PUBG: Battlegrounds Releases Update 33.2

PUBG: Battlegrounds Releases Update 33.2

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  • PUBG update 33.2 introduces Spring Fest 2025 with Greek Mythology-themed rewards, the return of the Loot Truck, and a new Gunplay Labs mode.
  • Sanhok map changes include the Recall system for custom matches and the Aim Punch mechanism in Arcade mode.
  • PUBG update 33.2 also brings plenty of bug fixes across several aspects of the game.

As part of the approaching Spring Fest 2025, developer Krafton has released PUBG: Battlegrounds update 33.2, which includes a new Crafter Pass, a new Gunplay Labs feature, and the return of the Loot Truck to the Sanhok map. Alongside the new content, PUBG: Battlegrounds update 33.2 addresses many UX/UI and performance issues while tackling various bugs.

As a pioneer in the battle royale genre, PUBG: Battlegrounds was pretty successful on Steam. However, many similar video games, such as Fortnite, Apex Legends, and Warzone came to the scene, and PUBG started to face strong competition. Nevertheless, the game continued to receive developer support to keep the experience fresh for players. Now, the developer is bringing more updates and new content to the game.


PUBG Adds First ‘Co-Playable Character’ AI Partner

Developer Krafton and NVIDIA are introducing the first “co-playable character” partner powered by AI technology for PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds.

PUBG is reintroducing the Loot Truck to the Sanhok map in update 33.2, with changes to better fit the map’s revamped environment. This feature provides players with four Loot Trucks after the match begins, giving players the opportunity to destroy them to prevent further spawns. The Loot Truck is available only in Normal, Custom, and Arcade matches. The developer noted that Loot Trucks are pretty valuable since they can “fully equip your entire squad.” However, players should be careful when attempting to destroy them, as Loot Trucks are tough and can make them easy targets for enemies.

But that’s not all for PUBG’s Sanhok map changes, as Krafton is also bringing the Recall system to the map in response to players players’ requests. Available in custom maps as well, recall fights unlock every 2 minutes and 30 seconds but won’t be accessible after Phase 6. The arrival of the aim punch mechanism from Gunplay Labs to Arcade is another significant addition. Starting January 22 on PC and January 30 on console, the update improves aim punch mechanics based on each weapon’s characteristics, with the developer noting that further changes will be made based on players’ future feedback.

As part of the Spring Fest 2025 announcement, a new Crafter Pass with progressive Greek Mythology-themed weapon skins and chromas will be available through Special Crafting until March 17 for PC players and March 25 for console players. The update also features a number of other adjustments, including a new Hot Drop mode, new lobby music, adjustments to the brightness settings, and fixes for hitching and frame drop problems on the Sanhok map.

Much like previous PUBG: Battlegrounds updates, Krafton is tackling plenty of bugs in gameplay, world design, UX/UI, and various items and skins causing issues. As players dive into update 33.2, PUBG‘s developer remains committed to providing a fresh gaming experience.

PUBG: Battlegrounds Update 33.2 Patch Notes

Live Maintenance Schedule

The times shown below are subject to change.

  • PC: January 15, 00:00 – 08:30 (UTC)
  • Console: January 23, 01:00 – 09:00 (UTC)

Map Service

PC players can anticipate the next rotation every Wednesday at 02:00 UTC, while Console players can expect the same every Thursday at 07:00 UTC.

World: Sanhok

Loot Truck

  • The Loot Truck offers players an additional way to loot items.
  • After the match begins, four Loot Trucks will spawn at designated locations and travel along predetermined routes.
    • The truck will stop operating when destroyed, and no new Loot Trucks will spawn.
  • Loot Trucks can be damaged or destroyed using weapons and throwables.
    • Loot Trucks take reduced damage due to their heavy armor, but attacking them from the sides deals increased damage.
  • When the Loot Truck takes damage, small or large lootable containers will drop.
  • Upon being destroyed, the Loot Truck will explode, granting access to its cargo hold.
    • The cargo hold contains a large amount of lootable gear.
  • The explosion deals significant damage within a 10-meter radius.
    • Players hit by the rear door blown off during the explosion may be knocked down or killed.
  • Available in Normal Match, Custom Match, and Arcade.
    • Does not apply to Team Deathmatch.

Recall System

  • Recall flights are available every 2 minutes and 30 seconds but will not appear from Phase 6 onwards.
  • Also applies to Custom Match.


  • The shape of fences has been changed in some areas.

Gunplay Labs: Aim Punch

Schedule (UTC)

  • PC
    • January 22, 07:00 – February 4, 07:00
  • Console
    • January 30, 07:00 – February 11, 07:00


  • Map: Erangel
  • Perspective: TPP Only
  • Party type: Squad Only
  • Misc.
    • The spawn rates of firearms are increased.
    • A faster-paced Blue Zone is applied.

Arcade Points are not granted for Gunplay Labs: Aim Punch play sessions.

Aim Punch

Improved aim punch mechanics have been applied to all firearms, with varying levels depending on the weapon category.


