In Divinity: Original Sin 2, among the many herbs found in Rivellon, the Blackroot arguably holds the most importance. You’ll first require this herb to perform the Miester’s Ritual in the fourth act of the game. Directed by Miester Siva, you must craft a special Ritual Bowl by combining a ritual bowl, bloody obsidian lancet, and Blackroot to access the Hall of Echoes and consequently acquire the Night Vision skill.
The first time you perform this ritual, all the ingredients necessary to craft the ritual bowl can be found in Siva’s basement. Each time you earn a Source point, you’re eligible to perform the ritual, but unlike the first time, you must now find all the ingredients for the ritual on your own. While acquiring a ritual bowl and obsidian lancet shouldn’t be difficult, and it’s likely that you may already have them in your inventory, tracking down Blackroot can prove challenging. If you’ve been hunting for the Blackroot with little to no luck, this guide should prove helpful.

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Venture Into Cloisterwood
Cloisterwood is a dense forest located in the northwestern region of Repear’s Coast. It’s a short hike north of Driftwood. Once you’re in the thick of the forest, hold down the left ALT key to highlight all pickups.
You should eventually spot several herbs, including Blackroots, at the base of some trees. Although you need only one Blackroot for the ritual, it’s advised to harvest a few as a safe measure. To avoid spoilers, this guide does not go into the details of how many times the ritual must be performed, but you can perform it each time after earning a Source point.

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Cloisterwood Exploration Tips
The dense forest of Cloisterwood hides many secrets, including two NPCs who can potentially help you earn a Source point each, an undead trader, and a challenging witch who puts up a tough fight.
The two NPCs who can help you acquire Source points are Hannag and Jahan, with the latter also tied to progressing Lohse’s story. Tucked away in some ruins is an undead trader, Eithne. You can interact with Eithne and choose the “Divine Order” option to obtain a side quest from her.
All the way to the north of Cloisterwood is a pier with a Dead Ferryman NPC, who offers passage to Bloodmoon Island. These were just a few notable NPCs you can encounter in Cloisterwood. There are several other secrets waiting to be discovered in the woods, including the Wrecker’s Cave and possibly obtaining a unique loremaster amulet by speaking to the spirit of a ship captain. If you’re venturing into Cloisterwood for the first time, it’s advised to explore this region thoroughly and avoid the crucified witch Alice Alisceon until you’re at least at level 15.
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