Optimus Prime remains one of the greatest characters in fiction, aided by his cool appearance, talented vocal performance from Peter Cullen, and of course, the many inspirational speeches that he has spoken into existence across decades of various Transformers movies, shows, games, and comics.

Transformers: Best Optimus Prime Designs, Ranked
Optimus Prime has gone through a limited amount of design changes from his Transformers debut, and here’s the very best of the Autobot leader.
Optimus Prime is a legend, and Transformers simply wouldn’t be the same without him. If fans need to hear some of his inspiring or badass speeches, then look below to see what exactly this incredible Autobot leader has to say to give everyone listening goosebumps on his incredible wordplay and vocal talent.
“In Those Memories, We Live On.”
Optimus Laments on Death and the Bond the Autobots Have With Humanity
- Featured in: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (2009)
- Performance by: Peter Cullen
A hopeful resurrection of Optimus Prime in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen has the leader of the Autobots reflect on the friendships he has made, and the legacy that he almost left behind after his murder at the hands of Megatron. This speech reinforces the ideals that Autobots and humans can live as one, bound to the same planet, with a past entwined together, no matter the differences of their species.
The sheer optimism in Optimus’ speech shows how the future may be scary, but they can look to it together until all are one. Not only is it an inspiring speech for the future, but it’s a look back on memories, and how even though a human or a Transformer may be gone, they live on through memories.
“Today, in the Name of Freedom, We Take the Battle to Them.”
Optimus Prime Leads a Final War Against the Decepticons
We will kill them all. Your leaders will now understand Decepticons will never leave your planet alone, and we needed them to believe we had gone. For today, in the name of freedom, we take the battle to them.
- Featured in: Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
- Performance by: Peter Cullen
While Optimus Prime in the Michael Bay movies might be a little questionable about his tendencies to slaughter and murder the Decepticons, it’s hard to deny that he is pretty badass. Sure, Optimus might not usually talk about killing them all, but at the same time, they have proved time and again that they will destroy Earth and the humans that the Autobots have sworn to protect after the loss of Cybertron.
Optimus may have a short speech here, but it’s a great rallying cry for the troops of humans and Autobots as they finally take the fight to the Decepticons, as no longer will they be the defenders seeking peace, they will finally bring the war directly to their enemies to end the conflicts that have killed so many.
“Whenever You Look to the Stars, Think of One of Them as My Soul.”
Optimus Gives a Farewell to Earth to Find His Creators
Whenever you look to the stars, think of one of them as my soul. Defend this family, Autobots, as they have you. Defend all they can be. There are mysteries to the universe were never meant to solve, but who we are, and why we are here, are not among them. Those answers we carry inside. I, am Optimus Prime, and this message is to my creators: Leave planet Earth alone, because I’m coming for you.
- Featured in: Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014)
- Performance by: Peter Cullen
Nobody wants to say goodbye to Optimus Prime. He’s a great leader, and everyone in his presence immediately feels safer under his protection. Yet, he always leaves inspiring words in his absence and tries to find hope in his speech that one of the many stars in the sky could be him getting further away, or returning to Earth after his quest is complete.

