The Tysis is one of Warframe’s older secondary weapons. First introduced in Update 11.7, this Infested pistol fires explosive darts that debuff targets with a myriad of status ailments, notably Corrosive. If you need to debuff a tough boss or melt some fodder units, the Tysis won’t let you down.
While this weapon has more or less been forgotten about in recent years, the Tysis still packs a serious punch once you gain access to endgame mods and Forma. In this guide, we’ll be going over how to turn the Tysis into a strong secondary workhorse for Steel Path and beyond, covering everything from weapon stats to endgame builds.
How To Craft The Tysis
The Tysis can be crafted by purchasing its blueprint in the in-game marketplace. Its main blueprint costs 30,000 Credits and may be purchased at any time. You’ll need to be Mastery Rank 9 to use this weapon. All crafting requirements for the Tysis can be found below.
Tysis Crafting Requirements |
2 Neurodes |
400 Plastids |
900 Nano Spores |
100 Polymer Bundle |
Credit Cost: 30,000 |
Build Time: 24 Hours |
Tysis Stats And Features
Tysis Stats |
Base Damage |
Impact |
9 |
Puncture |
23 |
Slash |
17 |
Corrosive |
27 (x3) |
Total |
130 |
Other Damage Stats |
Multishot |
1 |
Fire Rate |
2.5 |
Critical Chance |
3% |
Critical Multiplier |
1.5x |
Status / Projectile |
50% |
Misc. |
Weapon Type |
Pistol |
Trigger Type |
Semi |
Accuracy |
Very High |
Magazine |
11 |
Reload Speed |
1.2 Seconds |
MR Requirement |
Mastery Rank 9 |
The Tysis is a semi-auto pistol that fires explosive darts which embed into targets, detonating into a Corrosive DoT after a short delay. While this weapon has pitiful base damage for a secondary, it has an absurdly high status chance of 50% base. Projectile detonations deal 27 Corrosive damage per second for three seconds and inherit the base shot’s 50% status chance, leading to a copious number of status ailments with a good build.
In essence, the Tysis is a status prime. It’s not a hard-hitting weapon nor has strong critical stats, but you can greatly improve this weapon’s performance with Galvanized mods once you hit the endgame, notably with Galvanized Shot.

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Tysis Build
Until the CODA variant releases with 1999’s Infested Liches, we’ll be focusing on a standard status primer build for the base Tysis in this guide. If you aren’t a fan of the Zakti and want a solid single-target primer, then this build should perform well. We’ll update this guide once the CODA variant becomes available.
Status Primer Build
While this build doesn’t use any Forma, the Tysis is surprisingly powerful once you get access to Galvanized mods. Until then, standard mod variants will work just fine, although you’ll struggle to clear Steel Path content.
Galvanized Shot is hands-down the strongest mod on this build, scaling your base damage off the status ailments on the target. We then use three elemental mods—your choice, but make sure they’re element/status hybrid mods like Frostbite and Scorch—to give this weapon a wide range of damage types. Throw on some multishot with Galvanized Diffusion and Lethal Torrent, and now the Tysis can inflict dozens of status ailments in seconds.
As for elemental types, we recommend Viral + Heat for most content. Corrosive already shreds enemy armor, so scaling HP damage through Viral makes for a deadly combination. Blast is also fantastic here since you inflict so many status ailments. Pick whichever elements best exploit your enemy faction’s vulnerabilities.
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