What’s the Best Difficulty Setting in Dynasty Warriors Origins?

What's the Best Difficulty Setting in Dynasty Warriors Origins?

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Despite their hack-and-slash combat, there’s a certain degree of skill required for Dynasty Warriors games. Dynasty Warriors: Origins recognizes this by offering players a choice between four different difficulty settings, thus allowing them to tailor the challenge to best suit their skill level and experience.


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With this being a reboot of sorts, though, both new and returning players may find themselves unsure about the best difficulty setting in Dynasty Warriors: Origins. Just as one might expect, the answer varies a little depending on the skill level of the player and the level of challenge that they’re hoping to get out of the game.

All Dynasty Warriors: Origins Difficulty Settings


There are four difficulty settings in Dynasty Warriors: Origins, although only three of these are available to begin with. When they first boot up the game, players will be able to choose between Historian (easy), Wayfarer (normal), and Hero (hard), with the Ultimate Warrior (very hard) difficulty setting becoming available once players have completed one of the three factions’ main scenarios.

Although there is a Trophy / Achievement for completing a single battle while playing on Ultimate Warrior, there are no difficulty-specific Trophies / Achievements when it comes to completing the main campaign.

Which Dynasty Warriors: Origins Difficulty Setting is Best?


Historian serves as the game’s easy mode and is the best option for those who are new to the action-adventure genre or anyone just looking to focus solely on the story. Wayfarer will be the best option for most players, even if their experience with Musou / Warriors games is fairly limited. Series fans will probably want to choose Hero to begin with, although Musou game masters should think about taking the step up to Ultimate Warrior after they unlock it, if only to keep things challenging as they work to complete any remaining missions, requests, and scenarios.

Should they decide that gameplay is too hard or too easy, players will be able to change the difficulty setting between battles via the config menu. Doing so will not affect the story in any way.

Difficulty Mode Differences in Dynasty Warriors: Origins


Historian makes all enemy attacks blockable, while also making it easier for players to stagger enemies, gain bravery, and fill the Musou Gauge. Conversely, Hero makes enemies stronger and more aggressive, shortens the window for parries and perfect evades, and makes it so that enemies no longer drop Meat Buns. Blocking also depletes bravery, players have less time to influence battles between allied and enemy armies, and the amount of Skill Points and gold earned are slightly decreased. Ultimate Warrior is basically just a more extreme version of Hero, with tighter parry and evade windows and significantly decreased battle earnings.

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January 17, 2025

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