How To Catch And Evolve Deino

How To Catch And Evolve Deino

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Dark/Dragon-type Hydreigon has proven to be one of the most powerful Pokemon in all of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, and trainers will most certainly want to add it to their Pokedex. It’s recommended that you first obtain Hydreigon’s pre-evolved forms: Deino and Zweilous. From there, you can evolve the Irate Deino into the Brutal Hydreigon. However, you’ll notice that Deino and its evolutions can only be found in Pokemon Scarlet. To get them into Pokemon Violet, you’ll have to use other methods.


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Where to Catch Deino in Pokemon Scarlet

Deino and Zweilous Locations

In Pokemon Scarlet, you can catch Deino in the Alfornada Cavern, Dalizapa Passage, Glaseado Mountain, Area Zero, and North Province (Area Two). Glaseado Mountain, Area Zero, and North Province (Area Two) are easy to spot and easier to reach, but Alfornada Cavern and Dalizapa Passage are less obvious. The Deinos in Dalizapa Passage and Alfornada Cavern are from level 35-40.

  • Alfornada Cavern: This is in the southwest corner of the Paldea map. You’ll need Koraidon’s high jump ability to traverse the cave.
  • Dalizapa Passage: You can reach this by heading east from Medali or west from Zapapico. On the map, Dalizapa Passage is the area between Medali and Zapapico.

You can also get Deino from 3-star Tera Raids, which unlock when you’ve achieved 3 gym badges. Deinos found in the 3-star raids will have a different Tera Type than the ones you find in the wild. They also have a chance of having their Hidden Ability.

You may also find Zweilous, Deino’s evolved form, in the wild at Dalizapa Passage, Area Zero, and Alfornada Cavern. Like Deino, you can also get Zweilous from Tera Raids. Zweilous appears in 4-star Tera Raids only.

Hydreigon can be caught from 5/6-star Tera Raids.

How to Get Deino in Pokemon Violet

How to Trade and Transfer


Since the Deino-line is a Pokemon Scarlet-exclusive, you’ll need to trade or transfer Deino to get one in Pokemon Violet. If you decide to trade, you’ll need the Nintendo Switch Online Membership to use the Union Circle. If you don’t want to pay for the membership, you should consider using Pokemon HOME to transfer from another game to Pokemon Violet.

To transfer from HOME, you’re going to need the HOME app on your switch. Deino and its evolutions can be transferred from Pokemon Sword/Shield, Pokemon GO, and Pokemon Scarlet.

  1. Open Pokemon HOME, then choose any of the games you have Deino from, and move it to your Basic Box. Then, save and exit.
  2. While still in HOME, open Pokemon Violet and move Deino from the Basic Box to a PC Box. Save and exit.

How to Evolve Deino into Zweilous and Hydreigon

What Level Does Deino Evolve?

Hydreigon In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Deino evolves into Zweilous at level 50, and Zweilous evolves into Hydreigon at level 64. You can have Deino/Zweilous auto-battle large groups of Pokemon to grind experience faster. You can also feed Deino Exp. Candies or Rare Candies. Exp. Candy L and Exp. Candy XL are recommended because of Deino’s high evolution level.


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Is Hydreigon a Good Pokemon?

Hydreigon Stats & Weaknesses

The pokedex cover of Hydreigon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Since it’s a pseudo-legendary, Hydreigon is one of the strongest Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. Hydreigon’s base stat total is 600. It has high Special Attack and Attack with good Speed, meaning it works well with a Timid (+Spd, -Attk) or Jolly (+Spd, -Sp.Attk) Nature.





Special Attack:




Special Defense:






Since Hydreigon is a Dark/Dragon-type, it has the following type effectiveness:

Super-effective against:

Dragon, Ghost, Psychic


Fairy (4x), Fighting, Bug, Dragon, Ice


Grass, Water, Fire, Electric, Ghost, Dark


Ground, Psychic

Thanks to Terastallizing, Hydreigon can shed its debilitating double weakness to Fairy-type moves. Offensively, players can change its Tera Type to get STAB on powerful moves like Flash Cannon. If you use it for offense, then Hydreigon can function as a physical attacker or a special attacker. Hydreigon’s learnset is a mix of physical and special moves, so it’s up to you what to choose.

However, since Hydreigon has a glaring weakness to Fairy-type moves, you should make sure it has a Steel-type move. Flash Cannon is the only Steel-type move it can learn via TM. Unfortunately, it can’t learn any physical Steel-type moves, so you may learn towards a special attacker Hydreigon over a physical attacker Hydreigon. Other recommended moves are Nasty Plot (to sharply raise Special Attack), Dragon Pulse (or Draco Meteor), and Dark Pulse.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Tag Page Cover Art



November 18, 2022

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