  • The highest level of aim punch is applied.

Shotguns / SMGs

  • A high level of aim punch is applied.

ARs / LMGs / DMRs

  • Feature a low level of aim punch, with 7.62mm ammo demonstrating stronger aim punch than 5.56mm ammo.

Other Weapons (Handguns, Crossbow, etc.)

  • A very low level of aim punch is applied.


Introducing the new Progressive weapon skins and Chromas – craftable only through Special Crafting at the Workshop! Check out the full details on the Spring Fest 2025 announcement.

Special Crafting Closing Date (UTC)

The Special Crafting – Spring Fest 2025 tab will be accessible only until the following dates. Make sure to use up your Tokens before the closing date!

Mastery Medal

  • On the Career – Medals page:
    • The number of medals you own is now displayed by tier.
    • Each medal’s description now shows the percentage of players who own that medal.
    • The ‘Edit Profile’ button has been moved to the bottom-left corner.
  • On the Career – Overview page, the ‘Last Medal Earned’ section has been changed to a ‘Medals’ section.
  • (PC) You can now view medal names and descriptions on the End of Match screen.

Custom Match

  • Hot Drop mode has been added.


  • A new lobby music, “New Year 2025,” has been added.


  • The Brightness setting in Settings – Graphics – Basic now only applies to the gameplay environment and no longer affects the brightness of the lobby.
  • The brightness level of the entire lobby, including all menu screens, is now unified to maintain a consistent brightness at all times.


  • A ‘Panzerfaust’ tab, which appears when you own a Panzerfaust skin, has been added to the Misc category on the Customize – Weapons – Skins page.
  • The description for the ‘Brightness’ setting on the Settings – Graphics – Basic page has been updated.
  • The Lobby Pose icons in the Customize – Character – Lobby Pose menu have been updated to match the previews of the Normal Lobby Poses.


  • Improved some hitching and frame drop issues that occurred while players were moving in the Sanhok map.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where the player’s Blue Chip location is not displayed on the Minimap and World Map when spectating a teammate after death.
  • Fixed an issue where items cannot be transferred in the specified quantity when using the Arabic language setting.
  • Fixed an issue where the animation plays abnormally after equipping and immediately unequipping the Panzerfaust.
  • Fixed an issue where changing preset slots more than twice in certain situations prevents joining group emotes.
  • Fixed an issue where firearms could be used while on a Zipline or Ascender.
  • Fixed an issue where the clan tag of a player with Streamer Mode enabled is visible to teammates when using Radio Messages.
  • Fixed an issue where an Energy Drink skin is applied to the Energy Drink on the ground when attempting to pick it up with a full Inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where the revive animation does not cancel if a teammate dies to the Blue Zone while being revived inside it.
  • (PC) Fixed an issue where stackable items can exceed the maximum storage capacity when transferred from the Tactical Pack to a vehicle trunk.
  • (PC) Fixed an issue where characters overlap on the Inventory screen when respawning while spectating a teammate.


  • Fixed collision, texture, performance, and some other general Sanhok, Karakin, and Vikendi issues.
  • Fixed an issue where characters get stuck on a specific cliff in Sanhok.
  • Fixed an issue where the explosion sound plays abnormally when using the C4 to destroy buildings in Sanhok.
  • Fixed an issue where characters collide with destroyed walls or floors in certain situations in Sanhok.


  • Fixed an issue where the icon sizes for the Micro UZI skins are inconsistent on the Customize – Weapons page.
  • Fixed an issue where the icon sizes for the P90 skins are inconsistent on the Customize – Weapons page.
  • Fixed an issue where the item acquisition source is not displayed in the Notification Center.
  • Fixed the display error of the BP Boost item expiration notification.
  • Fixed an issue where the recall flight UI is not displayed on the World Map under specific circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where the match records of party members are not displayed for players who move to the End of Match screen first.
  • (PC) Fixed an issue where clicking the ‘Reputation Level Up’ popup does not redirect to the Reputation Level page.

Items & Skins

Clipping issue: Graphics that are shown outside the visible part of an image/object.

  • Fixed the clipping issue when equipping specific Female Faces with the NieR:Automata – 9S’s Combat Goggles.
  • Fixed an issue where the upper body turns transparent when the female character wears the ZERO-G Light Grade Top and certain outerwear together.
  • Fixed an issue where decorations are displayed abnormally when wearing the W.I.A Purple Bunny Leg Warmers.
  • Fixed the clipping issue when wearing the Demon Thrall Pants and certain tops together.
  • Fixed an issue where the waist becomes transparent when wearing the Demon Thrall Pants with certain hoodies.
  • Fixed an issue where the weapon inspection function does not work at a specific level for the [PROGRESSIVE] Neon Dream – AUG skin.
  • Fixed an issue where the tail of the Bunny Bandit Shorts is displayed abnormally.
  • Fixed an issue where the legs turn transparent when the female character wears the Snow Angel Boots and certain pants together.

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