The Bloodmoon Island is a mysterious region located in the north of Reaper’s Coast. The island is cut off from the main land by Deathfog that’s shrouding the sea, and the only bridge connecting it to the coast is destroyed, which makes it seemingly impossible to reach the island through conventional means. Exploring Bloodmoon Island thickens the main plot and grants access to additional side quests.
However, the game doesn’t provide sufficient hints on how to make it past the Deathfog and step onto Bloodmoon Island, which can have you looking all across Repear’s Coast for potential clues. Here are all the ways to reach Bloodmoon Island and progress the story in Divinity: Original Sin 2.

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Spirit Vision Shows The Way
It would appear that Bloodmoon Island was initially connected to Repear’s Coast mainland via a bridge, which is now destroyed, preventing access to the island. Bloodmoon Island’s bridge is located northeast of Cloisterwood. It’s also closer to Jahan’s and Witch Alice’s location.
Once you make it to the bridge, you’ll also discover the Driftwood Fields waypoint. Now, simply cast Spirit Vision to reveal the broken sections of the bridge. The bridge is broken into segments, and some segments are trapped, which makes crossing the bridge slightly challenging. Nevertheless, if you have the following skills or objects, crossing this spirit bridge shouldn’t be a problem:
- Gloves of Teleportation: The Gloves of Teleportation can be acquired in the first act of the game, and it allows you to cast the teleportation skill without having to learn it. While tedious, you can use the Gloves of Teleportation to teleport each companion across the bridge.
- Translocation Skills: Certain skills in the game, like Pheonix Dive, Cloak and Dagger, and Tactical Retreat, allow you to translocate/teleport, which is incredibly useful when traversing the broken bridge. However, the limitation of this method is that not all companions in your party might be capable of casting these skills, which is where the next tip could prove valuable.
- Teleporter Pyramids: The game also includes four Teleporter Pyramids, which are special artifacts used to warp from one pyramid to the other. You’ll require two Teleporter Pyramids to cross the bridge leading to Bloodmoon Island. Put one pyramid in one of your companion’s inventory and let them cross the bridge using translocation skills. Once they’ve made it to the other side of the bridge, the rest of the party can warp to the companion’s location.
- Fast Travel: Additionally, you can use a companion with a translocation skill to cross the bridge and discover the Bloodmoon Island waypoint. Then, the rest of the party can fast travel to it without needing to cross the bridge.

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Take The Ferry Across The Deathfog
While the above-mentioned strategies should help you reach Bloodmoon Island easily, parties with Fane as a companion can also use an additional method to access the island. Fane, being an undead, is immune to the Deathfog, making him the only character who can safely cross the Deathfog.
Northwest of Cloisterwood is a pier with an undead ferryman, who promises to help your party safely cross the Deathfog and land on Bloodmoon Island. That said, this is more a trick than a promise, which will result in everyone but Fane ending up dead while crossing the Deathfog. However, if Fane alone takes the ferry, he’ll reach Bloodmoon Island unscathed. You can then discover the Bloodmoon Island waypoint and let the rest of the party fast travel to it.
Taking The Ferry Without Fane In The Party
If your party composition does not include Fane, but you still wish to take the ferry to cross the Deathfog, you’ll need to rely on the Teleporter Pyramids. You must have at least two Teleporter Pyramids for this trick to work:
- Unchain the party and put a Teleporter Pyramid in the inventory of a companion who would be taking the ferry.
- Once the companion takes the ferry, they’ll end up dead on Bloodmoon Island’s pier.
- With the rest of the party chained, use the second teleporter pyramid to warp to the dead companion.
- Cast a resurrection spell or use a scroll to revive the dead companion and bring them back into action.
In case your party composition does not include Fane, it’s recommended to take the bridge as it’s the quickest way to reach Bloodmoon Island.
Try not to attack the Undead Ferryman, as he can retaliate with a Deathfog spell, instantly killing anyone in its range. If you do wish to try your chances, quick save your game before taking a swing at him. Defeating and looting his body gets you a Soothing Cold skillbook, an ordinary belt, and 3,750XP.

- Released
September 14, 2017
- OpenCritic Rating
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