Once players have completed Kendo’s Calling in Fortnite Battle Royale, they will unlock the next set of Story Quests with the Splinters of Possibility. With quite a few things to fetch and a few Demons to eliminate, players might want to know how to complete the Splinters of Possibility Story Quests so that they can continue through the lore and XP-filled journey of Battle Royale.

Fortnite: Kendo’s Calling Story Quests Guide
Here’s how players can take down those pesky demons on the Fortnite island and help Hope and Jonesy.
While some players might not actually see the Story Quests Tab in their own Fortnite games, those who have completed Kendo’s Calling can still complete the Splinters of Possibility, even if they cannot see the next step, as all they need to do is follow the stages listed below.
Some players have reported that their Story Quests have disappeared in the Quest Tab section, but they can still complete the quests themselves if they use the directed walkthrough shown below.
Stage 1 – Speak to Kendo About Hope
The first step of the Splinters of Possibility quest will require players to speak to Kendo. Kendo is found just North of Nightsift Forest, where he can be found by the lake where he will be battling some Demons. Once the Demons have been defeated, players can interact with Kendo, and on his dialogue wheel select the option: Speak to Kendo about Hope. After clicking Continue twice, Stage 1 will be completed.
Stage 2 – Place Spirit Charms to Investigate the Crator
After speaking to Kendo, players can head further North towards Twinkle Terrace, where along the way they will discover three exclamation points (!) just to the right of Twinkle Terrace. These three markers are where players must interact to place a Spirit Charm.
- Spirit Charm #1 – Located between the purple trees at the far North of Nightshift Forest, just after the bridge with Kendo
- Spirit Charm #2 – Found to the right of Twinkle Terrace when near the crater by the road
- Spirit Charm #3 – Located near the crater by the road and to the right of Twinkle Terrace
Stage 3 – Use a Fire Oni Mask at Day or a Void Oni Mask at Night
For Stage 3 of the Splinters of Possibility quest, players must acquire a Void Oni Mask or a Fire Oni Mask, depending on what time of day it is. If the Sun is up, then grab a Fire Oni Mask, which can be acquired from any chests, including Elemental Chests, or from one of the Demons that roam the map. The same must be done for a Void Oni Mask if the Moon is out. With either of the two masks acquired, players are then going to want to use the Void/Fire Oni Mask 4 times. It doesn’t have to hit an enemy or be near a hostile, as it simply needs to be used a total of 4 times.
Stage 3 – Collect the First Meteor Splinter
Still in Stage 3, players are then tasked with collecting a Meteor Splinter. This can be found at the center of Shogun’s Solitude, the POI found on the bottom left of the Battle Royale map. The Meteor Splinter is interactable, and doing so at its location, which is by the Demon’s Portal at Shogun’s Solitude, will conclude this Stage of the Quest.
Stage 4 – Solve Riddles in the Nightshift Forest
Stage 4 of the Quest requires players to head deep into Nightshift Forest, where they will need to find three fox statues and solve each of their riddles. Interact with the fox statues in Nightshift Forest to accept the riddle. Every riddle and its location can be found below once players reach Nightshift Forest:
- Riddle #1 – Located at Bushranger in the South area of Nightshift Forest close to Burb, the riddle reads: I sing without voice, I glow without flame, To those who find me, the prize is the same. The answer to this riddle is Chest.
- Riddle #2 – Found in the West area of Nightshift Forest just by the river, the fox statue’s riddle reads: I stay by your side, trusty and true, In chaos or calm, I’ll clear your view. The answer to this riddle is Pickaxe.
- Riddle #3 – Located in the East area of Nightshift Forest just by Kendo and the road, the riddle here reads: I soar through the skies graceful and light, yet I am gone with the ground in sight. The answer to this riddle is Glider.
Stage 4 – Collect the Second Meteor Splinter
The second Meteor Splinter can be found in Nightshift Forest, just opposite the secret vault that is found within the POI itself. Players can interact with the Splinter to pick it up, and just to confirm for players, it’s at the broken wall of the Nightshift Forest POI, directly inside the area to the right where the buildings are located.
Stage 5 – Acquire a Map from a Defeated Demon Warrior
For Stage 5 of the Quest, players must locate and defeat a Demon Warrior. Demon Warriors spawn randomly on the map at the start of every match, so players will need to check their maps when the Battle Bus is ready to drop players so that they can look for the icon of a samurai helmet (Void Oni Mask), as that’s where the demons will spawn. Players need to kill the lesser demons who have around 100 Health, and then the larger Demon Warrior, who will often have a Fire Oni Mask to cause trouble, as well as over 400 Health. Make sure to bring a decent gun for this fight, and plenty of Shields. After the larger Demon is defeated, they will drop a map that can be interacted with to pick up.
Stage 5 – Collect the Third Meteor Splinter
With the Demon Warrior defeated and the map acquired, players can now collect the third Meteor Splinter. This object is located within the bamboo maze of Spiral Shoots, which can be found by going South of Masked Meadows. In the center of Spiral Shoots (players can break the bamboo to get inside) players will find the Meteor Splinter at the Demon’s Portal by the Reboot Van.
Stage 6 – Place the Meteor Splinters on the Spirit Forge
Players must now head to Demon’s Dojo, where underneath the central bridge that leads into the boss fight with the Night Rose, they can find a pillar where they will be able to place the Meteor Splinters. From here, players just need to interact with the pillar to place down all three of their Meteor Splinters, and then interact with it again to pick up the blade that has been forged. Players cannot actually use this blade, as it is just for the quest.
Stage 6 – Deliver the Splinter Blades to The Night Rose
With the Splinter Blades acquired, head into the central dojo in Demon’s Dojo, where players must now battle the Night Rose. This boss fight is rather straightforward, just bring plenty of guns and shields for the fight ahead. Players need to damage the Oni Mask’s glowing red eyes to free the Night Rose and damage her. This has two phases, and upon her defeat, she will respawn as an NPC. Players can now talk to the Night Rose NPC and select the dialogue option: Deliver the Splinter Blades. After selecting Continue twice, the quest will complete, and players will have concluded the Splinters of Possibility!
Players have until February 21, 2 AM ET to complete the Story Quests in Chapter 6 Season 1.

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