How To Find And Use Lost Keys In Aloft

How To Find And Use Lost Keys In Aloft
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You’ll discover so many different kinds of treasures and locations as you explore the hundreds of islands in Aloft, but not all of them seem to budge so easily. Certain treasure chests, namely the ones with the absolute best gear and loot inside, require a key to open.



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But it’s not just locked treasure chests you’ll find – there are large, ornate circular doors scattered around islands in Aloft that are also locked, and they often contain frescoes, knowledge stones, and bountiful treasures. As you explore islands in the sky in Aloft, keep your eyes peeled for any lost keys.

Aloft is in early access, and while some islands seem to be in the same general area for sake of not locking you out of progression, due to the random-spawn nature of the map in Aloft, we’re not able to give the precise locations of lost keys specifically. However, we’ll help you learn to recognize them when you see them and explain what they’re for!

What Do You Use Locked Keys For?

Finding a lost key near a decorative altar in Aloft.

As you explore islands in Aloft, you’ll discover several different types of treasures, but one of the ones you’ll want to make a definitive point of grabbing is any lost key you spot. You’ll have your introduction to them during the Forgotten Legacy quest, when one is required to learn one of the critical pieces of lost sailing knowledge at the beginning of the game.

Get used to these ornate, sparking pedestals with a slight glow to them, since these are where you’ll find lost keys in Aloft, which are all but required for access to some of the more important story beats and the best loot you can find while exploring, as well as on odd tabletops. We’ve also found a few of them at the bottom of assorted shapes of beacon markers you encounter on random islands. If you’ve got the option to gather something at the base of said sculpture, it might just be a lost key!

Just keep in mind as you go that lost keys are single-use items, meaning they disappear from your inventory after you’ve used them to unlock something. We definitely advise that you keep some lost keys on you when you explore so you have immediate access to these chests – with so much to see and do in Aloft, who has time to double back?

Gain Access To Hidden Frescoes

Outside the one on the starting island back when you first started playing Aloft, the majority of the intricate frescoes that teach important knowledge critical to your navigation in the game are hidden behind locked circular doors. You’ll often find these on the largest islands you come across, embedded within ornate white stone structures.

Finding the fresco that teaches the research lab recipe behind a locked door in Aloft.

These frescoes are the source of plenty of important recipes in Aloft, and they’ll teach you critical pieces of sailing knowledge that help expand your exploration of the skies.

Unlock Chests With High-Level Treasure

You’ve likely been finding treasure of all sorts across islands in the sky, but hopefully you’ve been keeping an eye out for the different styles of treasures chests hidden amid ruins on sporadic islands. The most common ones you’ll see are made of wood, and there are also stone ones that contain similar items, but it won’t be long before you find locked treasure chests, too.

These seem to spawn most often near important landmarks like close to frescoes, within hidden doors you already needed one other key to unlock, and within other large structures you encounter like ships or temples. You’ll typically find some of the rarest loot in these chests, things like gemstones, new weapons, tools with more slots for upgrades, and so much more.


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