How To Find The Second Fresco In Aloft

How To Find The Second Fresco In Aloft

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When you first begin playing Aloft and have made your way out of that spawn cave on the initial island, you’ll be given the task of recovering lost sailing knowledge that’s been scattered all around these floating sky islands nearby. Craft a glider and take a leap of faith off into the unknown!



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There are four essential pieces of sailing knowledge you’ll need to find to complete the Forgotten Legacy quest in Aloft, and they’ll help you claim an island as your own so you can venture even further off into the sky! Here’s everything you’ll need for the quest.

Aloft is currently out in early access! Keep an eye on the game’s Steam page for updates and news; we’ll update our guides for the game if/as needed.

Forgotten Legacy Overview

A player reading a field guide in Aloft.

Once you’ve finished the quest on the beginning island that concludes with you building your first glider and taking to the skies, if you’ve got the tutorial active, you’ll see that as soon as you’ve equipped your glider following the Leaving the Nest quest line, the tutorial mission switches over to Forgotten Legacy.

The goal of the Forgotten Legacy quest in Aloft is to help you claim your first home island, which will be all but essential for exploring the rest of the skies outside the archipelago in which you began! The requirements for the quest are:

  • Explore other islands.
  • Find four lost pieces of sailing knowledge.
  • Find and view the second fresco.

As you leap off the starting island, taking a moment to get used to the controls for flying using your newly-crafted glider. It’ll become easier as you go, but if you’re struggling with tech hiccups due to the frame rate in the sky, you can always try changing some of the graphical settings in the Options menu. When you have the hang of flying, aim for any of the nearby islands that have trees and greenery on them, since these are likely where you’ll find the pieces of sailing knowledge you need.

While you’ll have plenty of chances to begin stocking up on resources (and we advise that you do), the main goal of the quest is to teach you the recipes that will prove essential for flying your home island through the skies in Aloft. There’s no time limit, so feel free to explore at whichever pace is best for you! Forgotten Legacy helps get your feet wet with the mechanics of Aloft, so grab the recipes needed for a home island, get acquainted with the game, and then explore the rest of the sky!


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How To Complete Forgotten Legacy

Finding the fresco that teaches you to make a helm in Aloft.

Aloft’s map isn’t set, with islands seemingly randomly generated when you begin a new world in the game, so we can’t offer precise locations of the sailing knowledge and fresco needed for Forgotten Journey. That said, we can give details on what you’ll need and the general tasks you’ll need to complete to get them. While the islands on our map will be different from yours, we’ll all have the same general beginning of the game, since you can’t play Aloft without finding the gear that allows you to get, well, aloft.

Finding The Second Fresco

On one of the islands near where you first spawn in Aloft, no matter how your map ends up looking, you’ll have an island that features elaborate white stones with black decor, and landing here triggers the Ancient Knowledge quest to find that specific island’s “hidden knowledge,” which refers to the fresco you’ll find hidden away nearby.

Somewhere along this path, you’ll come to a locked circular door in the stones in the center of the island, but look around – nearby, there will be your first lost key. These will be required to open locked doors throughout Aloft, so it’s a good way to introduce you to the idea. To help you locate it when the time comes, the key will be glowing. With the key in your inventory, interact with the door and head on through once it opens.

Inside this dark cave, you’ll find not only plenty of resources you can collect to start your collection off on the right foot, but also a large white circular fresco similar to the one you saw at the top of the mountain on the starter island that taught you how to make your Glider Stand. Interact with the fresco to view it, and once you’ve watched the short animation viewing the details of the art, you’ll be rewarded with the recipe for a helm, which is how you’ll eventually steer your home island.

An anchor that teaches lost sailing knowledge in Aloft.-1

At any point during the quest, you’ll want to be thinking about which of the islands you’d like to claim as your home island. It’s wise to place your crafted sailing knowledge recipes as you get them, especially the table map once you’ve got that, so you can figure out where you’ve been and where you need to go. Regardless, with the home kite alone, you can begin claiming an island.

Finding Lost Sailing Knowledge

It’s likely that the first few pieces of sailing knowledge you’ll find will also be on the island with the second fresco, so head back outside and begin exploring. You’ll notice that the Ancient Knowledge quest has changed to asking you to find two anchors on the island. These appear in the overworld as large glowing anchors surrounded by colorful orbs. Run or fly around the island looking for these, as these anchors are how you learn lost sailing knowledge.

Between these two anchors, you’ll find the recipes for two essential ship pieces: a rudder, which allows you to move a ship horizontally around a 360 degree axis, as well as for a Leaf Floater, the equipment responsible for moving a ship up and down. Finding these completed the Ancient Knowledge quest for us, but there’s still knowledge to be found, so hop off the island and glide around the skies until you find more islands to explore.


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How To Cleanse Corrupted Islands

Exploring a corrupted planet to cleans it and interact with the island in Aloft.

The Seeds Of Corruption

Eventually, you’ll land on an island that appears a bit different as you approach, and landing there exposes you to a reddish foggy atmosphere in a land that’s full of large mushrooms and decaying vegetation. These are called Corrupted Islands, and it’s up to you to free them! These islands often contain important recipes, so be sure to cleanse them of the corruption whenever you find them as you explore in Aloft.

Before you can find this island’s lost sailing knowledge, you need to first clear the corruption from the island, which you can do by finding the large yellow mushroom structure, the corruption node, someplace on the island and begin attacking the two spores on either side of the corruption node. Once both have been popped, the corruption core is exposed. Dash over and attack the core until the structure regrows, then repeat the process a second time to cleanse the corruption node.

Attacking the weak points on a corruption node often spawns fungus-like enemies that will attack you in defense of the corruption node. You can choose to take them out for sake of ease (and for some practice in combat, which earns you new move combos), or simply dodge them and continue attacking the weak points. These fungus creatures will be defeated automatically when you’ve finished cleansing the island. Should you lose all your health, you’ll respawn on your home island.

After the island has been cured, you’ll see The Seeds of Corruption has given you a familiar goal of finding the island’s hidden knowledge, so look around for another anchor statue with the colorful orbs. For us, this was the recipe for the table map, a critical tool in sailing as it’s how you view the current sector’s islands as you unlock them and even mark waypoints to help you figure out where to go next.

Finding the anchor with the lost sailing knowledge for a leaf square sail in Aloft.

Fixing The Past

The final piece of Forgotten Legacy that we triggered was the Fixing the Past quest when we landed on another corrupt island not far from the first. This time, you’ll have multiple corruption nodes to handle, each of which will be in a different spot on the other than the others. This means you’ll need to brave the danger and explore to find and cleanse both corruption nodes on this island before the ecosystem is finally healed.

Not only will you need to be mindful of additional enemies, but there are now also exploding red mushrooms that can do a good amount of damage if you strike them or get too close. It might be smart to have some bandages on you, or to eat some of the fruits and veggies we hope you’ve been collecting from the healthier islands you’ve been to so far!

Once both corruption nodes have been taken care of, the island’s ecosystem is fixed and you’ll be rewarded with your final piece of lost sailing knowledge: your very first Leaf Square Sail, which the first possible method for how you’ll move your home island forward and backward. Once you’ve got this, the Forgotten Legacy quest is completed, and you’ll segue into the Claiming the Sky quest if you haven’t set a home island already.


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