Minecraft recently released its 25w02a snapshot, and while some of the features included seek to improve the game, members of the parkour and speedbridging communities have found two bug fixes to be a downgrade. Through the years, Minecraft has become a game that attracts many types of players, which has helped build unique in-game communities. When it comes to parkour and speedbridging, certain bugs found within Minecraft have become essential to how the game is played, which has caused many players to voice their dislike of parts of Mojang’s recent snapshot.
The two bug fixes in question are MC-271065 and MC-241951. These supposed fixes hinder movement for the parkour and speedbridging community, which has ignited a lot of discussion on the feedback section of Minecraft‘s official website. Since snapshots are in-development changes that players are able to test before they are fully implemented features in Minecraft, parkour and speedbridging players have been vocal about the proposed updates.

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Minecraft’s New Snapshot Makes Major Changes to In-Game Movement
- MC-271065 is a glitch that allows players to go faster when moving diagonally.
- MC-241951 cancels momentum on the X and Z axis when moving at slow speeds. This lets players move perfectly in line with the game’s grid.
In regard to bug MC-271065, the unnamed player who started the petition on Minecraft‘s feedback page states, “Taking away the 40% speed increase along the diagonal will hurt a lot of mechanics, maps, and techniques that depend on this, both in parkour and speedbridging.” When addressing MC-241951, the petition further defends its position by claiming, “This is a common effect in video games often implemented purposefully, such as b-hopping in CS:GO or Quake. It will negatively impact the movement experience in Minecraft and make it more wooden and stiff.” Much of the petition’s plea relies on the fact that players have considered these bugs to be more like features through the years, and taking them away would be detrimental to such communities and could threaten the overall enjoyment of Minecraft in general.
Snapshot 25w02a is Minecraft‘s first of the year, and there are bound to be even more throughout 2025.
Support for Minecraft Bug Fix Reversal Grows
At the time of writing this article, the petition had over 2,600 votes, showcasing that there are a significant number of players at risk of being affected if these fixes are made official. If Minecraft makes such changes, it could potentially break a large variety of maps enjoyed by the parkour and speedbridging communities, which could be a huge misstep from Mojang.
Major Features Included in Minecraft’s Recent Snapshot
- Leaves blocks without particles now have falling leaf particles.
- New Pig variants
- Wildflowers block
- Leaf Litter block
Since the snapshot’s release, there have also been issues with Minecraft‘s leaf particle update. While not as significant as the controversial bug fixes, it’s another point of feedback players have been giving Mojang after trying out the recent snapshot. It’s unclear if Microsoft and Mojang will respond to the concerns of these players, so only time will tell if these changes will become permanent fixtures in the newest version of Minecraft.
As the petition to reverse Minecraft‘s bug fixes continues to grow, it will be interesting to see if player response convinces Mojang to reconsider these changes. The parkour and speedbridging players in Minecraft have built robust communities around this specific type of playstyle, and losing some of the most essential mechanics for these groups would isolate a lot of longtime fans. It remains to be seen how MC-271065 and MC-241951 will be addressed, but parkour and speedbridging players at least have a chance to make their voices heard before the bug fixes become permanent changes to Minecraft.

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