There is no direct sprint button in Dynasty Warriors: Origins; with the character naturally breaking into a sprint after running for a few steps. While sprinting can get you around fast, you’ll oftentimes need to run across massive battlefields to quickly get to other officers in order to save them and win the battle.
This is where your horse comes in, which can be called in anytime while in the overworld or while in battle. You can even fight from your horse if you prefer faster hit-and-run strategies. Here’s how to get your first horse, level it up, and even switch it out with other horses.

How to Fast Travel in Dynasty Warriors Origins
Learning how to fast travel in Dynasty Warriors: Origins can save players an awful lot of time, particularly if they plan on completing everything.
How To Unlock The First Horse In Dynasty Warriors: Origins
The first horse can be obtained for free during Chapter 1 by talking to a merchant that appears in the overworld. The merchant will appear after completing the second major battle, “Test Of Zheng Fei” and can be run into on your way to the Battle Of Guangzong. The merchant will appear in the overworld when you head northeast from Wan Castle but before reaching the camp; with him standing there next to his horse. Talk with the merchant for him to gift you the horse, and it will automatically be equipped.
Your horse can be summoned to immediately mount it by pressing down on the left joystick on console and V on keyboard.
How To Level Up Your Horse In Dynasty Warriors: Origins
Your horse will earn XP based on the mission you complete with it equipped, even if you don’t use it. Your horse will earn XP when you complete missions or main story battles, with them only not getting XP when you complete Skirmishes. Missions are marked with the red diamond with the soldier icon in the center, with these being the medium-length fights to engage in. The total amount of XP earned for your horse will also be determined by the length of the battle, along with how much you ride your horse and use it to charge into enemies. Leveling up your horse will give it access to unique buffs at every few levels, different for each horse.

Which Difficulty Setting Should You Choose in Dynasty Warriors Origins?
Those unsure about which difficulty setting to choose in Dynasty Warriors: Origins will need to consider the pros and cons of each of the four modes.
How To Switch Horses In Dynasty Warriors: Origins
Your first horse will automatically be equipped, but there will be other horses you can get and equip instead. Horses can be equipped or unequipped in the Battle Preparation menu, with it being the final option in the list along the left side of the screen. Each horse has different perks with some also being inherently faster and better than others, so always consider switching up when you get a new one. To get new horses, you’ll need to raise the peace of a region to the max, with a reward being left at a nearby waypoint when this happens; with that reward being a new horse.
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