzzle 1

Right when the level starts, go into the hidden cave to the left to find the first hidden puzzle piece in Donkey Kong Country Returns HD.

Letter K Location

letter K in Jungle Hijinxs

Once you pass the pig that teaches you how to smash blocks, you’ll see the ‘K’ letter atop a tree. We reached it with Diddy’s jetpack boost.

Puzzle Piece 2

puzzle piece 2 jungle hijinxs

Keep following the row of trees left of the letter ‘K’ to find a dandelion. Blow it to reveal the next puzzle piece.

Puzzle Piece 3

puzzle piece 9 jungle hijinxs

When statues start to fall on you, break the last one by slamming the top of it to find a hidden puzzle piece.

Puzzle Piece 4

puzzle piece 3 jungle hijinxs

When the ship with the bananas shows up, look out for a large bulb near some bird enemies that can be attacked to reveal a hidden Puzzle Piece.

Puzzle Piece 5

jungle hijinxs puzzle piece 4

When you reach the part where two statues shoot bananas out of their mouths, make sure to collect them all. Doing so will reveal the next Puzzle Piece for Jungle Hijinxs in Donkey Kong Country Returns HD.


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Letter O Location

letter O in jungle hijinxs

You should easily spot the letter ‘O’ tile before reaching a checkpoint with a Diddy barrel. The way to grab the tile without falling to your death is to roll from the left or right side and then jump immediately after falling off the edge. You should be able to grab the collectible and safely make it to the platform.

Puzzle Piece 6

puzzle piece 5 jungle hijinxs

When you have to shoot yourself with the cannon to enter the ruined area at the back of the stage, head to the lone platform on the left to find a dandelion waiting to be blown.

Puzzle Piece 7

puzzle piece 6 jungle hijinxs

When you barrel your way back to the main part of the stage, look out for two tiki monsters walking on top of a mysterious stone platform. Smack it to reveal a hidden area. Collect all the items, and the next puzzle piece will appear.

Puzzle Piece 8

puzzle piece 7 jungle hijinxs

When you find the red birds that move a little quicker than the regular blue bird enemies, get to the tops of the trees and head left to find a puzzle piece floating in the air.

Letter G Location

letter G jungle hijinxs

You’ll see the letter ‘G’ in plain sight after grabbing the previous puzzle piece.

Puzzle Piece 9

puzzle piece 8 jungle hijinxs

For the final collectible, head to the far right of the stage to find a secret area. Just pass the goal barrel, and you’ll find the hidden puzzle piece.

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