Battlefield 6 Could Make Good Use of a Popular Hero Shooter Feature

Battlefield 6 Could Make Good Use of a Popular Hero Shooter Feature

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Through the years, the Battlefield franchise has been one of the top first-person shooters in the industry, but it hasn’t been completely smooth sailing for the series. Battlefield 2042, its most recent installment, launched to mixed feedback, and while the game improved over time, it still remains a sore spot in the overall franchise. Based on early information about Battlefield 6, developer DICE may be embracing a return to the basics, which would be a welcome update.

Even if Battlefield 6 is a more traditional take on the franchise, Battlefield 2042‘s experimentation still has the potential to bring something fresh to the game’s multiplayer. One of the most divisive changes introduced in Battlefield 2042 was the addition of Specialists. This system introduced specialized characters that emulated the hero shooter genre; a controversial shift from the series’ class-based roots. While Battlefield 2042‘s Specialist system fell flat with many fans, taking note of the hero shooter genre’s knack for subtle storytelling could benefit the first-person shooter’s multiplayer.


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Battlefield 6 Could Learn Lore-Building Lessons From Hero Shooters

How Hero Shooters Could Influence Battlefield in a More Effective Way

  • Pre-match dialogue
  • Character lore showcase in matches
  • Weekly cutscenes
  • More dynamic character conversations during matches
  • More lifelike radio communication

It’s important to note that Battlefield 2042‘s Specialists had their own backstories and bits of personal lore, but since that didn’t go according to plan, providing players with more generalized backgrounds before a match could perhaps be a better balance. Instead of a story focused specifically on a character, pre-match cutscenes about the battle at hand could better flesh out certain lore details that cause players to become more attached to their soldier, even if they don’t have an extensive backstory.

Although the failure of Concord was one of the biggest stories of 2024, the hero shooter’s ambitions of showcasing weekly cutscenes to expand the game’s story was an interesting idea, and this could be a way for Battlefield 6 to approach its lore-building in a new way. Leaks have suggested that Battlefield 6 might mark the return of a campaign mode, and while that can build plenty of lore on its own, including narrative developments through side stories in multiplayer could offer players even more content. Also, with communication during matches, characters could have more dynamic conversations with deeper talking points and comments that bring extra realism to the battlefield.

Some of the biggest rumors about Battlefield 6 include a potential overhaul of destruction mechanics and a setting between 2027 and 2030.

Taking inspiration from hero shooter features for Battlefield has backfired in the past, so doing the same thing again may not go over so well. However, there were still players who enjoyed these changes. While this hasn’t been confirmed, DICE has the chance to balance the classic and the new in separate modes in order to keep both factions happy.

Battlefield 6 and a Hypothetical Hero Shooter-Inspired Mode

For players who enjoyed Specialists and their varied backstories, the changes made in Battlefield 2042 could be a solid blueprint to inspire a new game mode for the franchise. While lore-focused features could be added to Battlefield 6‘s base multiplayer, many players prefer a blank-slate character. Even if just as a limited-time experimental mode, this could prove to be the better way to implement hero shooter features.

While Battlefield 2042‘s Specialist system fell flat with many fans, taking note of the hero shooter genre’s knack for subtle storytelling could benefit the first-person shooter’s multiplayer.

Ultimately, it’s likely a better strategy for DICE to stick with the classic mechanics that made Battlefield such a success in the first place. Lore-building and growing attached to characters can be a fun part of playing hero shooters, but bringing these features to Battlefield may be best served as an extra gameplay option instead of making it a main focus.


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