Every Mini Game And How To Play Them In MiSide

Every Mini Game And How To Play Them In MiSide

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The hit indie horror game MiSide successfully took the internet by storm and left such an amazing expression of its versatility as it set a new high bar for psychological horror games. While the game sure is a traumatic ride, it has some of the most calming and light-hearted mini-games ever seen; all of them are pretty fun to play.


MiSide: Achievement Guide

Don’t you want to stay in the game forever?

These mini-games are huge in quantity and divided into two categories: Real-time mini-games and mobile mini-games. This guide will explain all you need to know about the mini-games and how you can beat them easily.

All Mini-games In MiSide

Two of the sixteen mini-games in MiSide.

Combining both mobile and real-time mini-games, there are a total of 16 of them. Below, we list both the mobile and real-time mini-games and how to play them.

How To Play Mobile Mini-games


How To Play

Cooking Mini-Game

The cooking mini-game on mobile differs from the real-time one. On the mobile phone, you have to click and drag your mouse in the given direction above the ingredients to play it.

Unpack The Cartridge Mini-Game

The rules of this mini-game are simple: You’ll be handed over some cartridges, and you have to unscrew them so they can be passed on.

Match The Shape Mini-Game

A few boxes will be provided for the player with shapes marked on them. To win the mini-game, you have to put the marked shapes into their desired boxes.

Connect The Wires Mini-Game

A circuit board will be given to the player, and you have to connect the two circuits using pre-defined path plates. You can use the same plate multiple times, which makes this mini-game quite easier.

How To Play Real-Time Mini-Games


How To Play

Dairy Scandal

In the chapter ‘Things Get Weird,’ you’ll get a chance to play two console games with Mita, one of them being Dairy Scandal. A fighting game with simple mechanics, all you have to do is defeat Mita with the provided commands.

Penguin Piles

The second console game in ‘Things Gets Weird’ is a snowball collecting mini-game, where you will take control of a penguin and gather more snowballs than Mita to win it.

Hammer Mini-Game

The rules of the Hammer mini-game, played after meeting Cappie, are fairly simple: Press the big red button before her, but make sure to press the button once a green check mark appears and ignore the red ‘X.’ The winner gets to pound the loser with the hammer.

Kart Racing Mini-Game

Reminiscent of the classic Mario Kart, you’ll come around an arcade in the chapter ‘Beyond the World’ after discovering Good Mita.

To win the race, you must collect all the coins on the racetrack along with completing the race first. Use your movement controls to move the kart. Keep an eye on the boss that spawns obstacles in the track’s middle, including beam blasts, which you have to dodge by changing your lanes. Collect and hit three drones consecutively at the boss to defeat it.

Clone Mini-Game

In this mini-game, you have to verify if a Clone Mita is in working order. In a story-based mini-game, when a clone appears, press the button under the screen and put the printed paper on the green array. Use all the function buttons on your right, and if they work successfully, push the level upwards the checkmark to pass the Clone. If a function doesn’t work or a clone’s eyes glow red, push the lever downwards the ‘X’ mark.

Card Mini-Game

Another story mini-game, Mita will ask you to play cards with her. These cards will have three stats: Health, Shield, and Attack. To defeat Mita, you need to use a stronger card than the one she puts on the table.

Dancing Mini-Game

In the dancing mini-game, stand on the dance board while Cappie watches you. Wait for the countdown, and once it ends, the music notes will arrive. You must press the dedicated lane button precisely when the notes reach the middle of the circle.

Quadrangle Mini-Game

Accessible from the core computer in chapter ‘Old Version,’ in this mini-game, you control a small ship-esque quadrangle and must dodge the falling blocks. You can use the beam to destroy the undodgeable block and make your way through the waves.

Cable Car Shooter Mini-Game

This mini-game is a mandatory story mini-game that you’ll come across in the chapter ‘Dummies and Forgotten Puzzles,’ where you will climb a cable car and use the machine gun attached to the railing to kill the incoming monsters.

Hetoor Shooter Mini-Game

Yet another story mini-game, Hetoor is a simple wave survival first-person shooter where you must defend yourself from incoming enemies while roaming the arena. Aim and shoot at the enemies to ward them off and ultimately win the mini-game.

Snake Mini-Game

Inspired by the classic Snake game, in the chapter ‘The Real World?‘ you control a snake and eat apples in the arena, increasing its length. Keep eating the apples and dodge the snake’s tail using wide turns.

Tic-Tac-Toe Mini-Game

In the Visual Novel-esque chapter, you can play a game of tic-tac-toe with Mita, and all you have to do is stop her from making shapes three times in a row.


MiSide: How To Unlock All Endings

The only ending you should want is the one where you stay there forever.

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