Including a one-night stand, Cyberpunk 2077 features 5 romance partners that V can entwine their life with, for better or worse. While V’s life might be on a time limit, it seems that there is always time for love in Night City, and as V attempts to find a cure to save their own life, they might end up finding a partner to whom they want to spend the rest of it with, no matter how short that might be. The best romance partners in Cyberpunk 2077 often make sense of the story, are captivated by their looks, and provide the best chemistry for V (and the approval of Johnny).

Cyberpunk 2077: 11 Tips To Get Off To A Good Start As A Beginner
If players want a good chance at surviving Night City then these beginner tips will serve to guide players to a good start in Cyberpunk 2077.
All romance options in Cyberpunk 2077 have their own unique advantages, but there are some that are notably better than others to provide V with the love that they have longed for, and the love that might just make leaving Night City behind all the more enticing.
Meredith Stout
A Militech Operations Manager Who V Can Enjoy a Single Night With
- No required body/voice to romance Meredith
- Romance Quest: Venus in Furs
Meredith Stout isn’t exactly on the same standard as the other romance options for V in Cyberpunk 2077, mainly due to how she’s quietly flirtatious and forward with what she wants from them. V can engage in a night of lewd intimacy with Meredith, but that’s where it ends. No true romance blossoms between Meredith and V, but it’s a fun night for both parties, even if Johnny wouldn’t exactly approve of V having fun with a corpo agent.
Regardless of Johnny’s opinion, V can get the Sir John Phallistiff Iconic Melee Weapon after this raunchy night in Venus in Furs, and for that reason alone she’s worth mentioning as a romance partner. While V and Meredith might go their separate ways after their night together, she’s a hard one to forget.
River Ward
An NCPD Detective Who Comes With His Own Family Baggage
- Female body and voice required to romance River
- Romance Quest: Following The River
River Ward first meets V as a hard-boiled NCPD detective who snoops where he’s told not to. While he is one of the few good cops in Night City, in Johnny’s eyes, a cop is still a cop – so he’s not exactly going to approve of this blossoming romance between V, a merc, and one of NCPD’s bluest and finest officers of the law, especially when their romance is only possible after a disturbing investigation into a child kidnapper who calls himself Peter Pan.

Cyberpunk 2077: The Best Revolvers (& Where to Find Them)
Every Iconic Revolver in Cyberpunk 2077 offers players a beautiful hand cannon capable of taking V to the status of Legends in Night City.
While River and V do have a natural chemistry together, their relationship definitely feels better suited as friends, and any attempts at intimacy come off as slightly awkward. Due to River’s dependency on the laws of Night City, he doesn’t seem like the best fit to help V’s illegal activities of storming Arasaka in search of a cure, and it’s best not to endanger a man whose career and family rely on the law.
Kerry Eurodyne
A Rockstar Addicted to the Limelight
- Male body and voice required to romance Kerry
- Romance Quest: Boat Drinks
Kerry Eurodyne’s story is entwined with Johnny Silverhand’s, as this talented musician ascended to new heights of fame after the collapse of the band Samurai. As of 2077, Kerry lives a life of luxury in Night City, where his legendary status as a musician already presents a difficult dynamic between him and V due to the complications of fame and privacy. While Kerry does indeed like private life, living one alongside V might be a tad difficult – especially when Kerry loves to party and might not be down for an exclusive thing with V.
Johnny might disapprove of the relationship, considering he’s Kerry’s former frontman, so there’s already an interesting dynamic at play that shows that perhaps Kerry is with V because he knows Johnny is somewhere in there. Kerry and V’s relationship might be intriguing due to his celebrity status, but considering his main love will always be Night City and his career, V will always be left behind – especially when Kerry decides to tour the world again.
Judy Alvarez
A Braindance Techie Who Deserves to Find Love and Home
- Female body and voice required to romance Judy
- Romance Quest: Pyramid Song
Judy Alvarez has lived a difficult life. She’s smart, too smart to the point where she understands just how evil Night City is. Yet, it’s like an abusive relationship for her that she can’t seem to leave, and the people that she loves remain trapped in delusions that Night City could be where they make it big. Judy just wants to help people and protect the Mox and the Dolls that are abused so heavily by the Tyger Claws, but at the end of the day, she’s just a braindance techie, not a Solo or a merc.

Cyberpunk 2077: The Best SMGs (& Where To Find Them)
SMGs are the best weapons for the highest DPS output and in Cyberpunk 2077, players can find 9 to truly change the way they play.
Judy’s romance blossoms through the tragic loss of Evelyn, and the chemistry between Judy and V is clear as they continue to bond through their mutual abuse and grief of all that Night City provides. Judy and V have a romantic time diving and investigating the past of her home, and it’s the first time V can feel like they connect with someone after Judy understands what Johnny is like in V’s head (even if Johnny disapproves of her). Their relationship grows stronger throughout the game, and it’s clear that V has found someone who makes them happy and doesn’t want anything else but to run out of Night City and move in together. Judy is a defining relationship for V, and proof that Night City isn’t all bad, but you have to take what’s good and leave it before it leaves you in the ground.
Panam Palmer
An Aldecaldos Nomad Who Cares Deeply – Sometimes Aggressively
- Male body and voice required to romance Panam
- Romance Quest: Queen of the Highway
Panam and V didn’t exactly get off on the right foot, but their mutual need for help easily saw them bond as they fought together against rogue nomads and corpo agents that would see their way of life destroyed. Panam already proves herself more than capable of handling a rifle, which a merc like V could get used to and is someone talented with a gun to watch their back. Panam also isn’t afraid to mince her words and show her fiery passion in how she feels without tiptoeing around the issue, which proves she is someone to trust and someone who believes in loyalty above all else.
For Panam, it’s hard for her to love, but when she does love, it comes in hard. V’s relationship with Panam opens their eyes to the fact that there is so much more to Night City than becoming a Legend and that the city isn’t worth staying in just to survive. Panam presents an opportunity for love, friendship, and family, and it’s just an added bonus that she’s a great leader with a true fire in her for independence, and she isn’t afraid to kill for those she loves. It also just happens to be an added bonus that Johnny really likes Panam straight off the bat instead of how he usually needs to come around to someone.

- Released
December 10, 2020
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