- ACNH player recreates iconic meme with duck villager & lemonade stand.
- Many players familiar with The Duck Song enjoyed the recreation.
- Despite support ending, players continue to enjoy the game and share fun moments.
An Animal Crossing: New Horizons player has shared their version of an iconic meme, The Duck Song, on their island. The amusing moment has brought a lot of memories to the surface for Animal Crossing: New Horizons players, and features a well-loved villager taking the role of the duck.
While the villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons largely do what they like, plenty of gamers have recreated memes, iconic locales, and more on their islands, with or without the NPCs’ participation. Animal Crossing fans have used the game to celebrate iconic memes in the past, like The Simpsons’ Steamed Hams, or Spongebob trying to talk himself out of wanting something with by repeating “I don’t need it.” In this case, though, the meme is a classic that many children have grown up with at this point.

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Reddit user casuallycozy shared their funny moment, where their character is running a lemonade stand and a duck walks up to it. To be precise, the duck is Molly, a normal duck villager. For the unfamiliar, in the original song, the duck repeatedly arrives at a lemonade stand day after day, uninterested in the one beverage the stand sells, and instead repeatedly asking for grapes. Casuallycozy said that they were prepared for this moment, and had a twelve-grape dish ready to go to make the duck happy. However, just like in the song, despite having what the duck supposedly wanted, Molly simply waddled away.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Fans Amused by Classic Meme Recreation
Judging from the comments, it seems that a lot of New Horizons players have either grown up with The Duck Song, heard it when it was played for siblings, or even played it for their own children. Many were quite amused by the moment, with a couple commenters saying they wanted to do this now. Animal Crossing: New Horizons villagers can randomly choose to look at objects on the island, but it seems Molly wasn’t too inspired by the lemonade stand. Some joked that Molly would surely be back the next day, like in the song.
Although support for New Horizons has ended, players continue to enjoy the adorable life sim. Collecting everything in Animal Crossing: New Horizons can keep players busy for a long time, especially without others’ help. Thankfully, casuallycozy was very responsive to those commenting on the post, explaining where certain items could be acquired and even offering to open their island for players to visit.
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