A lot of Minecraft’s more recent attention tends to be about the upcoming movie adaptation, but the game is still getting plenty of love and support. If you’ve been tuned out of Minecraft, you might’ve missed news about the recently released game drop, which added a brand-new biome to explore called the Pale Garden. While there are some new blocks and a lot of things to craft from them, one of the main highlights is a new hostile mob called a Creaking.
Thanks to a neat mechanic behind it, this new mob is unlike any that came before. That also means your first encounters with this monster could be quite hectic and confusing. Never fear, we can help explain what the Creaking is and how to beat it.
What is a Creaking?

A Creaking is a mob that spawns exclusively in the Pale Garden biome at night or during thunderstorms. Catching a glimpse of it can be a real pain since it camouflages very well with the biome’s muted color scheme. Their glowing eyes resembling the native Eyeblossom flowers certainly don’t help either. You’re more likely to run into one or get attacked before realizing you looked past it.
The mob’s behavior is even more interesting. Taking cues from SCP Foundation entities as well as the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who, a Creaking will only move when a player isn’t looking at it. They come to a complete stop once it enters a player’s field of view. Turn away from them and they’ll follow you with moderate speed and some admittedly awkward tracking. That would make it the easiest mob to kill if it weren’t for the fact that it’s invulnerable to damage. Thankfully, taking care of it isn’t too complicated.
How to defeat a Creaking

The secret to beating a Creaking is to find the associated Creaking Heart block and destroy it. These blocks become active at night and then spawn a single Creaking. Although the mob itself is invulnerable, destroying this block will cause it to twitch out before quickly dying.
Similar to Eyeblossoms, the Creaking Heart merely has an illuminated texture that doesn’t emit any light itself. Trying to find it on your own is not the way to go about it. Instead, you’ll want to give the mob itself a good whack with something. This won’t cause damage, but a trail of flowing orange particles will momentarily appear between it and the Creaking Heart block it’s linked to.
You’re going to want to follow this direct line of particles. They won’t be visible for long and this biome can be dense with trees, so you might need to turn around to hit the monster again. You’ll eventually find the block inside some Pale Oak trees. If you want to farm Resin Clumps, which can be turned into Resin Blocks and Resin Bricks, the Creaking Heart will produce some every time you hit the scary monster. Otherwise, destroy the block and you won’t have to worry about this particular mob shuffling behind you anymore.
Generally speaking, a Creaking isn’t too difficult of an enemy to deal with. Having to juggle it along with any other nearby mobs is when things get complicated. Those in a solo Survival world should keep Creakings in view and have a general sense of where they are at all times. If you’re playing with others, simply have one player keep watch while another finds the Creaking Heart block.
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