- The Witcher 4 may introduce long-awaited characters like Nenneke, Iola, and Francesca Findabair.
- New characters from the books can bring fresh dynamics to the game, captivating fans.
- The possibility of surprising appearances like Korin’s makes fans eager for The Witcher 4.
The reveal of The Witcher 4 excited many fans, who can’t wait to play as Ciri in a sequel that people were waiting for with bated breath. It’s a great way to enjoy the powers of a witcher who can harness the power of the Elder Blood too.

4 Things You Missed In The Witcher 4 Trailer
With the Witcher 4 trailer out, players have been given a sneak peek into CD Projekt RED’s upcoming title. Here are some things you might have missed.
More importantly, The Witcher 4 will let some of the most underrepresented characters in the books get their much-needed time in the spotlight. While players will love it if CD Projekt Red integrates several new characters, returning faces from the novels will surely make many fans happy too.
It’s Hard To Believe That A Priestess So Important In The Books Hasn’t Appeared In The Games Yet
Given how important Nenneke is in the books, it’s puzzling that she hasn’t made an appearance in the games yet. She has healed Geralt when his wounds were dire and oversaw Ciri’s education in the Temple Of Melitele.
Since she served as Ciri’s tutor, it’s easy to see why fans would love to see this character make a return in The Witcher 4. If the game doesn’t take place after an extended period compared to The Witcher 3, then her presence is more than justified.
A Young Member Of The Temple Of Melitele Who Shares A History With Ciri And Geralt
Back when Geralt was healing at the Temple of Melitele, he formed an intimate bond with one of its younger priestesses. Iola had taken a Vow of Silence, but that didn’t stop her from falling for the White Wolf’s rugged charm.
By the time Ciri came to the temple to receive her education, Iola had forsaken her vow and was delivering messages from Priestess Nenneke numerous times. Her bond with Ciri may not be the strongest, but fans will still like to see her character in The Witcher 4 if CD Projekt Red feels generous enough.
Francesca Findabair
A Notable Member Of The Lodge Of Sorceresses Who Became Queen
Francesca Findabair is one of the most powerful members of the Lodge of Sorceresses who eventually became the Queen of Dol Blathanna. She had an imposing presence in both the novels and the Netflix TV series, so it’s a shame that she has yet to make an appearance in the games.

The Witcher 4: 8 Lore Facts That Will Hopefully Be Explained
Fans of The Witcher still have plenty of questions about certain lore aspects. Hopefully, the upcoming fourth game will address at least a few.
This can surely change in The Witcher 4, especially since Francesca’s status as queen coupled with her lengthy lifespan as an elf ensures that she should be alive and thriving no matter how much time has passed since Geralt’s enthralling adventure.
Justifying The Presence Of Geralt’s Father Can Be Hard, But It’s Not Impossible
- Debut: A Road with No Return
The possibility of Korin being a part of The Witcher 4 is little to none. Barring an obscure comic book, Geralt’s supposed father hasn’t made a peep in the series and is nowhere near as prominent as his mother, Visenna.
However, with characters like Regis coming back, it’s not completely unlikely that Korin can’t make a surprise appearance either. CD Projekt Red will have to justify his presence in The Witcher 4 if they go for this course of action, letting Ciri interact with a person who could technically be her grandfather because of the familial bond she shares with Geralt.
Queen Calanthe’s Dedicated Marshal Who Would Do Anything For His Liege
The fall of Cintra makes it unlikely that any character near Queen Calanthe at the time will make an appearance in The Witcher 4. However, a compelling case can be made for Vissegerd, one of the most interesting and loyal characters who served the throne with all his might.
It’s clear to see why an interaction between Ciri and Vissegerd would be so tantalizing. The latter would be glad to see the princess safe and sound, provided he has survived by the time The Witcher 4 comes out.
King Niedamir
Went On A Hunt For A Golden Dragon With Geralt And Yennefer
One of the most memorable short stories in Sword of Destiny involves a hunt for a golden dragon where Geralt and Yennefer reunite after a long time. This group includes a young King Niedamir, who joined this hunt to exploit a loophole and marry the princess of Malleore.

The Witcher 4: 10 Characters From The Books Who’d Make An Awesome Main
Geralt’s been the face of the Witcher franchise for some time, but these characters from the books would make great main characters in The Witcher 4.
However, the golden dragon was simply too elusive for this king to be bothered with a lengthy search. Hopefully, he has matured since this time, since he served as the ruler of Caingorn and did a pretty great job as king.
One Of The Most Legendary Dragons In The Series And Saesenthessis’ Father
Villentretenmerth is one of the most interesting characters in The Witcher who is mentioned in the second game. He’s revealed as Saskia’s father, who herself was a shapeshifting dragon too.
This golden dragon eluded a hunt targeting him before eventually revealing himself to Geralt as Borch Three Jackdaws, a knight whom the White Wolf had interacted with before. It’s a great moment that shows just how dense and engaging the fantasy setting of The Witcher is.
Queen Meve
The Protagonist Of Thronebreaker Can Make Her Debut In The Main Series To Great Fanfare
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales is a great story-driven experience for players who love Gwent. Queen Meve serves as this title’s protagonist, with players directing her forces to fight monsters and deal with enemy forces.
Her role in the spinoff was lauded by many, and fans can’t help but wonder if The Witcher 4 will be elevated by her appearance. She shares a history with Geralt, which could make her interactions with Ciri quite interesting.

6 Places We Want To See In The Witcher 4
Geralt explores many exotic locales, and The Witcher 4 could could lead to new ground in his adventures.
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