Former Sony WWS Head Yoshida Reflects On Live Service Push, Says He Could Have Stopped It

Former Sony WWS Head Yoshida Reflects On Live Service Push, Says He Could Have Stopped It

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VGChartz’s Lee Mehr: “As game scripts expand in size and the technology to capture performances improves, blockbuster game companies are under tremendous pressure to get the right fit for a leading role. In some cases, said actor essentially becomes the face of that franchise; their mug may be digitally altered or cropped in select ways, but they’re – more or less – in the same spot as a film actor at this point. As a result, there’s also a keener interest in how those performers sound if they’re replacing somebody else.

Perhaps the most glaring example of that was Bloober Team’s Silent Hill 2 remake. Alongside a bevy of other gameplay & story alterations, Luke Roberts replacing Guy Cihi’s original James Sunderland was a major point of distress for long-time fans before release. Sure, Cihi wasn’t a trained actor at the time (and it shows), but he carried a type of unique charm that meshed perfectly with the game’s strange world. A similar situation was Troy Baker assuming the mantle of Indiana Jones. How similar could he actually sound to a younger Harrison Ford? Judging by the collective staff & community acclaim, both of them fared quite well, and so too did the others who made up our final five.”

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