7 Saddest Deaths In Transformers History, Ranked
The unending war of Autobots and Decepticons in Transformers leads to some tragic deaths of beloved characters.
The speech itself is a good teaser for the next chapter in Optimus Prime’s story as he seeks out his creators (even if the movie didn’t live up to expectations). As Optimus ponders the mysteries of the universe, he gives a threatening warning to his creators, arguably his gods, that if they dare attack Earth, their creation will come to them with vengeance.
“In Any War, There Are Calms Between Storms.”
A Saddening Foreshadow of Earth’s Betrayal of the Autobots
In any war, there are calms between storms. There will be days where we lose faith. Days where allies turn against us. But the day will never come, where we forsake this planet and its people.
- Featured in: Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)
- Performance by: Peter Cullen
Transformers: Dark of the Moon features the final war between the Decepticons and the Autobots, where a beloved leader, Sentinel Prime, betrayed humanity and Optimus. Tensions were high, even after the defeat of Sentinel, the erasure of Cybertron, and the final defeat of Megatron. Optimus tries to aspire those around him with a final monologue about how despite what’s happened, we cannot lose faith.
Sadly, the next sequel in the Transformers movies proved that the humans had indeed lost faith, and Optimus and the Autobots were outlawed, hunted, and killed. Yet, the words still ring true, as despite this, Optimus Prime never forsook the people of Earth.
“This Was Our Finest Hour.”
Goosebumps for a Rally Cry Against Quintessa
And when the account of the ages is etched into the cosmos, let those who exist long after us know that this was our finest hour.
- Featured in: Transformers: The Last Knight (2017)
- Performance by: Peter Cullen
While Transformers: The Last Knight might have not been the best portrayal of Optimus Prime and the villainous Quintessa didn’t serve much for the plot, it’s hard to deny that Optimus knows how to handle a crowd and get people to not just fight for him, but alongside him, and as the Earth’s existence is threatened by Cybertron once more, Optimus rallies for their finest hour.
The fact that Optimus will not betray Earth and replace it and its people with his original home just shows how devoted he is to his belief in the existence of all beings. The day that humans and Autobots fight together is a day that will forever be remembered, even long after they are all gone.
“Here, All Are Truly Autobots.”
Orion Pax Reborn as Optimus Prime Rallies New Hope for Cybertron
And now we stand here together, as one. Proving we all have the power to transform, to become who we were destined to be. To right wrongs, to make our world better, because here, freedom and autonomy are the rights of all sentient beings. Here, all are truly Auotobots. This message is a warning is a message to all Quintessons. If you dare return to Cybertron, the Autobots will be waiting. I will be waiting. I, am Optimus Prime.
- Featured in: Transformers One (2024)
- Performance by: Chris Hemsworth
The oppressive regime of Sentinel Prime is at an end, and while Orion Pax may have lost his best friend, his brother, D-16, he has since been reborn as Optimus Prime to protect Cybertron and let Energon flow throughout Iacon and the planet itself so that life may once more flourish under the leadership of a Prime.
Despite Optimus being totally new to this whole leader thing, it shows that it comes pretty naturally to him with how he aspires to the new Autobots around him and that everyone can make the world a better place so long as they have the will to do it and protect their planet from evil.
“Freedom is the Right of All Sentient Beings.”
Optimus Views All Life as Equal and Deserving
Were we so different? They’re a young species, they have much to learn. But I’ve seen goodness in them. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. You all know there’s only one way to end this war. We must destroy the cube. If all else fails, I will unite it with the spark in my chest. A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet. We cannot let the humans pay for our mistakes. It’s been an honor serving with you all. Autobots, roll out.
- Featured in: Transformers (2007)
- Performance by: Peter Cullen
After the capture of Bumblebee at the hands of Sector 7, Optimus Prime asks the Autobots not to blame the humans, and to understand that they are a young species that simply do not yet understand – but will come to learn, in time. Optimus knows of the power of the Autobots, and that’s exactly why the humans must be protected, and their sentience respected.
Optimus actually views all of this as his own mistake, that he brought a war to their innocent planet and he will willingly pay the price should he need to be taking the Allspark and infusing it with himself to destroy both of them. To finish it all off, he gives a classic catchphrase, along with a respectable acknowledgment of their friendships.
“Together As One.”
Orion Pax Rallies Miners Against Tyranny
If we want to be in control of our own destiny, we will have to fight for it. Now is the time for us to stand up, for ourselves. Stand up for this injustice. I promise you, this fight will be worth it. Follow me, nothing can stop us if we stand together. Together as one.
- Featured in: Transformers One (2024)
- Performance by: Chris Hemsworth
Despite Orion Pax not having a transformation cog until just now, and the miners that he once worked with still lacking it, he tries to rally them against the terrible regime of Sentinel Prime. Orion shows that he was born to be Optimus Prime, as his literal optimism is something the miners can celebrate with his rousing speech that tells them all they need to know about this up-and-coming hero.

Highest-Grossing Transformers Movies, Ranked
The Transformers franchise has been a staple of cinema for over a decade thanks to Michael Bay and the exploits of Optimus Prime.
Transformation cog or not, Orion knows better than anyone that people should not be forced out of their destiny, and the control that they deserve for their own lives. Orion knows the fight won’t be easier, but to stand alongside him, anything is possible to create a hopeful Cybertron.
“Until That Day, ‘Til All Are One.”
Optimus Prime’s Death Comes With Hope For the Future
One day, an Autobot shall rise from our ranks and use the power of the matrix to light our darkest hour. Until that day, ‘til all are one.
- Featured in: Transformers: The Movie (1986)
- Performance by: Peter Cullen
Optimus Prime knows that his time has come and that he will be one with the Matrix soon. Yet, he doesn’t waste his final breaths in grief, and instead talks to his Autobots, his friends, and inspires them with his death to do greater even in their darkest hour, so that hope can burn bright enough to be the light the Autobots need against the Decepticons.
Optimus concludes his speech with his famous phrase, ‘til all are one, showcasing his unending hope that one day, Autobots and Decepticons can stand together to save their planet from extinction and end the war. Optimus’s death is a tragedy, and his final words will scar anyone.
“Fate Has Yielded Its Reward, A New World to Call Home.”
Optimus Prime and Linkin Park Are a Match Made in Heaven
Fate has yielded its reward, a new world to call home. We live among its people now, hiding in plain sight, but watching over them in secret. Waiting. Protecting. I have witnessed their capacity for courage, and though we are worlds apart, like us, there’s more to them than meets the eye. I, am Optimus Prime, and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars. We are here. We are waiting.
- Featured in: Transformers (2007)
- Performance by: Peter Cullen
A rousing final speech from Optimus Prime seems like a promise for every Transformers movie, and his first comes from Transformers (2007), where he narrates over the closing scenes, alongside the iconic music of What I’ve Done from Linkin Park. Not only is the speech great, but its synergy with the song makes it all the more favorable among fans of the Michael Bay movies.
Optimus understands the sacrifice that the Autobots have made to protect Earth by destroying the Allspark, forsaking their home, but for a new one. Optimus sees hope in Earth as a planet for the Autobots alongside the humans, and his message to survivors of Cybertron is a welcoming rally to come to their new home and be hopeful of the future.

Transformers: Best Megatron Voice Actors, Ranked
The fearsome leader of the Decepticons, Megatron, has been represented through various talented voice actors in the Transformers franchise.
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