Rare Minecraft Seed Features Awesome Village Location

Rare Minecraft Seed Features Awesome Village Location

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  • A rare Minecraft seed features a plains village surrounded by a massive mangrove swamp.
  • Other players have discovered villages in odd places due to world generation bugs.

Explorers have come across plenty of unusually-placed villages within their own Minecraft worlds before, but one rare world seed shared online contains a typical plains village buried in the heart of a massive mangrove swamp biome. This relatively new biome in Minecraft, along with its regular swamp counterpart, are biomes that usually can’t generate villages inside them – though this is hardly the strangest world generation oddity that fans have discovered.

Though some abnormal world generation features are certainly more commonly encountered than others, players have proven time and again that there are plenty of different bugs that can affect Minecraft‘s generation in many weird and wonderful ways. Players have found villages floating in the sea, located in the wrong biomes, and even some that are completely hidden underground. Though villages are easily one of the most common structures to be found in Minecraft, they aren’t the only ones that can be affected by world-generation bugs.


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This awesome world seed, shared online by the player known as stofix_, shows off a small plains village nestled in a clearing that is fortuitously located right in the center of a large mangrove swamp. At a glance, this village may appear to be local to the mangrove swamp, but it actually exists here thanks to a small plains biome which is surrounded by the significantly larger swamp area. This is some rather surprising biome distribution in itself, made much rarer by the fact that a village generated within such a tiny Minecraft biome. Further, this location is quite near to the world’s spawn point, and players looking to see this for themselves can follow the seed left in the original post.

This Might Be the Closest Minecraft Will Get to a ‘Natural’ Swamp Village

As it happens, a village variant exclusive to Minecraft‘s swamp biomes was likely a feature in consideration at one point. This is largely known thanks to the “Swamp Villager” variant that’s actually present in the game, a type of Villager wearing a unique outfit inspired by themes of the swamp biome that players can force to appear legitimately under certain conditions. There’s also a similar jungle variant of Villager, which suggests that a village type exclusive to jungle biomes was once planned to be implemented into the game.

Fans speculate that these unused village structure types never made it into the game due to them conflicting too heavily with the water and foliage-dense environments synonymous with jungles and swamps. This has only further inspired Minecraft players to design and build their own towns for Villagers themed around these biomes.

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