Who Is The Strongest Elder In One Piece?

Who Is The Strongest Elder In One Piece?

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One Piece has a lot of titles to pass around and groups within its world. Ranging from the marines and their Admirals to the pirates and their Yonko, or combining both with the Seven Warlords.


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The most mysterious group, until recently, were the Five Elders. Also known as the Gorosei, these men are some of the highest powers within the World Government, even above the Navy’s highest members. During the Egghand Island arc, we finally got to see all five elders in action and get a taste of what they are capable of.


Jaygarcia Saturn

One Piece Jaygarcia Saturn in his devil fruit form.

Jaygarcia Saturn was the War God of Science and Defense. He was the first Elder to arrive at Egghead and showed us what to expect from the rest of the Elders once they arrived. He was a heavyset man with a white beard.

Jaygarcia had the ability to transform into a giant spider and would use his giant legs to impale enemies, as well as spit poison. Though his form, combined with immortality granted by Imu, made him nigh unstoppable with regenerative ability, he seemed more focused on tanking hits than being able to deal out massive damage. Due to failing at his task to assassinate Vegapunk, he was stripped of his immortality and killed by Imu, making him a bit less impressive than the rest of the Elders.


Shepard Ju Peter

One Piece Shepard Ju Peter in his devil fruit form.

Shepard is the War God of Agriculture and feels like the most ‘normal’ of the Elders, as normal as that can be. Like the others, he believes in balance in the world but is also willing to question some of the decisions Imu makes, although he still follows his orders. Most of the Elders obey Imu without question, so this makes Shepard pretty unique among their members from a personality standpoint.


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With his devil fruit, Sandworm, he is able to dig into the ground and inhale with enormous power. Even though this is strong, it pales a bit in comparison to the rest of the Elders’ devil fruits and leaves Shepard on the weaker side (for an Elder). He is also the first to be noticeably damaged when Dorry and Brogy decapitate him as he is about to eat Luffy, although this, of course, doesn’t kill him due to his immortality.


Topman Warcury

One Piece Topman Warcury in his devil fruit form.

Warcury is the War God of Justice and appears like a short, rotund man with a long white mustache. He is a calm person that is not quick to jump to conclusions or actions, but is a powerful fighter in his devil fruit form.

With the Fengxi fruit, Warcury can transform into a huge boar-like creature. He has immense Conqueror’s Haki, as commented on by multiple characters, and was able to go toe-to-toe with Dorry and Brogy, who just beforehand were able to decapitate Shepard in his Sandworm form. They even shocked Luffy with his roar of Conqueror’s Haki that blew him backward.


Marcus Mars

One Piece Marcus Mars in his devil fruit form.

Marcus is the War God of Environment and appears as a tall, thin man with long white hair and a long white beard. Along with Ethanbaron, he was one of the Elders who took quick initiative upon landing on Egghead and went to take down Vegapunk.

Marcus’s devil fruit, Itsumade, allows him to turn into a large, bird-like creature with a serpent tail and can fire off beams of concentrated energy from his beak. His readiness to accomplish their goals by any means necessary, including destroying the entirety of Punk Records, along with how powerful and unnerving his devil fruit form is, shows he is one of the more competent and powerful of the Elders.


Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro

One Piece Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro in his devil fruit form.

Ethanbaron is the War God of Finance and appears as a tall, thin, bald elderly man who carries a large katana with him. Upon his arrival on the island, he wasted no time in getting down to business, and was one of the more terrifying presences there.


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His devil fruit, Bakotsu, lets him become a skeletal horse-human hybrid, and he strode around the island at incredible speed, nullifying the Pacifistas’ instantly. Along with Marcus, he was extremely quick to begin accomplishing the goals they were there for, which were the elimination of Bonney and Vegapunk, showing his competency and power.


Figarland Garling

One Piece Figarland Garling charging into battle at God Valley.

Figarland is the newest Elder to be appointed to the position, as he is taking the place of Jaygarcia. Even though we didn’t see him in battle at Egghead Island, we know of his history and previous accomplishments more than the other Elders.

Figarland was the head of the God Knights, serving as their Supreme Commander, and he gained this position through his efforts at God Valley, which we saw during Kuma’s backstory. Because of this, we know he is an incredibly competent and deadly fighter and strategist, even before the potential to gain immortality and a devil fruit from Imu. While it is a bit early to determine that he is at the top, we feel it is a relatively safe bet at this time.


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